What to do after reporting an Auto Physical Damage* claim

After reporting the loss to Net Claims, please complete these steps:

  1. Email estimate,utilizing alternative parts**, to . Please include the Net Claim# in the subject line.

NOTE: The agency can email the estimate directly OR provide the shop the Netclaim# and have them send the estimate.

  1. If the state vehicle is located at a tow yard, please move the vehicle ASAP to reduce storage costs. If you are not sure how to handle, please contact DOAS or your agency’s Fleet Manager immediately!
  2. Review email from DOAS and send any additional documentation, i.e. police report, photos, etc. to . Documents must reference a date of loss and an agency name or include the Netclaim#.
  3. In some instances, we will need to send an appraiser. DOAS will notify the agency and forward appraisal upon receipt.

NOTE: Only DOAS can set up the appraisal. We have contracts with set appraisal companies for the state of Georgia.

  1. DOAS will advise if a deductible ($500) applies***. We will pay the shop directly, unless directed otherwise, and notify your agency to proceed with repairs.

NOTE: Please do not authorize the shop to start repairs until the agency has received approval from DOAS.

(Please note, this list is not all inclusive and additional steps may be required. We will contact the agency if additional measures are needed).

Total Losses:

Under the terms of the policy, a vehicle is a total loss if the repair estimate exceeds 75% of the Book Value in VITAL. All potentialtotal losses will be assigned to an appraiser to determine the actual cash value and the value of the salvage.

Once we have determined the vehicle is a total loss, complete these steps:

  1. Send the signed title to Fleet. Please include the Netclaim# or PR claim# with the title.
  2. For APD claims, Fleet will handle moving the vehicle.
  3. Follow the AssetWorks Guideline to enter the vehicle as a Vendor Return. (This will be sent as a separate document).

We will place the vehicle out of service and cancel the fuel card and the vehicle must not be driven.

Failure to take quick action in reporting or providing the necessary paperwork could result in additional costs being assessed to your claim.


  • * Auto Physical Damage (APD) addresses the repairs to the state fleet vehicle. It is similar to comprehensive and collision coverage on your personal policy. This coverage is optional and must be requested by your agency. APD coverage never pays for damage to your personal vehicle.
  • ** Alternative parts include remanufactured, used, or after-market parts. These reduce the cost of repairs and keep premiums down. These parts will not be acceptable replacements for any safety related components.Alternative parts are required on every estimate, when they are available, regardless of the age of the vehicle. Failure to follow this requirement will result in delays in handling the claim.
  • *** A deductible applies when the employee strikes another vehicle in the rear, hits a fixed object (including a parked vehicle), or fails to report a crime, such as hit & run, vandalism, etc., to the police.


To discuss an open claim email