(Estimated Time: 1-2 hours)


What is the Overview of Entrepreneurship?

The Overview of Entrepreneurship unit is an introduction to the concepts and processes associated with successful entrepreneurial performance. It introduces students to the characteristics of an entrepreneur and helps students define entrepreneurship.

Student Performance Expectations:

1.  Define entrepreneurship

2.  Identify characteristics of entrepreneurs

3.  Assess individual entrepreneurial characteristics

4.  Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurship


National Content Standards in Entrepreneurship Education (NCSEE):
Standard A: Entrepreneurial Process
Understands Concepts and processes associated with successful entrepreneurial performance.
Details (Benchmarks):
A.01--Explain the need for entrepreneurial discovery
A.04--Determine opportunities for venture creation
Standard B: Entrepreneurial Traits/Behaviors
Understands the personal traits/behaviors associated with successful entrepreneurial performance.
Details (Benchmarks):
B.06--Recognize others' efforts
B.12--Describe desirable entrepreneurial personality traits
B.16--Conduct self-assessment to determine entrepreneurial potential
B.28--Set personal goals
Core Curriculum Essential Concepts & Skills
21st Century Skills:
·  Use all the appropriate principles of communication effectively
Technology Literacy:
·  Identify and define authentic, real-world problems and significant questions for investigation.
·  Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions.
Literacy Skills:
·  Make personal connections through content
·  Process information, ideas, and opinions to determine relevance.
·  Apply strategies for listening comprehension such as taking notes, organizing, summarizing, asking questions, and paraphrasing.
Student Performance Expectations / Student Work / Delivery of Instruction / Assessment
Define entrepreneurship / ·  View and discuss unit PowerPoint / ·  Lecture
·  Group Discussion / ·  Written Assessment (Test)
Identify characteristics of entrepreneurs / ·  Read case studies
·  Brainstorm
·  Conduct an interview
·  Complete one or more of the on-line “Defining an Entrepreneur” sites / ·  Lecture
·  Group Discussion
·  Facilitate case study
·  Direct students to specific on-line “defining an entrepreneur” sites / ·  Written Assessment (test)
·  Interview rubric
·  Copy of on-line assessment document in portfolio
Assess individual entrepreneurial characteristics / ·  Complete on-line student assessment
·  Student journal / ·  Direct students to specific on-line entre assessments tools / ·  Written Assessment (test)
·  Copy of on-line assessment placed in personal business plan (portfolio)
·  Journal rubric
Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurship / ·  Analyze multiple advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurship / ·  Lecture
·  Group Discussion
·  Direct students to specific on-line entre assessments tools / ·  Written Assessment (test)
·  Copy of on-line assessment document


National Entrepreneurship Standards & Benchmarks: Detailed List of Standards - https://www.education.ne.gov/entreped/PDFs/StandardsToolkit.pdf

Iowa Core Curriculum: https://iowacore.gov/

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