When the Game is Over, It all goes back in the box.Session 4


When it comes to playing the game of life, we can choose to relax &play it safe in the comfort of an EZ Chair, or we can go after our calling, & accept whatever risks accompany the challenge. Then we arrive at the end of game. In your opinion, what is the price of each option?

DVD with John Ortberg Calling or Comfort? Choose your moves wisely.

DVD Discussion

Why is the EZ Chair the most dangerous object in the house? What has been your experience with getting too comfortable in life and how has it affected which moves you take in the game?

What kind of assignments does God call people to do? Why are we inclined sometimes to say ‘no’ to God when he extends the call? What encourage us to say yes?

As you heard the story of Johnny the Bagger, what did you think and feel? What has Johnny learned about life, calling, and choosing the next move that you can apply to your own life?

(Leader Background)

Read Daniel 1:1-7. What does this passage reveal about Daniel’s circumstances? How would you rate his chances of being in a position to live out God`s calling on his life?

According to Daniel 1:8-14, what strategic move did Daniel make in order to reclaim his ability to live according to God`s call?

See Daniel 1:15-20. After Daniel made his move in faith, what did God Cause to happen? What had Daniel gained that taking a turn in the EZ chair would not have accomplished?

One of the remarkable qualities of Daniel`s character is that he never stopped playing the game to win. After he had been granted high status in the kingdom of Persia, what risky move did Daniel choose? (Dan 6:1-11) and what was the result? (6:12-23)

From this brief glimpse into Daniel`s choices to accept the risk of God`s calling, what have you learned about:

The kinds of assignment God gives?

How the next big move on the board may present itself?

What is at stake when you choose your next move?

Encouraging Bible passages. How does each passage help youaccept the challenge of taking bold steps of faith?

Psalm 9:10Psalm 27:1-3Psalm 37:23-24Psalm 55:22Psalm 56:3-4Romans 8:35-39

What is your calling? What is your calling so far? What is your future calling? Have you asked God recently about your calling?