Rust Preventive Coating: Directions & Application Tips
POR-15 Rust Preventive Coating is unlike any other paint or coating you may have used in the past. Here is a basic guide to follow when applying POR-15 to achieve superior results.
Surface Preparation:
1.Surface must be clean...free of any dirt, oils, or grease. (If you have dirt, oil, or grease Marine=Clean is an excellent cleaner but not mandatory)
2.You MUST have an etched surface to achieve proper adhesion, choose either...a clean, wire brushed rusted surface, or an acid etched surface (use Metal Ready), or a sandblasted surface, ONE of these three surfaces are required. Sanding, grinding, or wire wheeling the metal can actually close the pours which will produce a negative effect for adhesion.
2.Do NOT Shake...STIR your paint. (Bubbles will form in the finish if you shake the paint)
3.Do NOT paint out of your can. Exposing all the paint to the air, which is the catalyst, can cause the paint to activate.
4.SCOOP, DO NOT POUR, a portion of paint out of the can & put it in another container to work out. Be conservative as to how much you remove from the can because you cannot put it back. Once POR-15 is out & exposed to the air for a period of time, the activation process may have begun & it could cause you whole can to set up if left overs are placed bank into your can. The moisture in the air is the catalyst.
5.Place a sheet of plastic wrap loosely over the open can and place your lid down on that. This is to prevent your lid welding to the can. REMEMBER POR-15 BONDS and can literally bond your lid on permanently!
6.Store your can up side down, in a relatively constant temperature...refrigerator, shop, service porch, cellar, service porch, e Drastic changes of temperature is not a good environment. Make sure your lid is on good & tight & put a sheet of aluminum foil or wax paper under up-side-down cans!
7.Always apply 2 thin, yet covering coats! 2nd coat MUST be applied when 1st coat is tacky, dry to touch but with a slight finger drag remaining. Never allow POR-15 to puddle...puddles cause bubbling.
8.SEMI GLOSS BLACK: Every layer of our Semi Gloss Black increases the gloss.Your 1st coat will dry flat, 2nd coat should pick up a hint of satin. If you apply either coat too heavy you can end up with a higher sheen than you may want. TIP: Put less paint on your brush and stretch it out as far as you can and yet cover. A natural hair brush on your 1st coat but switch to a foam brush for 2nd coat. Never press paint out of the foam...it can cause tiny bubbles to form in the finish. Remember LESS IS MORE!
You MUST wear an organic vapor mask & goggles at minimum or a fresh air hood at all times when spraying POR-15! You do not want to be breathing these particles. Also, remember POR-15 is a very permanent coating so beaware of over spray. POR-15 can only be thinned 5% (20 parts paint to 1 part Solvent) & only thin with POR-15 Solvent. Acetone for clean up.
POR-15 should be top coated if it will be exposed to full direct sunlight. (Sunlight does not break it down, however, it will fade)
Always apply 2 thin coats of POR-15, allowing 1st coat to tack before applying 2nd coat. Be prepared to follow one of the following methods:
1.TIE COAT PRIMER: POR-15’s Tie Coat is a universal primer that adheres to DRY POR-15 Rust Preventive Coating and any paint adheres to the Tie Coat. Allow the POR-15 to completely cure, 24 hours or more. Apply POR-15 Tie Coat Primer, allow it to dry a minimum of 24 hours or more and then any paint or undercoating will adhere to the Tie Coat
2.DUST COAT METHOD: When 2nd coat of POR-15 Rust Preventive Coating is dry only to a tack point (dry to touch with a slight finger drag still remaining) FOG a light dust of primer over the POR-15. The primer you use must be of compatible base to the topcoat you have chosen to use later. The dustcoat means you can still see through to the POR. Allow to dry a minimum of 12 hours or more before applying a full coat of color or more primer. ***Must Use this method when applying Bondo or other fillers over POR-15.
3.SANDING METHOD: If it is not possible to use the previous 2 methods, you can sand dry POR-15 lightly with a 600 grit wet sand paper or scotch brite pad, just enough to dull the outer finish of the POR-15. DO NOT BREAK THE SEAL that the POR-15 is providing for your project.
4.POWER MESH: Paint 1 coat of POR-15 Rust Preventive Coating, lay the fiberglass right into wet paint, apply another coat, allow to tack & apply 1 more coat
POR-15’s Top Coats are applied on fully dried POR. Allow 2nd coat of POR to fully cure 12 hours or more then apply topcoat
Apply Epoxy Putty after 2nd coat of POR-15 is at a tack point, dry to touch but with a slight finger drag remaining. We achieve a chemical bond between the putty & the POR-15 by applying it when the paint is at a tack point. The POR-15 is moisture cured and the putty is a moist clay...also have a cup of water to moisten hands when forming the putty to prevent the clay from sticking to hands
Apply a full coat of Engine Enamel on TACKY POR-15, (Dry to touch, but with a slight finger drag remaining