Voyageur Council
Canadian Path Wood Badge 2 Training
Information update, June 2017
What: Canadian Path Wood Badge
Where:Sept. 15-17: Camp Opemikon
Feb. 2-4:Camp Opemikon
April 13-15: Otter Lake Ontario
June 9: Camp Sheldrick
Registration fee: $250.00.Included: accommodations, food, course materials, crest
Not included: optional commemorative clothing (offering fleece tuque and/or vest, ordered 1st weekend, delivered 2nd weekend)
Why Should You Be There?
Participants on Wood Badge Part 2 are enthusiastic Scouters, who love working with their youth in our programs. They are ready for the opportunity to share and interact with others to learn, to grow, to have fun, and be inspired to do more for and with
their youth.
This training will build on the foundations of the Canadian Path Wood Badge Part 1 online training. You can expect to become more fully conversant with the program possibilities on the Canadian Path, the new ways of doing Scouting so youth have more ownership, are more empowered, have more outdoor adventures, and more fun with their friends. This is very interactive training with more discussion, more hands-on, more small group work, all under the guidance of experienced Section trainers.
What’s New?
The next phase of the Canadian Path program is for Scouter Development: the skills, experience and knowledge you need to facilitate great programs with the Canadian Path. With the release of the Wood Badge 2 program, your training team will be incorporating the new vision and direction, and adopting it into this course. This will involve a departure from the previous Wood Badge 2 program. In keeping with the Canadian Path, much of it is Scouter-Directed learning. Some aspects lend themselves easily to traditional adult training as sessions in an in-person course, both for the whole group and for section-specific break-out sessions.
As you will have seen with the Canadian Path Wood Badge 1, Scouter Development is no longer Section-specific. However your training team will have Support Scouters and Trainers from Colony, Pack, Troop, and Senior Sections in order to provide Section-specific small group work. Other components of the new program involve Scouters determining their own Personal Progression plan with one or more coaches and/or mentors, learning by Plan-Do-Review, on their own time, to complete the remaining outstanding Wood Badge 2 requirements.
As described in the overview of the new program, the Gilwell necker and beads are NOT earned by simply attending this training. They will be awarded when your personal progression plan is completed and reviewed with your coaches and/or mentors. Participants will be expected to progress through the Scouter Development cards between training weekends, and present their review of working with youth at the following training weekends. We expect to conduct an accreditation ceremony June 9 and present Gilwell necker and beads to everyone who completes their personal development plan. With this course, you will acquire much of the key information on “what to do and how to do it” so you can return to your section and then actually “Do it”. The ongoing “Review” process with your mentor(s) will track your completion of the Wood Badge 2 requirements, which will be clearly explained on this course. We believe this is a more flexible and accommodating adult learning process, consistent with the principles of the Canadian Path program.
This course will be of practical value and enable you to more clearly determine and plan your development as a Scouter.
Outdoor Skills?Participants are expected to also attend the advanced outdoor skills/ScoutCraft 2 weekendtentatively scheduled for April 13-15, 2018, details, date and location to be confirmed.
To the extent possible, this weekend will be a rich outdoor learning event building on basic outdoor skills, as seen on ScoutCraft 1, Winter Outdoor Skills, and previous Wood Badge 2 Advanced Outdoor Skills, but will incorporate many of the outdoor Scouter Development Skills, Knowledge and Experience requirements in the new Wood Badge 2. If you have not already done so, you will be encouraged to attend ScoutCraft 1 and Winter Outdoor Skills training when offered this year.
Eligibility: This advanced training is for Scouters, and senior youth (16 and above) in Section leadership roles. Scouters will be actively working with youth implementing the Canadian Path this coming Scouting year.
Required Pre-Requisites: Participants will
-Have completed Milestone 1 Canadian Path Wood Badge 1 training on-line by elearning, (all 17 sessions, not just “Fundamentals”)
-Have completed at least one full year as a Scouter, and currently be an active Scouter in a Section.
-Have previous outdoor skills training (ScoutCraft 1, ScoutCraft 2, Basic Outdoor Skills, or Winter Outdoor Skills), or have taken activity specific certifications from outside agencies, or have extensive outdoor adventure experience described in a resume. This training expects that participants have basic outdoor skills and experience, and are comfortable planning and taking their youth outdoors in all seasons. Provide a resume of their Scouting experience for consideration to be enrolled in this course.
-Be recommended by their Group Commissioner and Area Commissioner, as ready for this training.
-possess their own copy of the current Canadian Path Scouter’s Manual
Registration Deadline: September 8, 2017
Joining Instructions will be sent out at that time to registered participants.
Course Lead: Chuck Fraser. Email ; (h) 613 836-7128
Course Registrar: Sharon Lefebvre. Email ; 613 725-4589