FEBRUARY 02, 2017
(Recorded for Transcription Purposes Only)
CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/ROLL CALL: Chair Booth called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and the Pledge of Alliance was said. Those present: Supervisors Greg Bennett, John Wulff, Arlene Schmit, Greg Booth, Yvette Adelman-Dullinger, and Faith Broberg, Clerk/Treasurer, Sign-In Sheet Attached.
Agenda: Supervisor Wulff moved to approve the agenda as corrected, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried.
Clerk/Treasurer’s Report –
Minutes Board Budget Meeting 01-19-2017 – Supervisor Schmit moved to approve the minutes as corrected, seconded by Supervisor Bennett and the motion carried.
Minutes Regular Board of Supervisors Meeting 01-19-2017 – Supervisor Wulff moved to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried.
Approve Proposed 2018 Budget Numbers and Levy Amounts –
General Fund – After discussion, Supervisor Schmit moved to approve the proposed General Fund Budget for 2018 at $150,350, and the 2018 General Fund proposed levy at $130,600, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried.
Road & Bridge Fund – After discussion and a correction to line #123 in Disbursements, Supervisor Bennett moved to approve the Proposed Road and Bridge Budget for 2018 at $474,025 and the 2018 Levy Amount for Road and Bridge at $428,025, seconded by Supervisor Wulff and the motion carried.
Planning Commission – Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger moved to approve the Planning Commission Budget for 2018 at $27,930.00 as included in the General Fund Budget, seconded by Supervisor Bennett and the motion carried.
Fire Fund – Supervisor Wulff moved to approve the proposed Fire Fund Budget for 2018 at $69,000, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger. This amount is set by the Fire Association. There was discussion on whether or not this amount might change if the assessments go from based on Market Values to being figured by addresses. Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger, the Fire Liaison does not think that it will change. The question was called and the motion carried.
Park Fund – Supervisor Schmit moved to approve $2000 Park dues for the Park Fund, seconded by Supervisor Wulff and the motion carried. This amount is included in the General Fund. If there were any changes in this amount it would come from the Park Board.
Debt Service – Supervisor Schmit moved to approve $143,132 for the 2018 Debt Service levy, seconded by Supervisor Bennett and the motion carried.
January 2017 Financial Balances – the January 2017 Financial Balances were reviewed at this time. Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger moved to approve January 2017 Financial Balances, seconded by Supervisor Schmit and the motion carried.
Clerk’s Recommendation on Cash Control Balance Sheet – the recommendation is to:
· Move $8,000 from the General Debt Service in the checking account to the savings account.
· Move $70,000 from the Road & Bridge fund in the checking account into the savings account.
And to:
· Move $5,000 from the savings account to the checking account to bring the Fire fund amount up into the black.
· Move $10,000 from the General Fund to the Planning Commission in the checking account per the General Fund Budget for 2017.
Supervisor Schmit moved to approve the Clerk’s Recommendation, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried.
Old Business/Reports
Bryan Drown Road Projects Report –
Bryan Drown, Bolton and Menk, presented a proposed Pavement Management Plan – the proposal was reviewed.
The Scope of Services includes:
1. Data Collection
2. Data Analysis and
3. Pavement Management Plan – Meeting with Township representatives and reviewing information gathered and developing costs estimates and coming up with an implementation plan.
The proposed budget for the engineering of the plan would be:
1. Data Collection: Hourly not to exceed $3,664.00.
2. Data Analysis: Hourly not to exceed $3,260 and
3. Pavement Planning: Hourly not to exceed $4,000.
Total hourly not to exceed = $10,924.
Supervisor Schmit moved to accept the proposal for the Sylvan Pavement Management Plan that was presented by Bryan Drown, Bolton & Menk, seconded by Supervisor Wulff and the motion carried.
Barnett Road SW – there was discussion that the Township would like to join with Cass County when they put out bids for improving County Road 1. Easements for Barnett Road are being worked out to see what the Township will need to improve this road.
City of Pillager/Joint Road Paving Project – Memorandum of Understanding – the Board discussed the draft copy of the Memorandum of Understanding to work on a joint road paving project with the City of Pillager. The length of road that each entity would be paving was also reviewed and the Road Recording that the Township has on file for the road known as Cemetery Road was reviewed. This is a shared road with the City of Pillager. The City of Pillager and Sylvan Township would like to have this road ready to get it onto the bid with Cass County if there is enough time.
To get the paperwork ready for doing this joint venture with the City Pillager, Bryan would need to have the scope of what the expectations are nailed down. He would need to give a proposal to both entities and to talk with either Dave Enblom or Darrick Anderson at the Cass County Highway Department. At the meeting that was held here at the Town Hall meeting with Cass County, Darrick Anderson, the new Cass County Highway Engineer, said that there wasn’t a limit on the amount of roads he could put in the bid for paving. Cass County has offered to allow Townships to “piggyback” with Cass when going out for bids for the 2017 paving season.
It was decided that Supervisor Schmit would contact Terri Wickham, Pillager City Administrator, to set up a time to meet with Bryan Drown, Supervisor Schmit and Terri to discuss the joint paving venture. Supervisor Schmit will present to the City of Pillager at their Council Meeting on February 14, 2017 the Memorandum of Understanding for their approval and signature that they are in agreement to go ahead with the joint venture. Both the City of Pillager and Sylvan Township would like, if possible, to get this project on the Cass County’s bid for paving.
Chair Booth will revise the Memorandum of Understanding and have it ready for Supervisor Schmit to present to the Pillager City Council at their next meeting.
Road Supervisor’s Road Report -
Supervisor Wulff reported that the scraping in the Township was a good job – done by the grader. He didn’t realize that they were going to salt/sand heavily and come back with the snow plow instead of the grader. They might not have bothered as the plow doesn’t do as good a job as the grader. There was discussion on the amount it costs to plow the township for a snow event. The claim from the Road Maintenance Contractor was reviewed regarding the snow and ice removal costs.
Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger has suggested that she compile the hours and costs into a graph to see how much the Township is spending. She did this four years ago tracking the number of snow events we had and how long each event took. She will review the invoices for 2015-2016 and track this information. Eventually we would know the approximate length of time it takes to do the Township roads.
The question was asked if we have to go on a work order basis only. There was discussion on adding this to the Road Maintenance Contract.
Supervisor Schmit brought up Holmvig Excavating’s invoices #5130 and #5223 and the brushing on Red River Trail SW and Hardy Lake Road that is listed on both invoices. The Clerk will check into this to see if it got listed on both invoices inadvertently.
The Township received a call from Diane Peck on W. Gull River Road SW – her road has gotten drifted in. It is drivable and since we will be getting more snow on Saturday it was decided to wait to have it plowed. Supervisor Schmit will give her a call.
Planning Commission
Attending Drainage and Wetland Conference in St. Cloud – Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger moved to approve two PC members attending this conference on February 13, 2017, seconded by Supervisor Wulff and the motion carried.
Mike Paulus-Cass County Economic Development Corporation (CCEDC) – Mr. Paulus has received a grant to operate a Small Business Clinic. He has asked if the Sylvan Town Hall could be used to hold this clinic – about 3 times this calendar year to allow residents to come in and discuss their current self-employment or small business. The goal is to increase business earnings within our township. They are looking at holding these clinics on predetermined days from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM when a consultant would be available. It was recommended that we suggest to him that they pick a week day as the Town Hall would be open. If they pick a week end then Chair Booth said he could be here to open and close the Town Hall for them. They are looking at March, April, or May and would like us to share our mailing list with them to contact people in the Township. There was discussion on advertising in our next newsletter that will be going out before the Town Annual Meeting in March. If they want to include their information in the newsletter we could add a sheet to our newsletter and they could help pay for the mailing of the newsletter. Supervisor Schmit moved to approve the CCEDC using the Town Hall and having them share in the newsletter and postage costs, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried. The Clerk will email Mr. Paulus.
Township Attorney – Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger informed the Town Board that Rinke Noonan, Attorney at Law, St. Cloud, is interested in the Township Attorney position. Supervisor Bennett did not have any candidates that had Township Government knowledge. The Township can request a proposal from the Rinke Noonan Law Firm. Supervisor Wulff moved to have Supervisors Adelman-Dullinger and Bennett go to St. Cloud and meet with him, seconded by Supervisor Schmit and the motion carried.
New Business
Newsletter – it was decided that since we want to have the newsletter ready for the Board to proof at their meeting on February 16, 2017 that the deadline for articles will be February 10, 2017. Chair Booth will do a general Township news article. Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger will talk with the PC Chair, Dave Johnson, regarding a PC Article. The Clerks will email the Board when they are ready to do the labels and mailing seals for the newsletter.
134th Street – the residents on this street have asked to use the Town Hall for a meeting for them to discuss the maintenance of their road. It is okay with the Board.
Other Township Business –
Correspondence -
Scott W. – requesting information on fishing around the area.
Building Permits for Sylvan Township Last Month – were reviewed.
Cass County Amending Land Use Definitions -
First Call – asking for donations.
Historical Society – Membership Dues.
Review Claims – Supervisor Wulff moved to approve the claims #22204 thru #22218 in the amount of $20,856.89 and the payroll check #’s 22196 thru #22203 in the amount of $3,843.03 for a total of $24,699.92, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried.
Adjournment: Supervisor Schmit moved to adjourn, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried with the meeting adjourning at 9:37 PM.
Minutes submitted by,
Faith C. Broberg, Clerk/Treasurer Chair, Greg Booth
Supervisor Schmit moved to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried.
Amendment: Page 1 – Spelling of Allegiance needs to be corrected.
Date: February 16, 2017
02-02-2017 Regular Board of Supervisors Meeting Page 5