When William Newhouse wrote his will in 1541 he bequeathed his soul to “god almightie and to oure Ladie sainte marie and to all the saints in heven”.
He wanted a good send off and left money to those of his friends and neighbours who attended his funeral. He encouraged the priests to say a mass on his behalf paying them 4d each. (say 2s)
He asked his son Sir John Newhouse to pay for one trentall (set of 30 masses to be said for the dead) of masses for my soull and all other soulless 10s
He then bequeathed 6s 8d for materials to mend the highway in Giggleswick if his neighbours would undertake to mend it. If they were not prepared to do that the money was to go to the gilde of Sancti Sunday. He also left 6s 8d to the Guild of Our Lady.
Total on memory 25s 4d
His wife Elizabeth had the use of the tenant and tenant right during her widowhood.
His eldest son Rowland was to inherit the title and tenant right of his tenement, if he died without heirs it was to go to Thomas and then to Hugh.
He left 6s 8d each to Margaret and Elizabeth (Kidd) his daughters. 13s 4d
Witnessed Oliver Newhouse
William Preston smyth.
Thomas Carre of Stakhouse
and Thomas Kidde my sone in law (Thomas Kidd died 1562, last child baptised was Elizabeth 1559)
???His property consisted of 1 messuage 13s 4d & 1 oxgang land 16d, 1 cottage, 1 grange 6d and the 12th part 7s 4½d of the demesne 22s 6½d