Leeds Road,Allerton Bywater
Castleford,WF10 2DR
Headteacher: Richard Cairns
Year 1 GH Spring 1 newsletter 2015
Dear Parents/Carers,
Happy New Year and welcome back, I hope you enjoyed the Christmas break.
What’s coming up this term?
Literacy – This half term we will be writing our own fictional stories based on ones from other cultures, as well as looking at non-fiction texts to gather information. We will also be reading, writing and performing our own poems.
Numeracy – Over the next few weeks we will be looking at larger numbers, place value, doubling or halving in the context of numbers, measures or money, for example to ‘pay’ and ‘give change’, problem solve and display results in a table.
Science –Animals, including humans. We will be discussing what they need to survive, about exercise and diet and how to classify animals into herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.
RE –Stories with morals.
PE- Multi-skills, PE will take place on a Monday and Thursday afternoon. Would you please provide fully named indoor and outdoor PE kits. We would also ask that children with pierced ears come to school with them taken out, or with tape to cover them up for P.E. Please remember earrings should be plain gold or silver studs.
Topic- The whole school topic is ‘River Deep, Mountain High’. This week we will be looking at the weather patterns in the UK moving onto use atlases and globes to name the five oceans. We will then identify rivers, oceans and continents and use simple compass directions (North, South, East and West).
BLOG-Please look at our BLOG ( 1ST) It is updated regularly and tells youwhat we are working on.
Reminders- Children can now use the I am Learning website, the username is your child’s first and last name with no spaces all in lower case, the password is your child’s birthday dd/mm/yyyy.
For example, user name: johnsmith password: 07/03/2009
Please be aware of what website your child is on if they are using the internet, e-safety is extremely important.
Please could you bring the reading books, planners and book bags to school every day. We will read with each child at least once a week and the children will change their books, this may not be on the same day each week. We also listen to the children read twice a week during guided reading sessions.
Please continue to support your child’s learning by,
- Listening to them read daily and asking questions about the text to check understanding (prompts in the back of planners to help you)
- Ensuring that home learning is completed and handed in by Wednesday.
- Phonics play-
We are available to speak to you in the mornings or at the end of the day if you have any concerns or worries.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Miss Hamilton and Miss Scaife
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