Summer Reading Contest 2009

When you get baaaaack to school, Mr. Caton will kiss a goat!

Book Title / Parent Initials / Did you enjoy this book?
Very much / Some
what / A little

Name: ______Grade (2009-2010): ______

As you read books for the reading contest, remember that you may read the books yourself, have someone else read them to you, or read together with a parent or friend.

Write the title of each book you read on the reading log. After you finish reading the book, tell us if you liked it.

Bring this Reading Log baaaaack with you when you return to school on August 25thto see if we met our goal.

ElkinElementary School

Kindergarten/1st Grade/ 2nd Grade

Success in school starts with reading.

When children become good readers in the early grades, they are more likely to become better learners throughout their school years and beyond.

Learning to read is hard work for children. Fortunately, research is now available that suggests how to give each child a good start in reading.

As a parent, you are your child's first and most important teacher. When you help your child learn to read, you are opening the door to a world of books and learning.

Reading aloud to children is the best way to get them interested in reading. Before long they will grow to love stories and books. Eventually they will want to read on their own.

With the help of parents, children can learn how to read and can practice reading until they can read for their own enjoyment. Then they will have a whole world of information and knowledge at their fingertips!

Reading can be a family activity. Spending time with word games, stories, and books will help your child to:

  • gather information and learn about the world
  • learn how stories and books work – that they have beginnings, endings, characters, and themes
  • build a rich vocabulary by reading and talking about new words
  • learn how to listen and how to think
  • learn the sounds of language and language patterns
  • fall in love with books