When the Watchmen See Eye to Eye
Isaiah 52:6-10: “Therefore, My people shall know My Name in that day, for I am the One who is speaking. See, it is I! How pleasant upon the mountains are the feet of them who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good news, who proclaims deliverance, who says to Zion `Your Elohim reigns!’ The voice of your watchmen! They shall lift up their voices, together they shout for joy, because eye to eye they see the return of Yahuweh to Zion. Break forth into joy, sing together, you waste places of Jerusalem! For Yahuweh shall comfort His people; He shall redeem Jerusalem. Yahuweh shall lay bare His mighty arm in the eyes of all nations. And all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our Elohim!”
Amos 3:7: “For the Master Yahuweh does nothing unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.”
A Watchman stands on the wall, looking out into the distance for any sign of enemy attack. He loudly warns the people if he sees any sign of an enemy approaching. (Isaiah 21:6-23; Ezekiel 33:1-7) If he does not warn the people, their blood is on his hands. But, if he warns them and they don’t take the warning seriously and they die, their blood is on their own hands. A Watchman sees into the distance – thus he can have a prophetic voice from Yahuweh, as needed. The Prophet is always a Watchman! But, the Prophet is given a specific Word of Yahuweh, giving details, and what to do about it. As we see in I Corinthians 12:4-12, this is called “word of knowledge” and “word of wisdom.”
Those who are truly born of the Spirit from above, and truly baptized (immersed) into the Spirit by Messiah, receive gifts, or manifestations of the Spirit, as the Spirit of Yahuweh resides in our body. It is not a spooky thing – it is an extremely practical thing! The gift of the “discernment of spirits,” is imperative for survival, as is the “word of knowledge,” giving us reality that we need to act on. Without the Spirit of Yahuweh on the inside of us--leading, teaching, convicting, empowering, revealing, and transforming us into the nature of Messiah--all a person has going for them is their pea-sized intellect (soul-life) which is earth-bound. This pea-sized intellect is easily frightened and manipulated. So, people will act according to who is in control of their lives!
The re-born spirit is a portal into the realm of the eternal, where we can fellowship with Yahuweh and with Yahushua on a personal level. In this time of intensity, having His Spirit within wraps us in His tallit--we know we are not alone for Yahuweh is in control. How awesome to be able to depend on His faithfulness! The ability to use human logic and reasoning will soon break down, and people act out what is irrational.
Today, Yahuweh is aligning His chosen Watchmen, telling them the same things. It is extremely exciting to me to hear His people, to whom He is teaching His Truth, and pulling through the final sieve of Torah, all saying the same basic things. Even a year ago, these people were not aligning around the Name of Yahuweh. It is a work of the Spirit that is marvelous in our eyes!
The signs of the return of Yahushua Messiah are increasing daily. I began recording signs in the late 1980s, and began teaching on end-time prophecy as a major focus by 1988, in churches, small groups, via printed page, and then going overseas to the jungles of Africa. I even taught on radio for a while in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. From an early age, I was fascinated with the return of Messiah, and the prophecies surrounding it, especially since the late 1960s. I studied the Prophets and all prophetic Scriptures with great zeal. I read all the latest prophecy books, like The Great Late Planet Earth by Hal Lindsey. But, when Abba Yahuweh took to live in the Middle East, 1/4th mile from the Israeli border, in the land of Edom/Jordan, He had me to Himself. I studied for eight years throughout the Word on every subject in the Word. However, since the return of Messiah is the chief subject, the conclusion of the whole plan of salvation, almost every subject relates to it.
It was in Jordan that I set aside what was speculative eschatology (man’s opinions) and got the Truth straight from the Creator. I began writing my findings from 2000.
Now in this final Shmittah year of 2015, I find an exciting phenomenon taking place that amazes me. For years, I consistently reported what Yahuweh taught me, and prophesied things that would take place as we came nearer to Yahushua’s coming. During the ensuing years, different people tried to show me their end-time prophecy charts, and tell me their theories, opinions, and theology. Finally, I got sick of it. Everyone had their own opinions based on a few Scriptures. But, all arrived at their reasoning by either listening to someone else’s opinion, or by their taking a few verses here and there and putting them together to make up their own recipe. What confusion! No one checked with the whole Word. No one checked with Yahuweh. So, being alone most of 8 years only under the tutelage of the Spirit of Yahuweh, things became very clear as I went through every single verse in the entire Scriptures on each subject, and doing extensive research by which He confirmed His own teaching. After all, common sense tells us that if we have personal access to the Author of the Word, we need to go to Him for His thinking. Isn’t that logical? But, studying His Word with Him is something very, very few do. Children of light gravitate to the light! It is easier to listen to the good-sounding teachers who wow the intellect, but who do not know Yahuweh. Right now, these false “prophets,” false teachers who mix truth with error to suit themselves are exalted and lifted up, for they tell the people what they want to hear. (II Timothy 4:3-4; Jeremiah 5:31) Study Jeremiah – it is now!
Messiah warned us in Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, and the Apostles in II Peter, Jude, and Revelation. The book of Revelation is not sealed or cryptic! The word “revelation” means “to reveal.” It is the revelation of Messiah Yahushua. To apathetically cast it off as not understandable is to cast off the revelation of the return of Messiah, His Kingdom, and our eternity. Daniel is not sealed anymore either.
L.A. Marzulli says he can’t wrap his mind around people who see what’s going around them, but go on with life as usual. He says it’s a stick-your-head-in-the-sand mentality due to willful ignorance. I agree! Willful ignorance of the Word and of what Yahuweh is doing to bring about its fulfillment, constitutes rebellion against the authority of Yahuweh. It constitutes rejection of His love for us that cries and pleads for us to get out of the path of His wrath.
Yahuweh is a Father. He doesn’t bring down His wrath on His children because He wants to – but because His children won’t listen to Him, and continue in their stiff-necked rebellion, and therefore they force Him to have to punish them. The flip side is to examine personality characteristics of a person who is truly born of the Spirit?
I say with grave warning: Don’t waste your time listening to mainstream news on public media. It contains a miniscule grain of reality mixed with lies, deceptions, manipulation, and mind-programming--all directed to keep people stirred up in fear and anxiety, and too confused to do anything positive to help themselves. I used to watch the news back a few years ago. I’d get angry at the lies being passed off as reality. I’d act like a grandstand quarterback yelling at the Refs for an obvious miscall. My children would get up and leave the room. I yelled “liar” at Brian Williams (smile).
If you are truly a child of light, you can’t look at sin and call it entertainment.
Isaiah 33:14-17: “Sinners in Zion are afraid; trembling shall grip the defiled ones, `Who of us shall dwell with the devouring fire? Who of us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?’ He who walks righteously and speaks what is straight; he who rejects the gain of oppressors; he who keeps his hands from accepting bribes, who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed, and shuts his eyes from seeing evil. He shall inhabit the heights--the strongholds of rocks be his refuge. His bread shall be given to him; his water be steadfast. Your eyes shall see the King in His comeliness, and a land that is afar off.”
If you are truly born of the Spirit, you were bought with a price – you are not your own – you belong to a Master. You are a soldier under orders (I Corinthians 6:19-20; 7:23; II Timothy 2:3-5) Let us see clearly what aligns to the nature of Yahuweh, and what does not. Let us resolve to only see, do, think and speak what pleases our Master!
Do not waste time with what the world calls good. Whatever you see the world’s people running after is certainly NOT from Yahuweh! Use your time to prepare yourself and your family for Messiah’s return and for the time of suffering preceding it. Know His Word. Know Him! Obey without balking. Get your business in order, and be ready to flee out of the path of His wrath, as per Revelation 18:4, and many other passages of Scripture. Be led by the Spirit. Don’t be so foolish as to get into fear! Negative fear cancels faith. Our only fear must be of losing His Presence! Teach your children the Word. Teach them loyalty to Yahuweh! Take time to play and pray with your children.
Ephesians 5:8-17: “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Master. Walk as children of light. For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth, proving what is well-pleasing to the Master. Have no fellowship with the fruitless works of darkness, but rather reprove them, for it is a shame even to speak of what is done b them in secret….Wake up, you who sleep, and arise from the dead, and Messiah will give you light. See that you walk exactly, not as unwise, but as wise, redeeming the time for the days are evil. So, then, do not be foolish, but understand what the will of Yahuweh is.”
Get your news from the Scriptures, and let Him direct you to internet websites where true Watchmen are faithfully giving you Truth. Suggestions: israelnationalnews.com, The Times of Israel.com, check out Skywatch TV with Tom Horn and Gary Stearman, Michael Lake, L.A. Marzulli, Rob Skiba, Doug Woodward, and Joseph Herrin. The true Watchmen will confirm what is in the Scriptures. However, be aware that in Western culture, even the best Watchmen sometimes give their opinions. You are required to take the responsibility to avoid falsehood. So, it is your responsibility to know the Word well, and the discernment of the Spirit well, so that when you hear something that crosses the Word, or the nature of Yahuweh, you’ll notice it right away!
But, in the majors, the true Watchmen now are seeing eye to eye! Through the Word you learn His nature, His ways, and His thinking. Knowing His character, how He thinks, how He acts, is primary to being free from deception.
Learn to throw out the bones and eat the good fish. Because of my Word-training by the Spirit, it is extremely simple for me to immediately notice someone’s error. Strive to be so alert in your knowing Scripture, and your knowing of Yahuweh and Yahushua that deception is blocked entrance into your mind immediately!
In some areas I’ve stood alone, sometimes for a long time, reporting on what was coming – prophesying, warning, exhorting, pleading with people to obey the Word, sharing things I never heard before from a human, but I sure heard of from Yahuweh. Now, my joy is that true Watchmen are aligning – not in theology, not in minors, but in all major points to do with what the Word says! And, amazingly, their warnings about what they see on the horizon is identical --united! The Watchmen should confirm to you what you are seeing! Yahuweh does not want you blinded to what is happening. Neither does He want you to waste time researching on the internet, and avoiding His Word!
Astonishingly, also, to different degrees, the Watchmen all aligning to using His Name (Yahweh or Yahuweh), and using the term “Messiah,” along with Yeshua, Yahshua, or Yahushua. We all began somewhere. In other words, all of His Watchman are “in the ball park,” so to speak, by their journey into Hebrew roots. I was astonished at listening to Rob Skiba, Doug Woodward, Michael Lake (The Shinar Directive), L.A. Marzulli, Tom Horn, etc. who are breaking with shallow religion and embracing His Name, and other aspects of the Hebrew foundation of our faith. His Watchman are blowing the preverbal shofar of warning to alert His people of the dangers to come. No, most of His public Watchmen at this point are not total Torah-guarding. But, I am confident that they will be!!!
Yahuweh is promoting the ones He trusts--for the Watchman has to be frontal, clearly seen by all, and loudly verbal. Internet and YouTube help a lot! Right now, the true Prophets are centering on instructing the final remnant, as well as giving a final message of repentance to all. But, note this Scriptural reality: “THE TRUE PROPHETS ARE ASTUTE TO GUARD HIS TORAH!” He will not allow a person to be a voice for Him who does not align to the instructions and teachings for right-standing in His Kingdom.
Thus we see the separation between Watchmen and the Prophet. [Refer to: “The True Prophet, the False Prophet, and the Speculators”/December 16, 2013)
The true Prophet’s message is one of warning, yes, but it goes further – it calls His people to repent (Hosea 8:1; Isaiah 58:1) The true Prophet gives His people His mind, and reveals His intent. The true Prophet brings the heart of Yahuweh to His people, so their message is often one of pleading, with a broken heart. The Watchmen report on what they see, but His passion for His people comes through His Prophets.
To me this is one of the greatest of all signs that Messiah is near. And, the common adjective used by the Watchmen to describe His return is “immanent.” Is it “immanent?” OH YES! So, regarding what we need to know now, the true Watchmen and the true Prophets, as in Isaiah 52:8, are “seeing eye to eye.”
I just listened to an interview with L.A. Marzulli, in which he blasted Christmas, Easter, and replacement theology like a dynamo. He talked about Passover. He talked about aligning to Israel – using Yahweh, and Yeshua. I say: “HALLELUYAH!”
Let’s pray for these Watchmen who are in the public eye, those who are learning His Truth so that they keep coming forward and begin to guard the Torah of His Kingdom. I really believe Yahuweh’s Spirit is working with them, and in them!
It is fascinating, too, that the leading Watchmen have dropped the pre-tribulation “rapture” Jesuit-created lie, and are seeing that we’re moving into tribulation. L.A. commented: “People who are looking for a rapture are not in the game.” He gave the illustration of an American football team near the end of the game, down on the 20 yard line with a first down. The players are bruised, bleeding, weak, breathless, and thirsty, from a long fight, but they see how close they are to the goal line and the winning of the game. He adds, but what if they go into the final huddle and the Quarterback and he begins talking about his exciting date he had planned with his girl friend after the game? What a shock that would be to his team! No, this is no time to waste on worldly or fleshly “funzzies.” Kepha (Peter) 1:13: “Gird up the loins of your mind.” It is time to be serious. The goal line is near, and we can win if we face reality and go for it with bold confidence!
Making another good analogy using American baseball, L.A. said that, for the most part, the church (believers in general) was like a man who was securely blindfolded and taken to a major league baseball game. The man was seated on a bench among the crowd. He heard yelling, cheering, boos, and loud comments all around him, but he had no idea what was happening, and no one told him what was going on. L.A. said that most of the people of Yahweh were like that, because they willfully blindfolded themselves. They can remove the blindfold, but they won’t.
So, as I said above, willful ignorance, willful denial of what is happening all around us which aligns to the Word of Yahuweh is sinful. Yahuweh wants to fill us with His Spirit and empower us to go forth and do exploits for Him as His servants. We’re in training for reigning! Let Him discipline you as a good soldier of Messiah Yahushua!