

When you walk across the ______during the winter time and touch a door knob, you often see a flash of light and hear a small pop. What causes that? It is due to a ______. As you walk across the carpet, ______are stripped by ______from the carpet onto you. Like charges ______, so the electrons are trying to flee from each other. When you approach the door knob, the ______make the leap from you to the door knob and a ______lightning bolt forms.

Just like water flowing downhill, free electrons move from a position of ______potential energy to a position of ______potential energy. When the charges are ______(speeding up or slowing down), an ______flow is produced. That is electricity ______.

Electricity and ______are closely related. A strong ______is formed when the ______in an object become aligned in the same ______. A magnet produces a ______field, that is, a region where magnetic ______is produced. The ______the magnetic field lines, the ______the force produced. The magnetic field lines of the earth run from the ______pole to the ______pole and are ______together at the poles. That means the magnetic field is ______there.

______domains are one way that magnets are formed. Another way to form a magnet is by ______electric charges. Electric charges that are not ______do not form a magnetic field, but when they go into ______, the magnetic ______is formed. Hold a ______next to an electric wire and the needle will ______if the current starts flowing.

An ______is a magnet formed by ______flowing through wire loops. The ______of the magnet may be increased by increasing the ______, the number of ______, or by wrapping the loops around a piece of ______. One advantage to an ______over a ______magnet is that the ______can be turned on and off.

This is how a stereo ______works. The ______comes from the computer or CD player. When the ______of the current increases, then the strength of the ______increases. That causes the speaker ______to move and recreates the ______of the music.

Another common tool that uses this concept is a ______card. The card has a ______strip incorporated in it. If the strip is not moving, there is no ______. But when the strip moves through a ______, a particular current is formed which carries information about the cardholder. That is how the store knows who to ______the purchase to.

Electromagnetic force is one of the ______fundamental forces in the universe. The E-M force is responsible for holding together all matter. ______is also an attractive force that is well known. Lesser known are the other two forces. The nucleus is made of ______and neutrons. But the ______all have a positive charge, which causes them to repel. The ______nuclear force is stronger than the electromagnetic force pushing them apart, so the nucleus stays together. The fourth force, the ______nuclear force, is responsible for ______nuclear decay.