Homework Policy for Mrs. Maske’s Class

Homework will play an important part in teaching students responsibility this year, and I will assign homework on a regular basis. Students will have Math homework every day Monday through Thursday. The assignments are written on the board each day and can also be found on my website. Homework should be an instrument to help your child grow in knowledge, not a burden or hassle. Anything that I assign will be a valuable and worthwhile learning tool. I expect students to do their own work and to ask for guidance only after they have given their best effort.

I will go over the homework directions in school, encouraging students to write the assignments in their planner and ask any questions that they might have. When children need help at home, it’s often because they have misunderstood the directions. Ask them to explain the directions to you and then look over the assignment to make sure they are on the right track. If they know what they need to do, but still have questions, try guiding them through a problem only after they’ve attempted it on their own first. If your child is still confused, have him or her phone a friend for clarification or use one of the links on my website for further explanation. If you are unable to assist your child, please write a note in their planner or email me to let me know they need additional review of the concept.

Completing homework neatly, completely, and handing it in on time are all part of a student’s responsibility. If they are not doing their part, I will put a note in their planner or blue folder. I do not accept extra credit work to replace poor grades or incomplete assignments. Please note that football, baseball, dance or other practice is not a valid reason for not completing homework.

Students that do not complete homework assigned may be asked to work during lunch to complete missing assignments. They will also loose a letter from our behavior chart, which will result in a loss of free time. Any student that consistently completesallmath homework will receive extra effort grades.

How can you help your child with homework??

Make schoolwork a priority at your house.

Have a set time each day for homework.

Make sure your child has a quiet place to work, free from distractions.

Have phone numbers of at least 2 other classmates to call for clarification or directions.

Use a timer or clock to help keep structure. For example, for children with attention issues, it can be helpful for them to know they will work for 15 minutes and then have a break.

Provide guidance, not answers.

Break longer projects down in to smaller parts.

Be firm and let your child know you expect them to do their best.

Check over the work, and then guide your child to find their own mistakes and correct them.

Don’t sit down with your child – stand. Let them know you expect them to complete the work, but you are there for support.

Encourage them to ask questions about any homework they struggle with!

If you ever have questions or concerns, please write a note in your child’s planner, send me an email or give me a call.

Email: Phone: 367-7021