1. When his van broke _____ he had it repaired immediately.
  2. Attempts must be made to break _____ the barriers of fear and hostility which divide the two communities.
  3. An epidemic broke _____.
  4. Many bands break _____ because of personality clashes between the musicians.
  5. She started to speak, then broke _____ while a waitress served us coffee.
  6. He broke _____ in mid-sentence to shake hands with the new arrivals.
  7. After hours of fierce fighting, rebels broke _____ and captured the capital.
  8. The city council has decided to bring _____ the old electric trams.
  9. Seeing those pictures on TV brought it all _____ to me.
  10. Talking about it brought it all _____.
  11. Seeinghimagainbroughtitall_____.
  12. I'd passed out and he'd brought me _____.
  13. awell/badly brought _____child
  14. Shebrought_____threesonsonherown.
  15. Hewasbornandbrought_____inIndia.
  16. Revenge was absent _____ his mind.
  17. students who are regularly absent _____ school.
  18. Johnhas been absent_____school/workfor threedaysnow.
  19. He'sbeenabsent_____schoolforthreedays.
  20. Love was totally absent _____ his childhood.
  21. to be absent _____ work
  22. to accustom oneself _____ cold weather.
  23. She was a person accustomed _____ having eight hours' sleep a night.
  24. Her eyes quickly became accustomed _____ the dark.
  25. Please don't accuse me _____ forgetting to lock the door.
  26. Areyouaccusingme_____lying?
  27. to accuse somebody _____murder/theft
  28. He's been accused_____robbery/murder.
  29. The professor has been accused _____ stealing his student's ideas and publishing them.
  30. Let's try to agree _____ a date.
  31. Thecommitteemembersallagree_____theneedformoreinformation.
  32. Iagree_____mymotheraboutmostthings.
  33. He agreed _____ them about the need for change.
  34. Myfatherand I don't agree_____ very much.
  35. They managed to agree _____ a date for the wedding.
  36. Rena wrote a letter to Chris to apologise _____ teasing him.
  37. Thenewspaperhasapologisedunreservedly_____printingfalseallegationsabouther.
  38. I must apologisetoIsobel _____ mylateness.
  39. Trainsmay besubjecttodelay- we apologise_____anyinconveniencecaused.
  40. These policies apply only _____ very large companies.
  41. You should apply yourself _____ your studies.
  42. She applied herself _____ her work and the time passed very rapidly.
  43. a rule that applies _____ everyone.
  44. applied myself _____ my studies.
  45. toapplyatheory_____aproblem.
  46. Theargumentapplies_____thecase.
  47. Asimilartechniquecanbeapplied_____thetreatmentofcancer.
  48. Applypressure_____thewoundtostopitbleeding.
  49. What I am saying applies only _____ some of you.
  50. The offer only applies _____ flights from London and Manchester.
  51. Over the next months, he applied himself _____ improving the technique.
  52. I don't approve _____ your foul language.:
  53. I do notapprove _____ violence.
  54. It is easy for us to say 'I don'tapprove _____ euthanasia', because we are not in pain.
  55. She doesn't approve_____myfriends.
  56. He doesn't approve_____smoking.
  57. I don't approve _____ cosmetic surgery.
  58. They begged him _____ help.
  59. They begged_____mercy.
  60. We could hear the prisoners begging _____ mercy.
  61. I don't believe _____ these diets.
  62. Believe _____ yourself, or you'll never succeed.
  63. They need a leader they can believe _____.
  64. I never thought I could make it as an actor, but my parents always believed _____ me.
  65. I don't believe _____ hitting children.
  66. Idon'tbelieve_____miracles.
  67. I'mbeginningtothinkyouactuallybelieve_____ghosts!
  68. Sheusedtosayshedidn'tbelieve_____marriage.
  69. Onlyifonebelieves_____somethingcanoneactpurposefully.
  70. I believe _____ your ability to solve the problem.
  71. For thepolice, theincidentseemednothing_____the ordinary/did notseemout of the ordinary.
  72. Thefoodatthisrestaurantistruly_____theordinary.
  73. Your report was nicely done, but nothing _____the ordinary.
  74. We made the cake _____ scratch, using no prepared ingredients.
  75. I didn't have a ladder, so I made one _____ scratch.
  76. He built the orchestra up _____ scratch.
  77. Benbuilttheshed_____ scratch.
  78. The police have appealed _____ anyone with information to come forward and talk to them.
  79. Thepolicehaveissuedan appeal_____thepublictostayaway from the areaat theweekend.
  80. Theredhatappeals_____me.
  81. The idea didn't appeal _____ me.
  82. She appealed _____ a retrial.
  83. He was convinced _____her innocence.
  84. Jeff is suffering _____ the flu.
  85. I'm afraid that you must suffer _____ the disease until it has run its course.
  86. hesuffers_____atendencytoexaggerate
  87. patientssuffering_____Alzheimer'sdisease
  88. He suffers _____ asthma.
  89. road accident victims suffering _____ shock
  90. Johnnysuffers_____(= is oftenillwith)asthma.
  91. I'm suffering _____ a bad back.
  92. London employers were suffering _____ a desperate shortage of school-leavers.

verb / noun / adjective