November 8, 2017

Cheryl Davis, President, called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. in the Social Hall.

The minutes from the October 4, 2017 meeting were approved as sent out.

In Attendance:

Council members: Phil Olekszyk, Linda Gregory, Joan Lechene, Cathy Buquor, Cheryl Davis, Ron Haggerty, and Chriss Lawrence were present. Rita Guest, Christine Van Buren, and Justen Anderson were unable to make the meeting due to illness or prior commitments.

Ex-Officio Member: Father Jim Cowles was helping with Reconciliation in West Point.

Formation: We are using Called to Serve, which is the Diocesan guideline for parish pastoral councils. A pastoral council is uniquely called to read the signs of the times-to call the parish and the larger community to ongoing conversion. The council has the responsibility to learn about the parish community and help to respond to needs as they identify themselves. Our primary role is advisory, where we hope to be in 3 to 5 years, not to run the parish: that is the Pastors job. We hope to grow in faith together. We read the Prayer Reflection for Parish Council. It is a lot for a small group, it was suggested we try to concentrate on just a couple of points. The Minute a Day booklets are a good start. The Catechism is also a good resource guide.


Follow up on Mark Molnar’s suggestions for security: Cheryl talked with Father Jim regarding the meeting with the Ushers. There was not a huge turnout, only 2 two new people came. Charlene Galvez is doing a great job, but we need more people and the need for more greeters was also brought up, we need people who are committed to serving. Two ushers need to help with taking the money to the back. Father said we can give the combination to the kitchen door to the Sheriff’s Department so they can check the building. It was suggested that we ask Father if we could get a motivational speaker from the Diocese to come in to train and talk with ushers, greeters and others who help at the church in various capacities. We will continue the discussion next month when Father Jim is here.

Expanded Parish Bulletin Update: Cheryl reported that Father Jim said this is going to happen. We will go with what we have and hope more people will come forward with items to add. It was also suggested that the information for the G.U.E.S.T. program be added to the TV in the Commons area. Ron said the placement of the TV is not helpful for seeing everything on it. Possibly move it into the Sanctuary so people could see it before Mass. It could have the prayers on it or the number for the songs during the mass like a lot of churches do in Florida. We would need to discuss this with Father to get his ideas.


Social Justice: Linda summarized that they are expecting at least 18 angels for the annual Angel tree project this year and they are collecting donations for the Eastern Shore Migrant Ministries. They are also assisting with the GUEST program again this winter.

Maintenance: Ron asked for but did not receive a report.

Parish Community Life: Cathy is still looking for a Chairperson or Co-chairs for the Parish Community Life group. She put an announcement in the bulletin and Father made an announcement at Mass. Ana Barranco is chairing the Wine and Cheese Social on November 18th and several Theresians have offered to help. Linda said if no one else steps up she will help with the Senior Lunch in January.

Theresians: Joan reported the Theresians are a very busy group. They have 82 registered members, there were 30 members at the September meeting and 34 at the October meeting. They continue to provide the funeral receptions with donated food and comfort for the family members. They assisted with set up, bringing food and clean up for the Parish picnic and held the Christmas Bazaar with a total after expenses of $2651.04. The group purchased and distributed rosaries for Rosary Mission Sunday and helped at the Red Cross Blood Drive. They donate monthly to Unbound for an adopted child in the Dominican Republic, sent money to Catholic Charities in Texas for hurricane relief, made a donation and purchased toiletries for the GUEST program and have money earmarked toward the electrical box in the ALC building and the new kitchen countertop for the island. It was suggested the Theresians put an article in the bulletin periodically as to what they are doing and this might also bring in more members. Joan will talk to them about this.

Charitable Gaming: Phil reported they still need help both in the kitchen and on the floor. They are working with a skeleton crew. The budget shows that Bingo will produce $14,300 for the church in the current year, so far $10,300 has been donated already. 1st quarter of FY 17/18 the parish used these funds for storage/file cabinets, copper flashing/electrical work and youth ministry/worship service books and sanctuary supplies. This venture does bring a lot of money into the church, but they desperately need help.

Bread for Life: Phil reported that he has been invited to the Board meetings, but has not been able to attend yet. They have provided food assistance to 1,648 different households already this year. 430 seniors (over 65), 1900 children (under 18), 3,171 adults, 5,501 in total including 205 veterans. They will provide 600 turkeys for Thanksgiving.

Technology: Ron Haggerty said in the past we had the Advent and Lenten Books and was wondering if we were doing this again. He will check with Kerry. It was the consensus that if we do that we could have the One Minute in the Church series distributed to parishioners maybe in the summer if Father Jim was agreeable.

Regarding ways to use newer technology in getting information out to parishioners, Ron worked up a draft survey to give to parishioners as to how they would like to receive information. One of us could read the introduction from the Ambo and hand out the survey for their input. A motion was made and approved to make the survey a half page on non-white paper and show it to Father for his thoughts.

Finance Committee: Deb Knarr emailed everyone a copy of the financial report. Phil had a question about the Money Market Growth Fund and the Investment in stocks Fund. It seems like a lot of money, but was wondering about the lack of funding for some other projects and a tight budget. He will ask Deb and also we will ask Father Jim at the next meeting.


Parish Council Retreat: We will hold elections in April. It was suggested we have an abbreviated meeting possibly, Saturday, June 2nd to elect officers, followed by the retreat for past and new members. It was asked that we all check our calendars to see what Saturday in June would work for the majority of the members.

PASTOR’S COMMENTS: Cheryl said Father Jim told her that the diocesan committee will meet on November 9th to approve the changes our parish made to the pavilion plans in response to the diocesan committee’s recommendation.

Also she showed us a card Father Jim gave her that could be passed out to parents of young children going into church. We welcome these children and their wiggles. It was agreed that we should give these to all parishioners and maybe put some in the pews. We want our young families and their children to feel welcome here at all times.


Next meeting: Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, December 6, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the Social Hall. Phil Olekszyk will give the opening prayer and Ron Haggerty will do the closing prayer.

Closing Prayer: Cathy Buquor said the closing prayer, and Cheryl Davis adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted:

Chriss Lawrence, Secretary