Coach Myers/Mr. Burdick
Contact info:
Don MyersShannon Burdick
When contacting please email to both of us.
Course Description
The word geometry comes from two Greek words, geo and metric, meaning “to measure the earth.” In this course, the main focus is on plane and solid figures and their properties. These will include triangle properties and relationships, coordinate graphing, transformations, postulates, theorems, and the algebraic relationships that exist within geometry. From this course, you, the student will:
- Tools of geometry, transformations, and reasoning
- Triangle congruence and triangle relationships
- Similarities in triangles and trigonometry
- Measurement with circles, polygons, and solids
Class rules
- Be on time EVERYDAY
- Expect to learn
- Bring your tools to work
- Have great character
- Respect yourself and others
- Raise your hand for recognition
- Wait for dismissal
Grading scale
Per Bartlett City Schools the grade scale is as follows:
F 0-63
- 1-inch binder with dividers
- notebook paper
- pencil
Grade description
TEST(45%)these are given as chapter/midchapter tests. Students will be given a study guide 5 days prior to test. The study guide counts as extra credit.
QUIZ(25%)Quizzes are given at least once per week to gather academic feedback over standards and objective taught that week.
ASSIGNMENTS (30%)Homework quiz and in-class learning activities count as assignments.
All students will have an opportunity to make up any missed assignment. Any assignment due to absence will receive full credit. Our policy says 2 days are allowed per day absent, but if more time is needed-ASK US! Any missed assignment will go into the gradebook until made up as a 1.
Tests or quizzes scored below 70 may be retaken for a maximum retake score of 80(B). Any assignment that was not submitted without absence will receive a maximum credit of 65.
Recipe for Success
- Take great notes
- Review your notes daily
- Never be afraid to be wrong
- If wrong, try again
- If you’re still not getting ‘it’, then ask your teachers
- If that doesn’t work, then ask a classmate, they usually can help you even more.
OUR GOAL FOR YOU: everyone must have an opportunity to achieve success. This class is easy to pass and requires little effort if you do the little things everyday. To fail, however, requires an EXTRAordinary effort at doing absolutely nothing. It is up to YOU!!, the choice is yours, so be the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Textbook: GLENCOE GEOMETRY, McGraw Hill, 2012(there is a classroom set of textbooks and every student will be sent a PDF copy of book via ______. However, you may request a book to take home.