September 22, 2008

What we are learning about this week:

Math / We have been learning about place value, comparing, rounding, and using money to understand decimals. On Monday we will begin a unit on Addition and Subtraction. Some students have not been completing homework and/or leaving assignments at home. /
Reading / I am almost done with the individual reading testing to determine the reading level of your child. I will be forming reading groups this week. Each week we will focus on a different reading concept. In October we begin the Book-It Reading Incentive Program where students can earn certificates for Pizza Hut Personal Pan Pizzas.

Social Studies / We have been learning about the regions and landforms of Utah. On Monday we will begin a unit on the early people who lived here. /
Writing / Students write in their journals daily and will be doing various writing projects throughout the year. We are learning about the six traits of writing and will be focusing on one of these traits each month. The trait for September is IDEAS.

Science / We are learning about the steps of the Scientific Method and about the Water Cycle. By Oct. 1 each student is to bring in two clear 2-liter bottles for a project. /
Spelling / I have given a spelling assessment to determine the level of each student. I am in the process of developing spelling lists and will provide more info. shortly. During the year my emphasis will be teaching spelling rules.
Upcoming Events
Monday, September 22-Swimming, Eat With Your Family Day
Thursday, September 25-7:30PM Keynote address for Families Alive Conference at WeberStateUniversity in Ogden (Paul Schvaneveldt at 801-626-6597
Friday, September 26-Walk-a-thon
Wednesday, October 1-Class begins Book-It Reading Incentive Program
Wednesday & Thursday, October 1 & 2-SEP Conferences
October 6-10-Red Ribbon Week
Wednesday, October 8-Walk to School Day
Wednesdaay, October 15-Fourth grade field trip to “This is the PlaceHeritagePark”
Thursday & Friday, October 16 & 17-Fall Break (No School)
Friday, October 24-Professional Development (No School for Students)
Friday, October 31-Fourth grade Primitive Skills Day


We appreciate those parents who were able to help with the annual Utah Pizza Day. The students really enjoyed the activity. There will be various opportunities to volunteer throughout the year. I will notify you through this newsletter. Just as a reminder, your child is to show you his/her homework/reading log and have you sign your initials each night. Please feel free to jot down on the log any questions/comments or email me.

Thank you.

Mr. Murdock