Political Parties

Where are you on the political spectrum?

Left Wing /



Right Wing

Role of
Government / larger role for gov’t, smaller role for individuals / shared role for gov’t and individuals / larger role for individuals, smaller role for gov’t
Social Welfare
Programs / more spending on social welfare programs / maintain existing spending on social welfare programs / less spending on social welfare programs
Military / less spending on the military / maintain existing spending on the military / more spending on the military
Economics / gov’t ownership of key industries and resources / economy a mix of public and private enterprise / economy left to the private sector, with little gov’t interference
Rights of the Individual / emphasis on individual rights / mix between individual rights and social order / strict adherence to social order
Justice System / more lenient justice system, with emphasis on rehabilitating offenders / balance between protecting society’s rights and rehabilitating offenders / stricter justice system, with harsher punishment for offenders