Food Lab: Rules and Regulations

1.  When you come into class you need to place your belongings at the front of the room—Sit down and wait for instructions with your meal planning process and recipe in hand (If your hair needs confined you should do so at this time.)

2.  Wash your hands before you begin to prepare food. Keep your hands away from your face and mouth while preparing food. Dishwashing detergent and hand soap is not the same thing.

3.  You are not allowed in the kitchen except on lab days.

4.  Taste testing is not permitted unless the teacher says you may do so, but please use a separate spoon.

5.  Horseplay will not be tolerated in the kitchen and will result in your removal.

6.  When you have finished a lab please be seated at your table. Do not wander around the room.

7.  The refrigerator, supply closet, washer and dryer are off limits to you unless you have special permission from the teacher.

8.  Many times the lab is used every period. This means that everything must be clean and in order at the end of the period. No one is excused until the kitchen has been inspected. Call the teacher over when you are ready. “In order” means all items are in their proper place, stove (including burners), countertops, sink and cabinet doors should be cleaned. The floor needs to be swept and even mopped if needed. You WILL NOT receive a pass to class.

9.  Every time you eat at the table it is to be set with a placemat, dishes, water glass and silverware in the proper arrangement.

10.  You must stay in your lab group and not wander around the room.

11.  Some foods are prepared in small amounts. This means small servings and only tastes of some items will be available.

12.  Supplies are the property of the school and the teacher is the custodian. I keep a close check on supplies in order to keep costs down. Take from the supply table only the amount called for. Helping yourself to food that is not yours is stealing and will be dealt with according to school policy.

13.  To get your supplies you will need to bring a tray with containers, measuring utensils, etc. to the supply table—you are only allowed one trip per group. There should be only one person from each lab group at the supply table. Do not take boxes, bottles, etc. to your kitchen unless you have been instructed to do so from the teacher.

14.  You will need to tape your recipe and meal planning process to the cupboard so everyone can use it.

15.  Use the dish drying strainers when washing dishes—they are put in the sink to keep dishes sanitary. Make sure you scrub out the sinks before using them to wash dishes.

16.  Apron ties need to be tied off before putting them in the laundry to prevent problems in the machine.

17.  You may not take food out of the room at any time. If you have excess it will need to be disposed of, eaten by another group, or in rare cases, with the teacher’s permission stored until the next day when your group can consume it.

18.  Only acceptable beverages will be served and students may not bring food from home for labs unless given permission by the teacher.

19.  Be careful not to allow garbage or grease to go down the drains in your individual sinks. Grease should be placed in a container in the refrigerator until it becomes a solid and then thrown away in the garbage can. Be sure to use the strainers in your sink. Vegetables may be peeled on a paper towel to keep sinks free and then taken to a lined trash can.

20.  Brillo pads are to be thrown away after each use. Scratchers are to be rinsed of food and put in the dirty laundry after you are finished using it.

21.  Items that are to be stored for the following day need to be labeled with period and kitchen number. Use masking tape and a marker.

22.  If I find that you are not able to carry on in an acceptable manner you will not be allowed to finish participating in the lab, eat any foods prepared, and will receive an “F” for the lab.

23.  If you miss a lab the grade will not count for or against you—you will be “excluded” from the assignment.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______Block: ______