Whether you are planning your pitch to a journalist, or writing a press release, it is alwaysgood to remember what they are looking for in a news item. Before you start anything, try and think how a journalist would. Capturing their interest from the start is key to presenting a good newsstory.This ‘TRUTH’ acronym is a useful way of remembering what elements a journalist willbe looking for in your story:


Your story is news because it is new. It can also be counted as news bybeing connected to something that is topical and that people are talking about. Forexample, older Girls shout out! reports still get mentioned in the news because theysupport a story that people are still interested in like self-esteem.


Remember who you are trying to speak to with the story and make sureyou are pitching it to the right journalist and media outlet. To get coverage the storyhas to be relevant to the people who are reading/listening/watching it. For example, there’s no point pitching a story about a new unit opening to a lifestyle or fashion magazine.


News is surprising. Journalists and media outlets like stories that are abit quirky or different - what sets your story apart from others? What might seem normal to a guiding person might be really interesting to a member of the public so try to think about this before you dismiss a potential story.


Popular news stories often show conflict and drama.Although we try to avoid this kind of coverage, it is worth thinking about the ways thatyour story could be manipulated to show this and try to think of ways it could bemanaged. Always contact a member of your local or regional PR team if you are in doubt about a story.


News is about people. The views, experiences and feelings of people are what makes a story interesting and helps the reader/viewer to connect with it. Alwaystry to include a ‘human’ element by using quotes, case studies and pictures. If you’re struggling to do this, think about what would interest you about the story if you saw it in the newspaper.

*Remember to keep it simple. Clear, easy to read stories are almost the most successful. Don’t worry too much about the writing – it is the journalist’s job to make your press release into a newspaper story. It is always a good idea to simplify Girlguiding’s jargon so everyone can understand and it makes the story more accessible.