October 30 – November 3
What we are learning:
- Introduce the Uu and Ll letters and review all the letters/sounds we’ve learned so far. We will also introduce our fourth sight word CAN. As always, we will keep reviewing the other letters/sounds and sight words. Please help by reviewing them at home as well.
- In math, we will continue with our unit on patterns. Students are making, copying and extending patterns. They are also working on finding the core of a pattern (the part that repeats). We will continue to work on numbers to 5 throughout our daily warm ups and math workstations (printing, counting forward and backwards, comparing quantities and subitizing – recognizing dot patterns to represent a number).
- InYou and Your World, we will continue to work on friendship skills and using our WITS. We will talk about Halloween Safety as well.
Information Items/Dates to Remember:
- Monday and Tuesday, October30-31~ Students can vote for their favourite decorated pumpkin (a winner will be drawn at lunch Halloween day) Votes .50 each or 3/$1.00
- Tuesday, October 31 ~ Students will have Halloween themed math /literacy stations today.
- PLEASE try to send a healthy snack with the Halloween treats as they students feel full longer.
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Introduce letter Uu / Introduce the word CAN
Halloween Stations / Introduce letter Ll
Homework Ideas:
- Please practice all the letters and sounds we have covered so far this year. Try this website:
- See if your child can point out the wordsTHE, LIKE,ME and CAN in their bedtime story one night.Try having your child make a sentence using one of these words.
- Math:
- (allows a limited amount of daily practice each day without becoming a member)
Make a pattern using anything you have at home (fruit loops, coloured toothpicks, coins, small toys, buttons, etc.). Have your child read the pattern to you and then circle the core. Begin a pattern and ask your child to extend the pattern by adding on to it. Have them make a pattern for you to extend. Most of all have fun!! We’ve been focusing on patterns with 2-3 elements.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call us at the school, send a note in your child’s message bag, or send an e-mail.
Melanie Lloyd & Jessica Campbell