INS ePosterFAQ’s
Each ePosterconsistsofa47inchflat-panelmonitor,mobilestand,shelf,computer,mousedevice,andcableconnectors.ePoster boards are being provided on a complimentary basis through the generous support of BD Medical.
- Whatarethestanddimensions?
Height–83½”(~7ft) Width–43½”(3.6ft) Depth–381/3”(3.2ft)
- Areportraitorlandscapepresentationsaccepted?
FortheINSconference,wewillonlybeacceptinglandscapepresentations.A template is available via the link on theePoster Presentation Guidelinespage of the Phoenix meeting website.
Whichpresentationsoftware is required to present an ePoster?
PowerPointis required for presentation of your eposter.
Is there a limit to the number of PPT slidesinanePoster?
ePoster presentations must not exceed3-5PPT slidesofcontent, including pagesusedforhyperlinked(enlarged)images,rotatinggraphicsorforvideos.(Internet service will not be available on site for video streaming; video files in .MP4, .MOV, or .WMV format must be submitted in addition to the PPT slides).
Is there a file size limit for an ePoster?
ePosterfilesizemust not exceed100MBs, including any video. Please upload video files separately from PPT slides. Video length should not exceed 5 minutes.
PPT slidescanbesetuptoadvanceautomaticallyorbymouse-click.Amousedeviceis provided witheachePostersothatyoucanadvanceyourpresentationatyourowndiscretion.
Yes,therewillalwaysbeatleast2ePostertechnicianson-sitetoassistyou withquestions.
I don’t know how to create a PPT ePoster. Is thereassistanceavailable forePostercreation?
Yes,the company providing ePoster technology, ePosterBoards, offerstwo levels of assistance:
- General formatting and design questions (complimentary).
- Contact ChristopherChisholm().
- Acustomdesignand ePoster creation service (for a fee).
- ContactJonathanPhillippe() formoreinformationonpricesanddesigns.
How do I submit my completed ePoster for presentation?
Upload your completed PPT ePosterand video files via the link on the ePoster Presentation Guidelines page of the Phoenix meeting website.A separate link is provided for each ePoster category. Be sure to upload your materials to the appropriate category.
Is there a deadline for ePoster submission?
To share your valuable data with the entire infusion community, ePosters presented at the meeting will be published in the print and iPad editions of theJournal of Infusion Nursing.
To ensure publication deadlines are met, ePosters presentations must be submitted by APRIL 4, 2014.
CanIeditmyePosterafter I’ve submitted it?
Changes to your PPT presentation can be made after the submission deadline, but these changes will not be published. Please bring the updated version of your PPT presentation on a flash drive.