Bible Quiz Fellowship

John Questions

UPDATED 4/21/10

1:1 When was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God? (In) The beginning

1:1 With whom was the Word (in the beginning)? (With) God

1:1 Who was with God and was God (in the beginning)? The Word

1:2 With whom was He (in the beginning)? (With) God

1:2 When was He with God? (In) The beginning

1:3 What were made through him? All things

1:3 What was made without him? Nothing that has been made

1:4 What was in him and was the light of men? (That) Life

1:5 What shines in the darkness but the darkness has not understood? (It) The light

1:6 Who came who was sent from God? (A) Man OR John

1:6 From whom was a man sent (was John sent)? (From) God

1:6 What was his name? John

1:7 How did he come? As a witness

1:7 Why did he come (as a witness)? To testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe

1:7 Who might believe (through him)? All men

1:8 What was he himself not (he came only as a witness to)? The light

1:8 How did he come (he himself come)? Only as a witness to the light

1:9 What was coming into the world that gives light to every man? The true light

1:9 To whom does the true light give light? (To) Every man

1:9 Where was the true light that gives light to every man coming? (Into) The world

1:10 Where was he? (In) The world

1:10 Though what was made through him did the world not recognize him? (Though) The world

1:10 Who did not recognize him? The world

1:11 To whom did he come? (To that which was) His own

1:11 Who did not receive him? (That which was) His own

1:12 To whom did he give the right (to become children of God)? (Yet to) all who received him, (to) those who believed in his name

1:12 What did he give (to all who received him, to those who believed in his name)? The right to become children of God

1:14 Who became flesh and made his dwelling among us? The Word (the One and Only)

1:14 Who came from the Father? (The Word) The One and Only

1:14 What did the Word become? Flesh

1:14 What did the Word make among us? His dwelling

1:14 What have we seen? His glory, the glory of the One and Only

1:14 From whom did the One and Only come (the Word come)? (From) The Father

1:14 How did the One and Only come from the Father? Full of grace and truth

1:15 Who testifies (concerning him, cries out)? John (he)

1:15 Who has surpassed me because he was before me? He who comes after me

1:15 When does he come? After (me)

1:15 When was he? Before (me)

1:15 Why has he who comes after me surpassed me? Because he was before me

1:16 From what have we all received one blessing after another? (From) The fullness of his grace

1:16 Who have received one blessing (after another)? We all

1:17 What was given (through Moses)? The law

1:17 Through whom was the law given? (Through) Moses

1:17 What came (through Jesus Christ)? Grace and truth

1:17 Through whom did grace and truth come? (Through) Jesus Christ

1:18 Who has seen God (ever)? No one

1:18 When has no one seen God? Ever

1:18 Whom has no one seen (ever)? God (the One and Only)

1:18 Where is God the One and Only? (At) The Father's side

1:18 Who has made him known who is at the Father’s side? God the One and Only

1:18 What has God the One and Only made him? Known

1:19 What was this? John's testimony

1:19 When was this John's testimony? When the Jews of Jerusalem sent priests and Levites to ask him who he was

1:19 Who sent priests and Levites? The Jews of Jerusalem

1:19 Whom did the Jews of Jerusalem send? Priests and Levites

1:19 Why did the Jews of Jerusalem send priests and Levites? To ask him who he was

1:20 How did he confess? Freely

1:20 Who am I not? The Christ

1:22 How did they say? Finally

1:22 What give us? (An) Answer to take back to those who sent us

1:23 Who replied (in the words of Isaiah the prophet)? John

1:23 In what did John reply? (In) The words of Isaiah the prophet

1:23 What am I? The voice of one calling in the desert

1:23 How make the way (for the Lord)? Straight

1:23 What make straight? The way (for the Lord)

1:23 For whom, make the way straight? (For) The Lord

1:24 Who had been sent (now)? Some Pharisees

1:24 What had some Pharisees been (now)? Sent

1:25 Whom are you not? The Christ, (nor) Elijah, (nor) the Prophet

1:26 With what do I baptize? (With) Water

1:26 Who replied? John

1:26 Who stands among you? One you do not know

1:27 Who is he? The one who comes after me (the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie)

1:27 When does the one come? After (me)

1:27 What am I not? Worthy to untie the thongs (of whose sandals)

1:28 What happened (at Bethany)? This all

1:28 Where did this all happen? (At) Bethany (on the other side of the Jordan)

1:28 Where was John baptizing? The Jordan

1:28 Who was baptizing? John

1:29 When did John see Jesus coming toward him and say? The next day

1:29 Who saw Jesus (the Lamb of God)? John

1:29 Whom did John see (coming toward him)? Jesus OR The Lamb of God

1:29 Who takes away the sin of the world? The Lamb of God OR Jesus

1:29 What does the Lamb of God take away (Jesus take away)? The sin of the world

1:30 Who is this? The one I meant when I said, “A man who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me”

1:30 Why has a man who comes after me surpassed me? Because he was before me

1:30 When does a man come? After (me)

1:30 When was he? Before (me)

1:31 Why did I come (baptizing with water)? (The reason was) That he might be revealed to Israel

1:31 How did I come? Baptizing (with water)

1:31 To whom might he be revealed? (To) Israel

1:31 What might he be (to Israel)? Revealed

1:31 Baptizing with what did I come? (Baptizing with) Water

1:32 Who gave this testimony (then)? John

1:32 What testimony did John give (then)? This testimony OR “I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him”

1:32 Whom did I see come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him? The Spirit

1:32 As what did I see the Spirit (come down from heaven)? (As a) Dove

1:32 From where did the Spirit come down (I saw)? (From) Heaven

1:33 Except what would I not have known him? (Except that) The one who sent me to baptize with water told me

1:33 Who told me? The one who sent me to baptize with water

1:33 Why did the one send me? To baptize with water

1:33 Who is he who will baptize with the Holy Spirit? The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain

1:33 With whom will he baptize (you will see come down and remain)? (With) The (Holy) Spirit

1:34 Who is this? The Son of God

1:34 What have I seen and do I testify (that)? This is the Son of God

1:35 When was John there (with two of his disciples)? The next day OR Again

1:35 Who was there with two of his disciples (the next day, again)? John

1:35 With whom was John (there, the next day, again)? (With) Two of his disciples

1:36 Whom did he see passing by (look)? Jesus OR The Lamb of God

1:36 When did he say? When he saw Jesus passing by

1:37 Who heard him (followed Jesus)? (The) Two disciples (they)

1:37 Whom did they follow (when the two disciples heard him say this)? Jesus

1:37 When did they follow Jesus? When the two disciples heard him say this

1:38 Who saw them following and asked? Jesus

1:38 Turning where did Jesus see them following (and ask)? (Turning) Around

1:38 What means teacher? “Rabbi”

1:39 Where did they see (and go)? (They went and saw) Where he was staying

1:39 What did they spend with him? That day

1:39 About when was it? (About the) Tenth hour

1:40 Who was one of the two? Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother

1:40 What was Andrew? Simon Peter's brother OR One of the two who heard what John had said and (who) had followed Jesus

1:40 Who heard what John had said and followed Jesus? The two

1:40 Who had said? John

1:40 Whom had the two followed (Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother followed)? Jesus

1:41 What was the first thing Andrew did? (Was to) Find his brother Simon and tell him

1:41 Who found his brother Simon and told him? Andrew

1:41 Whom did Andrew find and tell? His brother Simon (him)

1:41 Whom have we found? The Messiah OR The Christ

1:41 Who is that? The Christ OR The Messiah

1:42 To whom did he bring him? (To) Jesus

1:42 Who looked at him and said? Jesus

1:42 Who are you? Simon son of John

1:42 What will you be called which, when translated, is Peter? Cephas

1:42 When is Cephas, “Peter”? When translated

1:43 When did Jesus decide to leave (for Galilee)? The next day

1:43 Who decided (to leave for Galilee, the next day)? Jesus

1:43 For where did Jesus decide to leave (the next day)? (For) Galilee

1:43 What did Jesus decide (the next day)? (To) Leave for Galilee

1:43 Finding whom did he say to him? (Finding) Philip (him)

1:44 Who was from the town of Bethsaida? Philip OR Andrew and Peter

1:44 From where was Philip, like Andrew and Peter? (From the town of) Bethsaida

1:45 Who found Nathanael and told him? Philip

1:45 Whom did Philip find and tell? Nathanael (him)

1:45 Whom have we found? The one Moses wrote about in the Law and about whom the prophets also wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph

1:45 Who wrote (in the law, about the one)? Moses OR The Prophets (also)

1:45 In what did Moses write (about the one)? (In) The Law

1:46 Who asked? Nathanael

1:46 Who said? Philip

1:47 Who saw Nathanael (approaching)? Jesus

1:47 Whom did Jesus see (approaching)? Nathanael (a true Israelite)

1:47 In whom is there nothing false? (In) Nathanael OR (A) True Israelite

1:47 When did he say of him? When Jesus saw Nathanael approaching

1:47 Who is here? Nathanael OR (A) True Israelite (in whom there is nothing false)

1:47 Where is a true Israelite (in whom there is nothing false)? Here

1:47 What is in a true Israelite here (Nathanael)? Nothing false

1:48 Who asked? Nathanael

1:48 Who answered? Jesus

1:48 When did I see you? While you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you

1:48 Under what were you (still)? (Under) The fig tree

1:48 Who called you? Philip

1:49 Who declared (then)? Nathanael

1:49 Who are you? The Son of God OR The King of Israel OR Rabbi

1:49 Of whom are you the Son? (Of) God

1:49 Of what are you the King? (Of) Israel

1:50 Who said (told you I saw you under the fig tree)? Jesus (I)

1:50 Why do you believe? Because I (Jesus) told you I saw you under the fig tree

1:50 What did I tell you I saw you under? The fig tree

1:50 What shall you see? Greater things (than that)

1:51 What do I tell you? The truth

1:51 What shall you see? Heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man

1:51 Whom shall you see (ascending and descending on the Son of Man)? (The) Angels of God

2:1 When did a wedding take place (at Cana in Galilee)? (On) The third day

2:1 What took place (at Cana in Galilee, on the third day)? (A) Wedding

2:1 Where did a wedding take place (Jesus’ mother was there)? (At) Cana in Galilee (there)

2:1 Who was there (a wedding at Cana in Galilee)? Jesus' mother

2:2 Who had been invited (to the wedding, also)? Jesus and his disciples

2:2 To what had Jesus and his disciples been invited (also)? (To the) Wedding

2:3 What was gone (OR What do they have no more)? (The) Wine

2:3 When did Jesus’ mother say to him? When the wine was gone

2:3 Who said to him (when the wine was gone)? Jesus' mother

2:4 Who involves me (Jesus)? (You, dear) Woman

2:4 What has not come (yet)? My time

2:4 When has my time come? Not yet

2:4 Who replied? Jesus

2:5 Who said to the servants? His mother

2:5 To whom did his mother say? (To) The servants

2:5 Do what? (Do) Whatever he tells you

2:6 What stood nearby (each holding from twenty to thirty gallons)? Six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing

2:6 Where did six stone water jars stand? Nearby

2:7 To whom did Jesus say? (To) The servants

2:7 Who said to the servants? Jesus

2:7 Fill what with water (they filled them to the brim)? (Fill) The jars (them)

2:7 Why did they fill them (to the brim)? Jesus said to the servants (“Fill the jars with water”)

2:7 How did they fill them (six stone water jars)? To the brim

2:8 To whom take it (some)? (To) The master of the banquet

2:8 Draw what out and take it to the master of the banquet? (Draw) Some (it)

2:9 Who tasted the water that had been turned into wine? The master of the banquet

2:9 What did the master of the banquet taste? (The water that had been turned into) Wine (it)

2:9 What had the servants drawn? (The) Water

2:9 What did he not realize? Where it (the water that had been turned into wine) had come from

2:9 Who knew? The servants who had drawn the water

2:9 Though what did he not realize where it had come from? (Though) The servants who had drawn the water knew

2:9 Whom did he call aside? The bridegroom

2:9 Where did he call the bridegroom? Aside

2:10 Who brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine (after the guests have had too much to drink)? Everyone

2:10 What does everyone bring out? (The) Choice wine (first) OR (The) Cheaper wine (after the guests have had too much to drink)