Planning Board Regular Meeting Minutes April 27, 2016

The meeting was held at the Firehouse Meeting Room at 7:00 pm

Present: Chairperson Pat Bianconi, Pat Foser, Michele Murphy, Pam Sheradin, and Frank Zimdahl

Others Present: Village Clerk Ann Balloni, Village Code Enforcement Officer Patrick Doyle, Village Attorney Thomas Blair, Esq., Village Engineer Ken Teter, Village Historian Dr. Linda Schwab, Village ZBA member Laura Holland, Wells College representatives Brian Brown (Facilities and Operations Manager), Jenn Michael (Dean of Students), John Callahan, Esq., and Brody Smith, Esq., Beardsley Architects representatives Drew Ingram, Larry Libertore, and Steve Moolin, Purcell Construction representative Jason McCullough, and village residents G. Alan Clugston, Robin Driskel and Bill & Laurie Roberts.

Call to Order: Ms. Bianconi called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Approval of Minutes: On motion by Mr. Zimdahl, seconded by Ms. Foser, the Planning Board voted to approve the March 23, 2016 meeting minutes.

AYES: Bianconi, Foser, Sheradin, and Zimdahl

NAYS: None


Motion carried.

Changes to the Agenda: On motion by Ms. Foser, seconded by Ms. Sheradin, the Planning Board voted to postpone the public hearing in order to have time to review materials received in the Village office on April 26 & 27 from the New York State Historic Preservation Office, New York State Department of Conservation, Dr. Linda Schwab, and Beardsley Architects.

AYES: Bianconi, Foser, Murphy, Sheradin, and Zimdahl

NAYS: None

Motion carried unanimously.

Announcements: Ms. Balloni informed the board members that there is a letter in their packets from Kathy Almeer regarding Application #14-41 from Robert Jetty.

Old Business

State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR)

Application #16-02 from Wells College for a new dorm and extension of Woods Lot parking area (Tax Map #182.17-1-53 & 193.05-1-1)

Mr. Moolin, representing Beardsley Architects, reviewed revisions (see attached submission documents from Beardsley Architects dated April 26, 2016) to Part 1 of the Full Environmental Assessment Form (FEAF) submitted by the applicant on April 4, 2016 (see attached). Mr. Moolin noted the changes on the April 4, 2016 document and dated and initialed each change. Included in the changes are an addition to the project narrative regarding an additional construction phase, hours of construction operation, and building site contamination history. It was noted that, per conversations with Steve Lynch from Cayuga County Planning Board, that the changes did not require further County Planning GML 239 review.

Village Attorney, Mr. Blair, questioned the status of the possibility of constructing a bridge from the new dorm to the Woods Lot parking area. Mr. Moolin and Mr. Smith, an attorney representing Wells College, remarked that the bridge is too uncertain at this point to consider as part of the proposed project. Mr. Blair advised including the bridge on the application and Mr. Brown, Wells College Facilities and Operations manager, instructed Mr. Moolin to amend the FEAF to include the bridge.

Village Historian, Dr. Schwab, submitted a letter (attached) with concerns regarding the responses to section E.2. of part 1 of the FEAF regarding natural resources and wildlife in the area designated for parking expansion. Discussion ensued regarding how much area is designated for the habitat and Dr. Schwab referenced a letter (attached) from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) with their recommendations regarding the proposed location. The representatives from Wells College and Beardsley Architects all voiced their preference for the parking plan as proposed.

Village resident Laurie Roberts expressed concerns regarding increased traffic, activity, and noise due to the proximity of the proposed dorm being so close to the residents of Wells Road. Mr. Blair remarked that those concerns will be addressed during the Site Plan review.

Mr. Blair suggested that the Planning Board begin completing part 2 of the FEAF except for the questions relating to Dr. Schwab’s concerns (part 7). Mr. Smith agreed.

FEAF Part 2 (attached):

  1. Impact on Land:YES Subsections a-g: no or small impact
  2. Impact on Geological Features: NO
  3. Impact on Surface Water: YES Subsections a-k: no or small impact
  4. Impact on Groundwater: YES Subsections a-g: no or small impact
  5. Impact on Flooding: NO
  6. Impacts on Air: NO
  8. Impact on Agricultural Resources: NO
  9. Impact of Aesthetic Resources: NO
  10. Impact on Historic and Archeological Resources: YES. Subsections a-e: no or small impact
  11. Impact on Open Space and Recreation: NO
  12. Impact on Critical Environmental Areas: NO
  13. Impact on Transportation: YES Subsections a-e: no or small impact
  14. Impact on Energy: YES Subsections a-d: no or small impact
  15. Impact on Noise, Odor, and Light: YESSubsections a-d: no or small impact
  16. Impact on Human Health: YES Subsections a-l: no or small impact
  17. Consistency with Community Plans: NO
  18. Consistency with Community Character: NO

Mr. Blair recommended extending the timeline to continue the SEQR and Mr. Smith suggested setting a deadline for future written comments.

On motion by Mr. Zimdahl, seconded by Ms. Foser, the Planning Board voted to continue the State Environmental Quality Review at their May 25, 2016 meeting, set a deadline of May 11, 2016 for any additional evidence pertaining to SEQR, and giving the applicant, Wells College, until May 18, 2016 to respond to any additional evidence submitted; contingent upon the applicant agreeing to the adjournment of the SEQR proceedings.

AYES: Bianconi, Foser, Murphy, Sheradin, and Zimdahl

NAYS: None

Motion carried unanimously.

On motion by Ms. Murphy, seconded by Ms. Sheradin, the Planning Board voted to adjourn the Site Plan Review and Public Hearing for Special Use Permit consideration of Application #16-02 to the May 25, 2016 Planning Board meeting, and the 30 day delay is not chargeable to the applicant or the village.

AYES: Bianconi, Foser, Murphy, Sheradin, and Zimdahl

NAYS: None

Motion carried unanimously.

New Business

Zoning Law Amendments: The Planning Board set the following work session schedule, to be held at the Aurora Firehouse meeting room, to begin their review of the proposed zoning amendments:

May 23, 2016: 6:00pm-7:30pm

May 25, 2016: 6:00pm-7:00pm

June 22, 2016:6:00pm-7:00pm

June 27, 2016: 6:00pm-7:30pm

Adjournment: On motion by Ms. Foser, seconded by Mr. Zimdahl, the Planning Board voted to adjourn the meeting at 9:30pm.

AYES: Bianconi, Foser, Murphy, Sheradin, and Zimdahl

NAYS: None

Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted

Ann Balloni

Village Clerk