May 6th2011

Attendees:PJohnson, MWSC; DKolke, OBB; DMiller, ELCCC;RGermany, LCG;MPasula, EACC;KPelling, ELDI;JRichter, HI; DFauth, AD;BCoyne, RHLS;BDamewood, RHLS;DD’Anna, MWCDC;JThoma, C. Dowd’s Office; JEash, LC;EGill, FCC;KGraziani, MO;ADash, DCP;NMoga, THCC; IMcLaughlin, HAPA;HTomer, HHEDC; HMacIntosh, MO; BGradeck, UCSUR; DStewart, OPDC; Jean
Welcome and introductions

The meeting was called to order by staff person BDavidsonat 9:08am. Introductions were conducted.

Minutes from April meeting were considered and passed without revision.

A motion was made to move forward without the March Minutes officially on file. JR/PJ Passed Unanimously.
Treasurer’s Sale
Staff updated the group on the Most recent and upcoming Treasurer’s Sales and the status of parce;s moving through the process.
There was a discussion regarding revisiting the policy around the ‘Due Out’ Process as it may be cumbersome for some groups given the nature of ‘layering deals’ and the time overlap inherent in the process.

There is a meeting scheduled for May 19th with the County Executive regarding a round 2 purchase of County property tax liens held by GLS, Inc. Volunteer Community members to attend: Paul Johnson; Robert Germany; Deborah Miller. Staff will coordinate and there will be a report out at the June meeting.
State Blight Bill Education
IMcLaughlin and KGraziani led a brief discussion around the components of a State Bill passed in the fall, specifically ‘Asset Attachment’. There has been some press recently regarding this bill. The discussion informed members that this process must first go through review locally with the Law Department of the City of Pittsburgh before it could possibly be used. The group will look to hold info sessions in the fall when it is closer to feasible to begin to use this tool.

Land Recycling Task Force
Chair KGraziani framed the overview of the discussion about the work to-date of the task force with 2 questions:
1) how do you fund a scaled Land Recycling System? and
2) What’s the best operational structure to fit our needs?

A group discussion led by subcommittee chairs KPelling and BDavidson followed. Members may request a transcript of the conversation from staff at any time.

Option / Advantage / Disadvantage
City Dept (within city gov’t structure) / 1 department, not 5(RE, Law, DPW, BBI, DCP, URA)
cost efficiencies
Easy, lower overhead
more publicly accountable
integrated tax collection
/ Still goes through council
Limited employment
limited scale
budget control-no profit motive
limited partnerships
URA / Existing staff and expertise (infrastructure)
Already doing this
established funding streams
Can issue debt
could have a profit motive in its structure
Offer new financing streams (revolving loans/TIFs)
development expertise
eminent domain / No tax collection (can’t assign liens)
social baggage
geographically limited (?)
New Authority (Muni Auth Act) / Needs new legislation, can’t do land recycling purpose under current legislation
no specific baggage (except the historic performance/role of authorities in pgh)
costs associated and political will
HB 712 authorizing a new separate authority / More flexible, non-political, easy for developers
opportunity for multi municipal (easy to expand)
integrated tax collection
easier to issue debt
limits tax recidivism
easier to host other financing options
Offer new financing streams (revolving loans/TIFs)
FDN Investments
Hardship Plans/Owner Occupant Protections
Earn Cash
Life Estates
Property Management
take occupied properties and manage them / Not structured to make loans
no eminent domain
/ Does not supplant role of city RE Dept or URA, works in strong partnership and coordination with them

PNCIS User’s Conference is coming up on 6.3 from 1-5pm. Please register (free) to attend.
DCP Comp Plan – Open Space Public Meetings have occurred and the next step is to analyze the input/
CDSummit will be taking place on May 25th. Registration is through the PCRG website.
Kim Graziani has resigned her position with the Mayor’s Office. The new VPWG representative for the Mayor’s Office will be Holly MacIntosh. The group thanks Kim for her 4 years of service to Pittsburgh’s Neighborhoods.
There was no new business and the meeting adjourned at 11:04am DD/PJ

Respectfully Submitted,
Bethany E Davidson
Staff, VPWG