Education, Health and Care Plan
Date of Birth:
Name of Parent(s) / Carer(s):
Contact Number:
Email address:
EHC Lead Professional:
EHC Case Worker:
Social Worker / Care Manager (if applicable):
Section A: / The Views, Interests and Aspirations of the child or young person and their parents/carersSection B: / Child or young person’s Special Educational Needs (SEN)
Section C: / Child or young person’s Health Needs and those that are specifically related to SEN
Section D: / Child or young person’s Care Needs and those that are specifically related to SEN
Section E: / Outcomes, including Preparing for Adulthood outcomes for Yr9 onwards
Section F: / Special Education Provision required to meet needs and achieve outcomes
Section G: / Health Provision required to meet needs and achieve outcomes
Section H: / Care Provision required to meet needs and achieve outcomes (sections H1 and H2)
Section I: / Name and type of Education Placementand arrangements for review
Section J: / Personal Budgetincluding arrangements for direct payments
Section K: / Advice and Information gathered
Personal Profile
Section A: The views, interests and aspirations of [First name]and [his/her] family
This section records a range of information about the child or young person and can be gathered in different ways. This section primarily focuses on the child or young person, there is a separate section to include the views of the parents/carers and other family members.
What people like and admire about [Name]:
What is important to [Name]:
What is important for [Name]:
[Name’s] wishes for the future:
[Name’s] experiences and achievements:
How [Name] communicates:
Essential information you need to know about [Name]:
How [Name] has been involved in their plan:
[Name’s] History:
[Name’s] Friends and Family:
Who completed this section?Who has contributed to this section?
[Name’s] family’s views:
This section is where parents/carers and other family members can record their views, interests and aspirations, in relation to the child or young person. This is optional as all the information may have already been captured in the previous section.
Who completed this section?Who contributed to this section?
Section B:[First name’s]Special Educational Needs
This section is based on reports received by those listed in Section K of this plan.
[First name’s] levels of learningas at [date]:
Area / Strengths and barriers to learningCommunication and interaction
Cognition and learning
Social, emotional and mental health
Sensory and/or physical needs
[First name’s] Special Educational Needs:
[Overview paragraph if required]
Section C:[First name’s] health needs and those that are specifically related to [his/her]SEN
This section is based on reports received by those listed in Section K of this plan.
[First name’s] health needs and how they are managed:
Health Needs specifically related to [First name’s] SEN:
Section D:[First name’s] care needs and those that are specifically related to [his/her]SEN
This section is based on reports received by those listed in Section K of this plan.
[First name’s] care needs and how they are managed:
Care needs specifically related to [First name’s] SEN:
[First name’s] family’s needs relating to care:
Is the child or young person subject to a child protection plan?Is the child or young person a ‘Looked After Child’ (LAC)?
Is the child or young person subject to a care order? If so please state who holds parental responsibility
Section E: The outcomes sought for [First name]
This section outlines the outcomes sought, which must link to the child or young person’s aspirations detailed in section A, together with the needs specifically related to the SEN (Sections B, C & D).
Outcome sought / We will know this has been achieved because by the end of [key stage/phase X]:n.b. Annual targets will be developed in partnership with the education provider and appended to this EHC Plan. Progress towards outcomes will be reviewed on an annual basis.
Preparing for Adulthood outcomes
This section must be included for young people in Y9 onwards
Pathway / Outcome sought / We will know this has been achieved because by the end of [key stage/phase X]:Friendships, relationships and being part of my community
Independent Living and Housing
Preparing for and finding employment
Maintaining Good Health
Add additional rows as necessary
n.b. Annual targets will be developed in partnership with the education provider and appended to this EHC Plan. Progress towards outcomes will be reviewed on an annual basis.
Sections F, G and H: The provision required across Education, Health and Care to achieve outcomes
Education Provision (Section F)Health Provision (Section G)
Social Care Provision (Section H1)
Social Care Provision (Section H2)please note that this section only applies to 18yrs and under
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Section I: Education Placement
Name:Type of Setting:
Funding Level:
Arrangements for review: / This EHC Plan will be reviewed on an annual basis at which time all professionals will be invited to contribute to the review
Provision within a new placement or phase:
Further assessment will take place within the new placement or phase to ensure that the provision is appropriate and support levels are in place to meet assessed needs.
Section J: Personal Budget – including arrangements for direct payments
Has the child’s family or young person made a request for a personal budget?Area / Yes/no / If no, please provide the reason
Social Care
Personal Budget Details (if applicable)
Provision(What will it be used to purchase?) / Outcomes(which outcomes, detailed in the EHC Plan will the personal budget contribute to?) / Amount (£) / Funding source(education, health or social care or mixture?) / Management of funds(How will the PB be managed? - direct payment, notional arrangements, 3rd party arrangement or a mixture?)
Section K: Advice and Information gathered during the EHC needs assessment
The following information and reports have all contributed to the development of this EHC Plan and are attached as appendices, where applicable:
Name / Title / Contribution and associated report (if applicable) / Date of reportAuthorised budgetary signatories
Name(signature) / Title
Name(printed) / Date
Social Care
Name(signature) / Title
Name(printed) / Date
Name(signature) / Title
Name(printed) / Date
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