Maroba presents:

“What’s Storms got to do with it !”

….. Seasons ain’t what they used to be.

Climate change and disaster management information day.




Business Owners

Maintenance & Service Managers

Care Service Managers

Facility &Operation Managers

Come along if you’re an influencer or would like to be!

Friday 13th November 2015 at58 Edith St, Waratah NSW 2298


What’s STORMS got to do with it?

8:00 / Registrations
8:20 / Open / John Zammit
Maintenance Manager / Maroba
8:25 / Welcome Address / Viv Allanson
CEO / Maroba
8.35 / Green Building and Climate Risk Management / Glen Spicer
Director / EJE Architecture
9.00 / Climate Change in the Hunter / Steve Wilson / Hunter Councils (HCCREMS)
9.45 / The effects and management of storms at the facility, organisational and regional level / Steve Ellitt / RFBI
10.00 / Mark Redding / Uniting Care Ageing
10.45 / Solar Power Update / Steve Anastasi / Adtech Eco
11.15 / Generators for power management in extreme weather events / Garry Wells / Kenshaws
11.45 / Evacuation Decision Making Guidelines for Health & Aged Care Facilities Project / Karl Cronan
Project Manager / NSW Ambulance
13:30 / World leaders and Corporate Sustainable Practices / Heidi Pollard / UQ Power
14.00 / Corporate Social Responsibility / Rick Hooper
CEO / Barefoot Power
14.30 / Joining the dots – Climate Change and Global Poverty / Tim Costello
CEO / World Vision
15.00 / Maroba’s CSR Journey / Viv Allanson
CEO / Maroba
15:30 / CLOSE
/ Glen Spicer
Glen joined EJE in 1996 after working in a London Architectural practice, was appointed to the position of Associate in 1999, and was recently appointed to Director in July 2008. At EJE Glen has been the project architect on a diverse range of projects including several Public Works school projects up to the value of $20M. His excellence in architecture has earned several design awards over the years.
Glen has a special affinity with environmentally responsible design including passive solar design, energy efficiency and Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) and has successfully integrated these aspects into his designs.
/ Steve Wilson
Regional Program Manager
Steve has been working directly with local government across a range of natural resource and environmental management issues since 1997.
Steve currently specialises in managing our regional Climate Change program earning a number of LGSA Excellence in Environment Awards for the development and implementation of a range of risk management, adaptation and mitigation initiatives.
Steve is a senior manager in the HCCREMS team and plays an active role in strategic planning; project design, delivery and management; partner liaison, and staff mentoring.
/ Karl Cronan
Project Manager
Commencing January 2015, NSW Health Emergency Management Unit has embarked on the Evacuation Decision Making Guidelines for Health and Aged Care Facilities Project,funded under the joint State/Commonwealth Natural Disaster Resilience Program.
The aim of this project is to build resilience of Health & Aged Care Services across NSW so that they are not as reliant on emergency services in times of crisis.
Our project will build a resource that will be able to be translated across all agencies with the final product, a document that will provide a state-wide systematic framework to inform Health and Aged Care Facilities and emergency workers on the need (or not) for evacuation.
/ Rick Hooper
Rick Hooper, an experienced Managing Director who has led operations for a variety of global enterprises with a passion for social enterprise, joined Barefoot Power as CEO in September 2011.
Rick has in-depth expertise across Consumer Mechanical Components, Supply Chain, FMCG, Consumer Electronics, Manufacturing, TQM, Six Sigma, Warehousing and Distribution which underpins his significant general management and business leadership experience and skills. Rick has also had a long association with social enterprise including President of the Thailand based entity of a Dutch charity providing support both financial and housing for under privileged regional high schools students in order for them to gain vocational school qualifications. More recently, Rick privately supported a Thai regional primary school financially to establish building infrastructure to support school growth and development goals.
Tim Costello
Tim Costello is one of Australia’s most recognised voices on social justice, leadership and ethics, having engaged in public debates on gambling, urban poverty, homelessness, reconciliation and substance abuse.
Since 2004, as Chief Executive of World Vision Australia, Tim has also been instrumental in ensuring that the issues surrounding global poverty are placed on the national agenda.
His passion for justice and for helping to alleviate the suffering of poor communities in the developing world quickly became evident when the devastating Asia tsunami struck on Boxing Day, 2004. The leadership he showed at the time helped to inspire an unprecedented outpouring of generosity from the Australian public, with World Vision Australia raising more than $100 million for tsunami relief.
AdtechEco, solar panels are just the beginning. They have forged a reputation throughout Newcastle and the Hunter Valley for premium level quality and service in the following areas:
Air Conditioning,Refrigeration, Energy Management, Solar Power, Solar Hot water, Electrical, Energy Monitoring, Energy Efficient Lighting, Facility Services & Maintenance
They have delivered thousands of successful energy efficiency solutions and saved clients millions of dollars, and don't intend to stop delivering this customer satisfaction.
Whether it's the domestic or commercial market - from an air conditioner, electrical wiring or installation of solar panels through to full energy audits and facilities services - our diverse experience means our team will have a solution for residents of greater Newcastle.
From start to finish their friendly and respectful staff will work closely with you to ensure the end result is more than you hoped for.
Industrial Power Solutions
We understand that consistent power supply and generation is critical for your business and provide reliable specialist services in the areas of electric motors, generators and non-destructive testing (NDT). Our capabilities and experience include the design, manufacture, installation, commissioning, repair, testing and service (whether routine or emergency) of business critical power generation and electric motor products including a fully fitted workshop with skilled mechanical and electrical staff.
From our head office in Newcastle we provide regular and responsive service to long standing clients within the data centre, agriculture, mining, industrial, hospitals, retirement villages, transport and utility sectors across the eastern seaboard. Kenshaw's success has been built on our highly skilled, experienced and dedicated staff providing quality critical asset management services based on our simple philosophy: to provide professional service excellence with integrity and helpfulness.
We listen to your needs so we can proactively provide critical electro-mechanical solutions and services that exceed your expectations and ensure you are never let down.
/ Heidi Pollard

We work on the human side of business to help your leaders, your people and your company grow. There are three key ways we do this:

  1. Personal Power – helping business owners and leaders to become more personally efficient and effective
  2. People Power – helping leaders and companies to power up their people and get their teams and culture moving productively and positively
  3. Brand Power – helping businesses and organisations to build their brand presence in the market and increase their profit power through their relationships withtheir stakeholders.
As Company Culture Architects we will listen, seek to understand and then design, build and strengthen your company's culture and brand through unique, proven strategies.It’s a tall order and we’re proud to step up to it.
We love possibility thinking and radical rethinking. When it comes down to it, we’re here to create services and programs that work for you, your people, your organisation, your customers and your stakeholders.It all starts with U