When to use bulb syringe
Using the bulb syringe
Cleaning bulb syringe
- A bulb syringe is used to clean your baby’s mouth and nose of formula or mucus.
a.You may use it when your baby spits up, has a stuffy nose or sneezes (this is how he clears his nose).
- It is important to clear the baby’s mouth first before his/her nose.
a.This will make sure there is nothing for the baby to aspirate (inhale) into their lungs should they gasp when their nose is suctioned.
- We suggest you keep a bulb syringe close to your baby especially during feedings.
- Remember to suction: FIRST the baby’s mouth—then the baby’s nose.
- You may use the bulb syringe as often as needed.
a.Be careful and gentle using the bulb syringe to avoid injury to the baby’s nose or mucus membranes (lining of the nose.)
b.If you see blood in the mucous or secretions fromthe baby’s nose, call the baby’s doctor.
- To clear the baby’s mouth:
a.Turn the baby’s head to the side, this will allow the secretions/formula to collect in the cheek where it can easily be removed
b.Squeeze the bulb syringe until it is collapsed
c.Place the tip of the bulb syringe in the side of one cheek and quickly release the bulb. This will bring the formula or mucus into the bulb
d.Remove the bulb syringe from the mouth and squeeze the bulb quickly into a tissue to get rid of this material
e.Repeat for the other cheek.
- To clear the baby’s nose:
- You may need to use 3-4 drops of normal saline in your baby’s nose to help loosen mucus before you begin suctioning
- Squeeze the bulb syringe until it is collapsed
- Place it in one nostril and quickly release the bulb. This will bring the formula or mucus into the bulb
- Remove the bulb syringe from the nose and squeeze the bulb quickly into a tissue to get rid of this material
- Repeat for the other nostril (and mouth, if necessary).
- Clean the bulb syringe daily with warm soapy water.
- Be sure to clean the inside of the bulb syringe by squeezing and releasingit several times while the tip of the bulb syringe is in the soapy water.
- Rinse by repeating the procedure with clear hot water.
Reviewed/Revised: 11/96…..06/13
Bulb Syringe 1