Digital Design & Media Production Syllabus
Mrs. Nguyen – Room #237 - Strack Intermediate School
Contacting Mrs. Nguyen:
· Conference: 5th period, 12:48 PM – 1:33 PM
· Phone Number: (832) 249-5400 ext 35476
· E-Mail Address:
· Class Website: http://classroom.kleinisd.net/default.aspx?Mrs. Brandi Nguyen
Course Description: Digital Design & Media Production (DDMP) combines the skills of electronic design editing and production of a product, using a variety of hardware and software tools. This project-based course focuses on real-world audiences as customers. Students will learn to use a collection of software tools and design techniques to create a variety of formatted products. This course meets the requirements for a high school elective credit.
Course Fee: In order to defray the cost of supplies for DDMP, a $15.00 fee for the class is required. This money will be used for items such as paper, flash drives, ink cartridges, card stock, laminating and binding materials, etc.
· Students should bring pens or pencils to class daily
· RECOMMENDED - A flash/USB storage device of at least 1G (gigabyte).
Grading Guidelines:
· Six Weeks Averages:
· Daily Grades = 40% (classwork & quizzes)
· Major Grades = 60% (projects & tests)
· Semester Averages:
· 1st Six Weeks = 28%
· 2nd Six Weeks = 28%
· 3rd Six Weeks = 28%
· Comprehensive Final Exam = 16%
· Because DDMP is a high-school credit course, a comprehensive final exam is mandatory for each semester.
· Each semester of DDMP is worth one-half credit and must be passed independently.
Major Units of Study:
· Ethics in Technology and digital citizenship
· Photo manipulation and layout design
· Basic Design Elements
· Drawing and Graphics
· Input Strategies, Acquiring Digital Information, and Research Skills
· Photography: Using a Digital Camera
· Videography: Using a video camera to produce and edit a video
· Commercial Publication Parameters
Tutoring and Make-Up Work:
· Morning and afternoon tutoring is available on most days. Students must sign up in advance and request a pass in order to attend tutoring.
· It is the student's responsibility to request make-up work and attend tutoring in order to complete missed assignments. Make-up work not completed in a timely manner will result in loss of points from the over-all assignment grade.
· Please note, the KISD Policy states that students will have the same number of days to complete make-up work assignments as the days they were absent.
· DDMP is a high-school credit class, therefore, attendance is extremely important and missing more than nine days in a semester may result in a loss of academic credit.
· Please refer to the 2016-2017 Klein ISD Intermediate School Student Handbook for more information regarding attendance in high-school credit classes and during semester examinations.
Computer Rules:
· Do not install, uninstall, download, or upload any files, folders, or programs.
· Do not copy to or from a floppy disk, CD, or flash drive without permission.
· Do not print without permission.
· Do not access files other than your own.
· Never listen to music, watch videos, or play video games on the Internet without permission.
· Do not visit sports or other entertainment websites without permission.
· Do not use the digital camera or scanner without permission.
· Do not change the monitor, mouse, cursor, or keyboard settings without permission.
· Always follow the Klein ISD Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).
· Any inappropriate use of school computers will result in disciplinary action, including the removal of computer privileges.
Mrs. Nguyen’s Classroom Expectations and Procedures:
Be Prompt…
· Come to class on time every day.
· Be sitting in your assigned seat when the tardy bell rings.
Be Prepared…
· Bring a pencil or pen to class every day.
· If you do not have a pencil or pen, borrow from a friend BEFORE class begins.
· Sharpen pencils BEFORE class begins.
· Bring your Cat Tracker to class every day.
Be Productive…
· Stay focused on lessons and activities.
· Be an active participant in class discussions and group projects.
· Stay in your assigned seat until class is dismissed.
Be Responsible…
· Turn in all assignments on or before the day they are due.
· Visit the restroom between classes. You will only be given two restroom passes each six weeks. Use them wisely!
· Never eat or drink in class.
· Always log off of your computer, clean your area, and tuck in your chair before leaving the classroom.
Be Respectful…
· Never interrupt a speaker and always give him or her your full attention.
· Raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged before speaking out in class.
· Talk to others in a respectful manner.
· Do not call anyone names or say hurtful things to them.
· Do not touch the keyboard or mouse when a speaker is addressing the class.
· Always look at the speaker, not your monitor, when being addressed.
Klein ISD’s Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the Network/Internet:
Publishing on the Internet: In the course of student projects and classroom activities, students may create original works that warrant publishing on the Internet via a teacher, campus, or district home page. Student work may be “published” on the Internet to be viewed by other users around the world unless the parent objects in writing. In the interest of student safety, name always indicates the first initial and full last name or first name only of the student. Any other student name configuration will require specific parental permission.
Availability of Access: Individual student access to a live Internet/Network connection will be allowed only after the student has been trained on the appropriate use of the Internet. Student access will be through teacher–designed instruction for the sole purpose of the completion of school projects and activities with priority given to those students with required classroom assignments.
Inappropriate Use: Inappropriate use includes, but is not limited to, those uses that violate the law, that are specifically named as violations below, that violate the rules of network etiquette, or that hamper the integrity or security of this or any network connected to the Network/Internet. As a “rule of thumb,” any materials published on the system should be appropriate for display in any classroom in the district, including classrooms of our youngest elementary school students.
Commercial Use: Use of technology for commercial purposes, product advertisement or political lobbying is prohibited. A commercial purpose is defined as offering or providing products or services. Sending unsolicited junk mail or chain letters is prohibited.
Vandalism/Mischief: Vandalism and mischief are prohibited. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm, modify, or destroy computer hardware, the data or reputation of another user, the Network/Internet, or any networks that are connected to the Network/Internet. This includes, but is not limited to, the creation or propagation of computer viruses and unauthorized access such as “hacking”. Any interference with the work of other users, with or without malicious intent, is construed as mischief and is strictly prohibited.
File/Data Violations: Deleting, examining, copying, or modifying files and/or data belonging to other users, without their permission, is prohibited.
System Interference/Alteration: Deliberate attempts to exceed, evade or change resource quotas are prohibited. The deliberate causing of network congestion through mass consumption of system resources is prohibited.
Reporting Security Problems: If a user identifies or has knowledge of a security problem on the Network/Internet, the user should immediately notify a teacher, administrator, or the system administrator. The security problem should not be shared with any others.
Inadvertence: It is understood that inappropriate sites may be accidentally encountered through no malicious intent. If a system user accidentally enters an inappropriate site, the system user is to immediately back out of the site.
Impersonation: Attempts to log on to the Network/Internet impersonating a system administrator or KISD employee will result in revocation of the user’s access to Network/Internet, possible discipline measures, and could result in legal action. Klein employees may not allow students access to a computer that is logged on using that employee’s logon and password.
Other Security Risks: Any user identified as having had access privileges revoked or denied on another computer system may be denied access to the KISD Network/Internet.
Please refer to the 2016-2017 Klein ISD Intermediate School Student Handbook or http://www.kleinisd.net/ for the entire KISD Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).
Parent Information and Signature Form
DDMP Mrs. Nguyen 2016-2017
Parents: Please complete this form and send it back to school with your son or daughter, along with the $15.00 course fee by Friday, August 26.
To pay the class fee, please use School Cash Online at https://kleinisd.schoolcashonline.com. For directions on how to register, please see the back of this letter.
I have reviewed the following information with my child:
8 DDMP Syllabus (please keep this at home for your reference)
8 The Klein ISD Acceptable Use Procedures (pages 135-138 in the Student Handbook)
You can access more information regarding DDMP by going to my website (http://classroom.kleinisd.net/default.aspx?Mrs. Brandi Nguyen).
Student’s Full Name (Please Print):______Period:_____
Parent’s Full Name (Please Print):______
Parent’s Daytime Phone Number(s):______
Parent’s E-Mail Addresses (Please Print):______
I am aware that DDMP is a high school credit class and, therefore, is taught at a high school level and pace.
I am also aware that most work missed due to absences will need to be completed during tutoring hours.
Parent Signature:______Date:______
To register with School Cash Online:
Step 1: Please go to
Step 2: Register by selecting the “Get Started Today” and follow the steps.
Step 3: After you receive the confirmation email, please select the ‘click here’ option, sign in and add each of your children (child) to your household account.
Need help? Please contact us . . .
Parent Help Line: 1-866-961-1803