JUNE 1, 2011
a.Roll Call:
Planning Commissioners Present: Dan Ayers, Al Weller, Joanne Siler, Richard Clappé, Terri Michelsen, Hal Grimnes; Staff Present: Sabrina Pearson, City Planner; Frank Sinclair, City Manager; Planning Commissioners absent: Virgil Staben and Lee Shepherd
b.Minutes for Thursday, May 5, 2011:Planning Commissioner Hal Grimnes makes a Motion to approve, unanimous vote to approve (6-0)
c.Correspondence: Kim Douma
III.NON-AGENDA ITEMS: (heard after vision plan)
Summary of amendments process: review vision plan, complete first amendment draft through additional workshops and meetings, send draft to DLCD, complete amendment draft for first public hearing with revisions recommended by DLCD, set public hearing, hold planning commission public hearing(s), hold city council public hearing(s).
IV.OLD BUSINESS: (heard after new business)
a.Amendments:to be reviewed at the next meeting.
Rick wants to discuss Article 17 and Section 11.020 Geologic Hazard Survey.
V.NEW BUSINESS: (heard before old business)
a.Public Hearing: Application #CU 2011-05 Conditional Use to allow a one unit hotel
Applicant and Property Owner: Katherine M. “Kay” Kaffer, Trustee
40 persons notified, zero written comments received
Planning Commissioner Dan Ayers excuses himself from the public hearing based on an actual or potential financial conflict of interest. He may bid on repair work for the façade unrelated to the rental use regardless of the hearing outcome. All fiveplanning commissionershave been to the site. Planning Commissioner Terri Michelsen met with Kay Kaffer and her son for clean-up day and did not discuss the application.
City Planner, Staff Report:
Applicable Criteria, summary of findings of fact, conclusions, and recommendations
Recommendation: Approval
Applicant presentation:
Structure was built in 1900 and added onto and became what we see now in 1935. The use proposed is a similar to what the structure has always been. Renting rooms had marginal success. Based on demand, Kaffer wants to operate the second story as a single family vacation rental. In this central location, with reasonable rates, she expects to bring new people into the area. The recent inspection of the structure by the insurance company found the structure met the requirements for insurance including no need for additional access. A vacation rental company will be managing the use. Applicant waives right to leave the record open and continue the public hearing for the submittal of additional written comments.
Positive testimony: Supports approval of application.
Negative testimony:None is received.
Neutral testimony: Recommends providing secondary fire egress from second story use.
Motion to Close: Planning Commissioner Richard Clappé, makesthe following motion: “I move to close the public hearing for Application #CU 2011-05 Conditional Use to allow a one unit hotel for Katherine M. Kaffer, Trustee to move forward to a decision”;Unanimous vote of approval (5-0) for the motion.
Decision: Planning Commissioner Hal Grimnes makes the following motion: “I move that based on the findings of fact and recommendations presented in the Staff report dated May 25, 2011 and testimony received at the public hearing tonight, the Planning Commission approve Application #CU 2011 Conditional Use for a One Unit Hotel for Katherine M. Kaffer, Trustee”;Unanimous vote of approval (5-0) for the motion.
Appeal period read.
b.Vision Plan
Stevie Burden, Mayor, presents.
Two years ago this month, the City Council appointed a group to review the old city vision plan and to write a new one through an interactive process with the citizens of Wheeler. Completed work through three separate formal surveys and three focus groups: Retired; business; old locals. The findings are amazingly like the original 1979. Priorities prioritized. A long version of the report includes the survey data. The Commission received the short version.
Mayor explains that the Vision Plan is not a specific or enforceable policy nor is it an amendment to any ordinance or the Comprehensive Plan. Amendments require public hearings. The Vision Plan has been approved by the City Council to be used by the City as one of the guidance documents to be reviewed during amendments processes. Ordinances to implement the plan will be accomplished through the public hearing process.
In light of the Vision Plan discussion about rights-of-way,City Manager Frank Sinclair recommends that the City consider appointing the Planning Commission to administer the rights-of-way and to deal with the improvement of streets and storm water treatment facilities. Sinclair also recommends that enforcement of the zoning ordinance should be the responsibility and function of the Planning Commission with appeal to be sent City Council. Sinclair has developed an enforcement response guide that would allow him to respond and to address issues that were identified as violations by the commission.
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