The meeting was called to order by President Annie Tubbs at 9:15 am.
Annie thanks all those who shared events in June of the last school year.
Chair positions is still open for the 2011 - 2012 school :
Hot Lunch
Coordinating Council
Bike Rally
Huge thanks to Aimee Basa and Judy White for volunteering to chair Theme Day!
Fundraising is being downsized this year. Coupon Books, Gertrude Hawk and Valentine Flowers have all been eliminated.
Chairpersons meeting will be Monday Sept. 12 at 9am
Newcomers’ Tea
Class Parent Tea Sept. 15th - You must be a member of the PTO to be eligible to be a class parent.
First Annual Movie Night to be held on Friday Sept. 16th. This event is free to Coolidge families. Students will vote on the movie to be shown that evening.
Proposed budget for the school year of 2011 - 2012 was presented and approved by the membership.
Please go to the Paperless PTO site to sign up as a member of the PTO. Check your information and update your child’s teacher. Check the class parent box if you wish to be a class parent . You must be a member of the PTO for your information to be included in the directory. Please contact Michelle with any questions.
SECOND VICE PRESIDENTS - Adrienne Phillips and Dianne Poppe
Inisbrook fundraiser begins Sept. 8th and runs until the 22nd. Gift wrap and more. 100% recycled wrapping paper is 2 sided. Items can be bought on line, Coolidge code is 101301. Relatives anywhere can order on line using the code and Coolidge will receive credit for the sale.
SECRETARY - Megan Aylward
Please sign in on the attendance sheet.
ECONOMY SHOP - Kate Tom and Tamsen
The Economy Shop raised over $47,000 last year that was distributed among the five schools in Wyckoff and the High Schools. Coolidge received $6000. Shop opens Sept. 15th . To consign you must open an account. You receive 60% from the sale and the schools get 40%. You can also donate items.
The Economy Shop is selling Lord and Taylor coupon books for $5.00. It includes 25% off clothing, 20% off other items, and 15% off all day.
Laura Chumas is the volunteer coordinator for the Economy Shop. Volunteers are needed to sell, take consignments and keep the shop orderly.
Looking forward to being the liason between the parents and the teachers.
NEWCOMERS TEA- Mary Coughlin
Newcomers Tea will be held on Wed. Sept. 14 at 9:30am. Please RSVP on website. All are welcomed.
Coolidge has paperless e-mail communication through he PTO website. Please sign up to be on the E-Blast list. Blasts go out on Fridays. Looking for a volunteer to help out and to learn how the system works. It is user friendly. If you are not receiving e-blast - please contact Cara.
MEDIA CENTER - Laura Chumas
Volunteers are needed to help out Ms. Needleman in the Media Center. Many improvements have been made to the Media Center over the Summer. Volunteers are needed to help the students check out books, and to keep the Media Center orderly. Volunteer when your child’s class is attending Media Center. Shifts are 25 to 45 minutes long.
ART DOCENT - Jeanette Park and Antoinette Walder
Volunteers are needed twice a year, in the Fall and again in the Spring, Children are introduced to an artist and replicate that artists work. A coordinator is also needed at each grade level.
BOOK FAIR - Helene Garland and Kathy Wilson
The Book Fair will take place the first week of October. Monday the 1st in the evening and then Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon. Volunteers are needed to help set up on Friday Sept 30th, assist the children during the book fair, work the cash register and clean up. Books will once again be provided by Scolastic Books. Teachers Wish lists will be available if you wish to donate a book to your child’s teacher.
HARVEST FESTIVAL - Noelle Keary, Michelle Tosney, Tracy Gerber
The Fall Festival will take place on Thursday October 20th with a rain date of the 21st. Volunteers are needed to paint pumpkins to be sold, bake, sell pumpkins, distribute bake goods, face paint and to help run different stations with the kids. Paint and pumpkins will be provided.
MATHLETES - Ming Plotnick
Mathletes starts in January for grades 2 through 5 and will meet every other Wednesday.
5TH GRADE REPS - Cara Goodrich, Jill Stapinski, Christine Secora
5ThGrade Kick Off was Sept. 7th. This event helps to instill team building. Bagel, Subway and Pizza lunch will begin the week of Sept. 19th. Please order on line. One check can be written for your families entire order. Volunteers are needed to help serve the lunches.
Photos are needed for the 5Th Grade Memory Book. Please e-mail photos to . Hard copies can also be used, but e-mail is preferred.
After school programs will consist of golf, tennis, Mad Science and Little Chefs Cooking. A PTO member must to in attendance during these classes. A volunteer will be needed to be at every class.
Mr. Famularo welcomed the membership. The building was cleaned over the Summer. New curtains were hung in the gym, some rooms were repainted, four rooms received air conditioners and the office got a make over. Coolidge has a record number of new students this year.
Our school has new hours this year. Start time is 8:35am, with a 3:20 dismissal time.
A period of at least thirty minutes has been scheduled during each school day for grades 1 -5.
This year’s school theme is CHARACTER COUNTS AT COOLIDGE.
Each month will have a sub theme. September’s is “starting off on the right foot”
February’s will be “We’re different and we’re alike”. Lessons will follow the theme of character education.
Harassment Intimidation Bullying Legislation
On January 5, 2011, Governor Chris Christie signed into law P.L.2010, Chapter 122, an act concerning HIB in school settings that amended various parts of the statutory law. In particular for school policies and procedures, the act amended N.J.S.A. 18A:37-13 et seq., which include the requirements for the prevention and intervention of HIB on and off school grounds*, at school-sponsored functions and on school buses.
Classes will have lessons in September on what to do if you are bullied and how to help someone else who is being bullied.
Every school is required to have a Anti -bullying Specialist. The specialist at Coolidge is Mrs. McPartland, our Guidance Counselor.
We will not hold a school wide tribute, but teachers will address their individual class. Classroom talks will be age appropriate and focus on celebrating heroes and tolerance.
Next PTO Meeting will be Wednesday October 5th.