Personal Priesthood Interviews

Duties of Quroum President:

“sit in council with”

“teach them what they should do”

Have you conducted interviews before?

What examples of interviewing have you had?

What have you learned from those?

You will not be asking any worthiness questions such as “are you honest in your dealings?”

If someone were to tell you they had difficulties with that, you would encourage them to talk to the Bishop. You could tell them what works for you.

Here is a framework to use. What questions could you use to assess these areas? (Each area below has an associated slide to follow with appropriate questions):

Get to know your quorum member.

Priesthood duties, training







Get to know your quorum member.

Where were you born?

Where have you lived?

Who are all your family members?

What’s it like in your home life?

What’s it like, for example, to have a new father in the home (Stepfather) in your home?

What are you interested in?

What are you doing to grow in your interests?

Have you had thoughts about a profession?

Priesthood Duties

Tell me what you know about the duties of Deacon/Teacher/Priest?

What do you know about Home Teaching?

What do you know about administering the Sacrament?

As a Teacher do you still do Deacon’s duties?

What experience have you had in quorum work?


Who are the friends you are with the most?

What do you and your friends like to do or talk about?

Are you happy with your friendships?

Have there been times when your friends have wanted to do things you know you shouldn’t do?

What are your challenges with friends?

How do you deal with your challenges?


Describe your testimony.

What things do you know?

When have you had moments when you felt good or times when you felt like you wanted to do better?

When have you had feelings of peace?

Tell me what it is like to pass/bless the sacrament?

How are your prayers different now than 5 years ago?

Do you have scripture reading habits? And if no, what goals would you like to have?


Which activities do you like to participate in?

Do you enjoy any sports?

Do you have any physical challenges?

What kind of hard work do you participate in regularly?

What kind of service do you do for others?

What have been some of your success physically? (could be anything from best 1.5 mile run, to fastest swimming lap or completing lifesaving Merit Badge.)


Tell me what you know about how to manage your finances.

Do you have a savings plan?

What are you doing to save for your mission?

What are you doing to earn money?

What do you understand about the Law Of Tithing?

What blessings can come from living it (tithing)?

What successes have you had in saving for a goal?


What’s the difference between a good day and a bad day for you?

What do you have more of?

Do you have any control over how many good days and bad days you have?

What is a great day for you? How can you make more them happen?

What affect have prayer and scriptures had on you?

What’s it like to be you?


Have you thought about how your schooling today will effect your profession later on and your ability to earn money?

What successes have you have educationally?

What characteristics do you like/respect in a teacher?

Who is your favorite teacher and why?

What classes are you most interested?

In what areas do your talents seem to lie?

Effective Venues and points

#1 we must maintain confidentiality (if we see big problem we encourage that person to see the Bishop. Or, “May I suggest to the Bishop he have an interview with you?” Confidentiality must be breached if person is in danger of imminent bodily harm or abuse (talk to professional/Bishop hypothetically).

Standard interview, 1 on 1 in an office setting

Standard interview, 1 on 1 with known interviewee

Standard interview, but 2 on 1 (with counselor and interviewee)

Service Project interview, 1 on 1 with different interviewees

Walking home from school interview

Fast Offering interview, 1 on 1 or 2 on 1

Campout interview (side by side in sleeping bag)

Adult and Youth leader interviewing quorum member (2 on 1)

“cannot effect change without understanding a preson”

Not required to fix a person but understand and listen

You can really neverhelp someone change untilyou understand them(Assess). The Savior understands people perfectly that is why He is so effective. Illustration: in the Friday night Little Philmont movie, what made Aaron change is that the leader helped the Presidency understand three important things about Aaron a. he loves music (so basketball wouldn't have helped him become active), b. he loves Sis. Twelves (his neighbor) and would do anything for her, c. he loves little kids (as you noticed him holding the Belliston's child) so that interaction with Grace helped him feel comfortable.

Assess is in the Saviors teachings but it is not emphasized but it is there when you have heard "he knew the thoughts and intents oftheir hearts (the three Nephites and many other places such as with the Pharisees)." While He may know that instantly, we usually have to work to know that but the Spirit can teach us to know a person quickly once we make an effort.