Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians

Ethel Kennedy Division


Fall 2014

From President:

Hello Ladies, well it's that time of the year again, our meetings have started up again and all the little ones are back at school. Those of us who take care of our grandchildren are busy again with them. I wish I could say that I was one of you. Summer for was very busy. I attended the National Convention, with Mary Ochab, and now that we have a new National President we have been relieved of our National appointee jobs. Although we can sigh with relief, there is something missing. As we explained at the meeting, we were privy to what was going on around the country, now we are not and it leaves us with an empty feeling, to a degree, like we are missing out on good information.

In October we will start nominations for our elections in November and I stressed at the meeting, that I would like everyone to give a lot of thought to running for an office. If we are to stay a growing division we need to get members to step up and take on a little more responsibility. I would hate to see our division die. Please think about this and if your personal schedule can accommodate a little more work.We are always there to help.

We have two social events coming up, one is a lunch at Delicious Scones on September 27th at noon. The second one is a Christmas Lunch and tour of Meadowbrook Hall on December 7th. We have been trying to have a couple of social events during the year to it is really nice to see as many members as possible attend. This gives us the chance to sit and catch up with all of our ladies and get away from the business meetings a little. If you would like to invite a sister or daughter please do so, although we are still keeping to ladies only.See details for both in the body of the newsletter.

Yours in Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity



Saturday, September 27th, 2014, at 12:00 noon

Cost: $11.00 plus tax and tip.

Address: 28750 Utica Road, Roseville, MI 48066, 586-859-8814

Everyone will pay for their own lunch on the day. It would be good if you could have the correct money with you.

Call Agnes 586-573-4121 with your reservation as soon as you can.I will need to call the restaurantwitha head count.

NOTE: Apologies newsletter is going out so late and possibly reservations have been made.

Degree Ceremony

For those who have not yet taken their Degrees, and I know in our division that is not too many. The ceremony will take place on October 25th at St. Thomas A Beckett, Canton at 12:00 noon. The Fagan division in Canton will be the host division and will be providing lunch.

Please let Mary Ochab or Agnes Gowdy know by the October meeting if you would like to take your Degrees or if you would like to observe. You must have already taken your Degrees to be an observer, but this is worthwhile as you can see and understand more about the ceremony. It is $10 to take your Degrees, $10 for lunch, and $5 to be an observer.

Our next meeting will be October 6that 6:30pm and Meeting at 7:00pm sharp at

K of C Hall. Hostesses will be Doris McCarville and MaryAnn Quisenberry

SouperBowl Benefit

The SouperBowl benefit for the Capuchin Soup Kitchen will be on October 12th this year. Same details as other years. $20 at the door, 12:00 noon to 7:00 pm, entertainment all day. Soup from over 40 restaurants and bread and baked goods from over 20 bakeries.

We are always in need of volunteers. It takes over 100 volunteers to work on this day. Stacey Blair is the chairperson for volunteers, please call her at586-291-2986if you can work and whattimes that you can work.


The United Irish Societies are once more sponsoring an Irish Heritage Night at a Tiger's game.

September 25th, tickets are $30, 31 and $38. You will get a t-shirt with your ticket and the first 10,000 through the door will get a green Tiger hat. if you are interested in tickets Agnes has order forms, or you can contact,

Mike Kelly, , 313-475-4675

Sam Aldridge

Marilyn Couture,


Instead of going to a restaurant for Christmas Dinner, we have decided to go to Meadowbrook Hall for their lunch and walking tour. This will be on December 7th, lunch at 1:30 pm, followed by the tour. The cost is $30 each. We are booked for this lunch, I have a contract that I must sign and return with a $50 non-refundable deposit. If you sign up for this lunch, you must pay for it whether you attend or not, as we will be held to the head count that we give. I have togive the head count two weeks before the date. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me at 586-573-4121.

Please call Agnes with your reservation as soon as you can.


Cindy Lloyd won the 50/50, and Mary Ellen won the White Elephant. Shannon won the White Elephant at the June meeting and she brought agift of kitchen drying cloth, pot holder and sponges all in lovely fall colors.


The Solanus Casey division have football squares $20. These pay out $25 each quarters, four quarters each game. If you are interested contact Paul Gowdy 586-573-4121.


At the September meeting we decided that we would bring in non-perishable food for a food pantry for our Thanksgiving charity.We can bring food to the October and November meetings. The division will provide gift cards to a store to purchase turkeys, hams etc.I am sure that after the floods many pantries supplies are low. We will have a raffle of sorts, to decide which Church food pantry gets the food. If you would like your Church to be in the raffle, please let us know at or by the October meeting.


As we talked about at the beginning of the year, we are going to hold the 'daily three digit' raffle. This three digit number on the day of our Christmas lunch will be the winner. As before, the tickets will be $2 each, $1000 to the winner. Potentially we can make $1000 for our division. I will get the tickets printed up and mailed out to all of the members. Cindy Bliskey has volunteered to receive the returns. Cindy will keep track of the sold tickets.


Don't forget when you need a Mass card for a deceased person or a Spiritual Gift, Shannon and Chris have the Project St. Patrick cards $10, and Chris has the Columban Missions cards $5. You can keep a few cards at home and use when needed. After you send the card the money and details of who the card was sent to can be given to Shannon and/or Chris and they will send the money into the National Board. Mary Ochab reported at the September meeting that over $80,000 was given to the Missions at the National Convention. Every card sold helps to make up this money.


Please remember in your prayers,

Ruth Minnick

Jerry Stewart's family, coping with the loss of their daughter

Kitty Derbin - recovery

Mollie Smith - recovery

Paul Gowdy - recovery

Chris Gorsline's daughter, Amy - recovery

Sue Walsh's family.- deceased brother

Colleen's niece's best friend, suicide

Colleen's friend Jaques, triple by-pass

Cindy Lloyd's family - suicide in family

MaryAnn Quisenberry - grandson's wife, recovery

Phil Lessnau - cousin Cheyenne having twins in December

Phil Lessnau - friend Roger, motorcycle accident

Phil Lessnau - friends, Tippling family

Phil Lessnau - friends, Whitley family

And for all our members intentions.