When school starts, including preschool, you can almost count on kids getting sick, and then bringing it home to their families. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. But, it’s a kind of offhanded gift to me, because then I got to work on Sunday and meet Preacher Josh Clayton and his family. We had a packed service and beforehand, sang some hymns played on YouTube that had the lyrics scrolling (just in case you’d forgotten some of the words). I also put on a classic film, “Adam’s Rib” which also had a pretty good turnout, including Paula Dedebant, who ordinarily doesn’t care for the “old” films I put on, but this one she thought was pretty good. I also got to conduct bingo on Monday, September 4th, though Elsie Pelzman wasn’t too keen on the way I ran the game, playing only B’s, then, I’s, etc. She may have been a little more forgiving, however, after she won. That afternoon, I put on a flick (not old, Paula), “Sully,” the story of the airliner that landed on the Hudson River. It’s nice to see how a situation like that had a good ending, unlike you might expect.

For arts and crafts, Susan Rice claims not to be crafty like her mom, Cynthia. I beg to differ. The project was pine cone owl pals and her sample turned out cute along with the ones turned out by Elsie Pelzman and Eleanor Peters. For our technology corner, Susan showed folks a YouTube video of a coconut octopus, a cephalopod whose name is derived from its tendency of carrying coconutshells (or seashells) as its armor. You should check this out for yourself.

I did a presentation on classic TV by donning an old fashioned apron and played several clips, one, an old clip from, “I Love Lucy,” when the genders switched roles. I think maybe Ricky Ricardo’s apron was nicer than mine as he made four pounds of rice for four people, which turned into a riotous situation.

We had a large group for, “Coffee and Conversation,” late in the week. Our subjects of discussion ranged from hurricanes to snake bites, but I had to laugh when we talked about President Truman. Paula made the statement, “Who was the President when I was born,” but which Dale Johnson took as a question, to which he retorted, “Washington!” The banter between our residents makes me smile.

Lynn Jennings enjoyed an outing with a couple of others on what seemed like the smokiest of many days. I think Roy Meyer had it right, staying indoors and enjoying the honey voice of Nat King Cole in my office.

We rounded out the week with a little book club reading and a Saturday show in the afternoon. We hope for a good rainstorm (too early to ask for snow?) so that we can enjoy the remaining days of summer outside. We’ll see youhere.