Defying Genocide: A Moral Dilemma2
Student Name: ______
What is your moral obligation, as another human being?
Technically, because you are a soldier, what are you supposed to do?
What are your realistic options?
What do you think that you would choose to do in this situation? Why?
What do you think the actual soldier in this situation chose to do?
From the video A Good Man in Hell, answer the following questions:
- Give two examples of images, sounds, events from the Rwandan genocide that General Romeo Dallaire shares when he speaks at the museum.
- With the ammunition they had, how long did the General say that they could have held out in a firefight with the Hutu perpetrators if they chose to engage them in combat?
- What does the General say that the soldiers actually did in the situation above?
- Fill in the blank for the final statement that the General makes in his talk at the museum:
“No one is more ______than another ______.”
From the video Defying Genocide: Choices that saved lives, answer the following questions:
- The Holocaust rescuer Simone Weil Lipman says that “You have to see the other as ______.”
- How did Simone help children in the Holocaust?
- According to Damas Gisimba, which group of Tutsis was first targeted in the genocide?
- What was the capacity of the orphanage that Damas Gisimba was running? How many people ended up hiding there at the highest point of the genocide?
- When the soldiers came to the orphanage every day, what did they try to get the children to do that they refused to do?
- What prevented them from getting the much-needed water that they needed to help the orphans and others hiding in the orphanage?
- What two things did Carl Wilkins, the only American to stay behind in Rwanda, manage to find and bring to the orphanage?
- Why did Carl worry about leaving the orphanage to go and find someone important enough to stop the massacre of the orphans?
- Who did he talk to? What was his reaction to Carl’s request?
- What actually happened?
After viewing the Rwandan survivor clips from the USHMM website, react to what you heard by sharing at least two things you learned about the genocide and whose testimony stood out for you the most and why. Use complete sentences and FILL THE SPACE BELOW.