

Where is Botswana?2

Botswana’s flag3

Travelling to Botswana4

Travelling in Botswana5

What kind of place is Botswana?6

The weather in Botswana7

Animals of Botswana8

Mokolodi Nature Reserve11

School in Botswana12

The food of Botswana14

Homes in Botswana15

Shopping in Botswana16

Botswana currency17

Work in Botswana18

Leisure in Botswana19

Holidays in Botswana20


page 2

Where is Botswana?

Where is Botswana? Africa

What is Botswana? A country

north: Zambia

south: South Africa

west: Namibia

east: Zimbabwe

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Botswana’s flag

Why is it blue, black and white?

blue- rain and water

black - black people

white - white people / friends / peace

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Travelling to Botswana

By aeroplane

London to Johannesburg

Johannesburg to Botswana

By bus

Gaborone bus station

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Travelling in Botswana

People travel on the bus.

People travel on the train.

People travel in the white minibus.

People cycle.

People walk.

page 6

What kind of place is Botswana?

Pie Chart:

rock, farming land


Picture 1: sand in the Kalahari

Picture 2: farming land

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The weather in Botswana

It is very dry in the Kalahari.

Rain: 250mm a year.

It is less dry in Delta Okavango in the north.

Rain: 650mm a year.

It is very hot.

Summer: 27˚C (January)

Winter: 14˚C (July)

It is cold at night in the winter.

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Animals in Botswana

The white rhino lives in Botswana. Here is a white rhino.

The lion lives in Botswana. Here is a lion.

The impala lives in Botswana. Here is an impala.

The steenbok lives in Botswana. Here is a steenbok.

These animals also live in Botswana:







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The elephant live in Botswana.

The elephant’s big ears keep it cool in the hot weather!

Picture 1: Indian elephantPicture 2: African elephant

What’s the difference?

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Sometimes, there are too many elephants in Botswana.

Too many?

This is a problem!

But also…

There are fewer elephants today.

People kill elephants. People want ivory.

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Mokolodi Nature Reserve

Mokolodi is fun!

I like to ….

track rhino and giraffes

see the zebra

go on safari

watch the lion

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School in Botswana

Here are the children of Lesedi school.

Lesedi school is in Gaborone.

The children like to dance.

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These children go to Sankuyo primary school.

The school day

(5.30) Time to get up

(7.00) School starts

(10.30) Playtime

(11.00) Lessons

(13.00) School finishes


English, Setswana, Mathematics, Science, Agriculture

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The food of Botswana

People eat meat: lamb, mutton, goat’s meat, chicken.

People eat fish.

People eat fruit.

People eat vegetables: carrots, cabbage, onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin.

People cook outside.

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Homes in Botswana

Gaborone: The capital city of Botswana

A house in Gaborone

Sankuyo: A village

A house in Sankuyo

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Shopping in Botswana

Shopping in Gaborone

People go shopping in the market.

Shopping in Santuyo

People go shopping in the village.

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Botswana currency

Botswana’s currency is the pula.

Pula = rain/water

The people of Botswana like the rain!

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Work in Botswana

People …

Picture 1: weave

Picture 2: farm

Picture 3: make tapestries etc.

Picture 4: make baskets

Picture 5: work as diamond miners

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Leisure in Botswana


Botswana’s football team is called The Zebras.

Their kit is blue, black and white, like Botswana’s flag.

Dipsy Selolwane is a footballer from Botswana.


Botswana’s rugby team is called The Vultures.

Their kit is blue, black and white, again like Botswana’s flag.

Highest score: Botswana 37 – 0 Nigeria (2004)

Lowest score: Zimbabwe 130 – 10 Botswana (1996)

The people of Botswana also like cricket and athletics.

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Holidays in Botswana

Come on holiday to Botswana!