Update 5/12/2009
Second Grade Standards-Based Report Card
Alamogordo Public School District
Student Name: School Year
School: Teacher:
The New Mexico Public Education Department has established academic standards which delineate what students at each grade level should learn. This report offers you an opportunity to review your child’s progress level toward proficiency of these standards. A list of standards is available on the internet at http://www.aps4kids.org/ under the Curriculum Department page.
Language Arts
Teacher comments:
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Qtr Qtr. Qtr. Qtr. .
E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / Above MQtr. 1
Qtr. 2
Qtr. 3
Qtr. 4
* Fountas & Pinnell Guided Reading Levels: Targeted reading levels per quarter
August January May
DIBELS: (Benchmark, Strategic, Intensive)Reading Reporting Period 1 2 3 4
Demonstrates decoding skillsReads high frequency words
Applies multiple strategies to read text
Reads grade level text aloud with fluency and expression
Comprehends grade level text by recalling facts and details, predicting and retelling
Learn and use new vocabulary
Speaking and Listening 1 2 3 4
Listens attentively and participates in discussions, asking relevant questionsSpeaks clearly with appropriate volume during oral presentation
Writing 1 2 3 4
Writes legiblyWrites complete sentences
Uses correct grammar, punctuation, and capitalization
Composes a variety of written products
Uses the writing process
Spells phonetically
Spells grade level high frequency/word wall words
Correctly spells grade level words
Applies spelling rules in daily work
Teacher comments:
Numbers and Operations 1 2 3 4
Counts to 1,000 1st up to 250 2nd up to 500 3rd up to 750 4th up to 1000Identifies and writes numbers to 1,000 1st up to 250 2nd up to 500 3rd up to 750 4th up to 1000
Models place value up to 1,000 1’s 10’s 100’s 1000’s
Addition: quickly recalls facts to 20 1st semester 1-10 2nd semester 10-20
Subtraction: quickly recalls facts to 20 1st semester 1-10 2nd semester 10-20
Adds two whole numbers up to three digits long 1st single digit 2nd & 3rd two digit 4th three digit
Subtracts two whole numbers up to three digits long 1st single digit 2nd & 3rd two digit 4th three digit
Describes, writes, and solves number sentences that represent a given story problem
Uses counting by 2s, 5s and 10s for initial multiplication operations
Identifies, creates, and compares fractions
Algebra 1 2 3 4
Recognizes, describes patterns, creates and extendsConstructs and solves open number sentences (missing addends to 20) 1st semester 1-10 2nd semester 10-20
Geometry 1 2 3 4
Identifies and describes the attributes of solid geometric figuresIdentifies and creates objects with symmetry
Measurement 1 2 3 4
Uses appropriate tools to find a variety of accurate measurementsTells time to the nearest quarter hour (1st hour & half-hour, 2nd 3rd & 4th quarter-hours)
Counts and writes money problems up to $5 (2nd $1, 3rd $2.50, 4th $5)
Data Analysis and Probability 1 2 3 4
Reads _____and creates ______charts and graphsUnderstands and applies basic concepts of probability
Lifelong Learning
Teacher comments:
S = Satisfactory I = Improving N = Needs Improving U = Unsatisfactory
Identifies and uses appropriate sources of information (e.g., reference materials, people) to accomplish a specific learning task.
Participation Only Research 1 2 3 4
Science: Physical Science, Life Science, Earth & Space Science, Science & SocietySocial Studies: History, Geography, Civics, Government, Economics & Cultural Awareness
Physical Education
Computer Lab
Work Habits 1 2 3 4
Produces quality work consistent with capabilitiesListens and follows directions
Homework is complete and on time
Completes all class work in a timely manner
Organizes self and materials
Works independently
Makes good use of time
Maintains adequate attention span
Uses a variety of resources to acquire information
Social Skills 1 2 3 4
Assumes responsibility for actionsAccepts guidance
Demonstrates respect to others
Works, shares materials, and plays cooperatively with others
Participates in group activities
Chooses appropriate strategies to resolve conflict
Demonstrates self-control
Displays self-confidence
Displays a positive attitude
Follows rules and routines
(4th Quarter) Your child has been:
____ Promoted to the third grade for the 20/20 school year.
____ Advanced to the third grade for the 20/20 school year.
____ Retained in second grade for the 20/20 school year.
Teacher’s signature: ______
Attendance 1 2 3 4 Total
Days PresentDays Absent
Support Programs:
Other / Assessment based on the NM State Standards using the following instructions:
Performance Assessments
Classroom Observations
Chapter and Classroom Tests
Evaluation based on Academic Improvement Plan
Alamogordo Public Schools Second Grade Standards-Based Report Card Page 1