SupportCenter and List Serv Guidelines


Go to and click on

CustomerSupportCenter “Log-In” (bottom left).

Select “CustomerSupportCenter” link

Select “Request a Customer Support Center Account” link (upper right)

What’s there: Technical support resources for your SunGard Higher Education products, including Solution/FAQs, documentation, patches, defects and the opportunity to open service requests tickets to troubleshoot product problems - are all available from our on-line Customer Support Center.

You can also place in your browser address window and you will be taken directly to the log-in screen

Phone-In Customer Support: 1-800-522-4827

ListServ Sign-Up

Go to and click on

CustomerSupportCenter “Log-In” (bottom left).

Once you reach the Customer Support Page, you will see the following paragraph:

SunGard Higher Education provides a valuable on-line communication capability for our customers in a listserv environment. We offer a wide variety of practical and useful discussion lists. This means you can focus your attention and valuable time on only the discussions which are appropriate for you. The discussion lists are an invaluable resource for the exchange of ideas and solutions among you and your colleagues and with SunGard Higher Education staff.Click here to access our listserv subscription page.

Select “Click here”

Anyone can obtain an account on any LISTSERV server. Your account identification is always your e-mail address, and your password merely confirms that you are the owner of that e-mail address.

To associate a password with your e-mail address, follow the "get a new LISTSERV password" link found on the login screen. Enter your e-mail address and the password you wish to use in the fields provided. Then press the "Register Password" button.

LISTSERV then sends a message to the e-mail address you entered. You must respond to the e-mail message as directed in the message. If you do not respond, the password will not be set. This guarantees that you cannot register a password for an e-mail address that does not exist or belongs to someone else.

Select “Subscribers Corner” to learn how to join the different list servs.

SunGard Higher Education- Confidential & Proprietary / Page 1 of 2
SGHE Support Center ListServ Guidelines v1.0.doc / Sep 28, 2018