Boxing for Breast Cancer Care2016

Terms Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to attendance at theBoxing for Breast Cancer Care event – March2016 Attendance is conditional on acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Terms to attend

To attend the Boxing for Breast Cancer Care event, attendees must have a valid ticket and valid photographic ID (either a valid photographic driving license or passport) on their persons for entry.
Attendees must be over the age of 18.

Breast Cancer Care and associated companies reserve the right to refuse entry and/or ask attendees to leave the event. In particular, but without limitation, attendees may be refused admission or remove from the event for any of the following reasons: for health and safety or licensing reasons; if attendees behave in a manner which has or is likely to affect the enjoyment of other persons at the event; if attendeesuse threatening, abusive or insulting words or mannerisms; if, in the organisers’ reasonable opinion, attendeesare acting under the influence of alcohol or drugs; if attendeesfail, when required, to produce proof of identity of age; if attendeesrefuse to comply with the security’s’ searches.

Attendees can only smoke in the venue’s designated smoking area; this includes e-cigarettes.

Breast Cancer Care asks all attendees to be respectful of local residents whilst arriving and leaving the venue and not to make any excessive noise.

Ticket cancellations andrefunds

Ticket cancellations must be made in writing and are subject to the following terms. Up to six weeks before the event (i.e. on or before 10February 2016) a 50% refund is available on all tickets. After 10 February 2016, we are unfortunately not able to offer any ticket refunds.


Due to the nature of the boxing activities, a certain element of risk is inherent. Breast Cancer Care takes all reasonable steps to minimise the risk of injury to attendees during events. Breast Cancer Care will be organising this event following best practice guidelines and health and safety standards and a stringent risk assessment process will be in place,which aims to minimize the risk to everyone taking part.By attendingat this event, all attendees acknowledge that there may be conditions or circumstances beyond our control that can lead to unforeseen risks. Attendeesattendthe Boxing for Breast Cancer Care event at their own risk and Breast Cancer Care and associated companies shall not be liable for any injury or loss to attendees or their property that may occur as a result of their attendance at the Boxing for Breast Cancer Care eventother than where such injury or loss is a result of Breast Cancer Care’s negligence.

Medical emergency

All staff at the venue are first-aid trained at the Boxing for Breast Cancer Care event. Attendees consent to their details, which may be obtained by medical providers should attendees be treated by them at the event,being passed to Breast Cancer Care. Breast Cancer Care shall only use these details for administration and health and safety purposes and to fulfil its legal obligations. All medical details will be securely held by Breast Cancer Care. The information will be handled in accordance with the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998.

Attendees must agree to abide by the decision of Breast Cancer Care staff and associated companies. Any attendee who acts against the requests of our staff is no longer deemed part of the event and become outside the realm of responsibility of the event staff.

Event cancellation

Breast Cancer Care reserves the right to cancel the event at any time at its sole discretion. In the event of a cancellation by Breast Cancer Care, we will refund the full value of the ticket already received by Breast Cancer Care from attendees. Breast Cancer Care will not be liable for any other direct or indirect costs and expenses (such as travel, accommodation and other associated costs) incurred by attendees as a result of any such cancellation.

In the event of a cancellation, we will use reasonable endeavours to contact attendees personally, through the contact details given to us at the time of booking. We will also give notice of any cancellation through our website which can be accessed at attendees should check this website regularly prior to the event for up-to-date information.


By attending the event, all attendees confirm that they are happy for their names, quotes, footage or photographs taken during their attendance at the Boxing for Breast Cancer Care event to be used to publicise events and Breast Cancer Care generally, including television broadcasts, publications, marketing material and other documents that may be made available to the public.


Breast Cancer Care will not provide attendees’ details to third parties.