Short Termadditional teaching support for essential curriculum needs (Curricular Concessions)

Application Form 2016-17

Part 1 -to be completed if a school is applying for short-term additional teaching support (Curricular Concessions).
Part 2 -tobe completed by all schools to provide projected enrolments for 2016-17.
Part 3 -to be completed in respect of all vacancies that are due to arise in the school in 2016-17.
Part4- to be completed by a school that is nominating a teacher for redeployment.
Part 5 – Certification by School Authority.
A list of the Forms referred to in this document is provided in Appendix 1.
Regulatory guidelines on the allocation of Curricular Concessions are set out in Appendix 2 of the circulars governing the Approved Allocation of Teaching Posts for 2016-17 - 0001/2016 – Community & Comprehensive Schools - 0002/2016 – Education and Training Boards - 0003/2016 - Voluntary Secondary Schools
Please download and save this form. Handwritten forms will not be accepted. Print 2 copiesof the completed form and return both copies signed and dated to Post Primary Allocations Section, Department of Education and Skills, Athlone by Friday 4 March 2016.
This form is central to the process which determinesthe level of allocationthat may be granted for curricular concessions. It isessential that all sections are completed accurately and in full. Incomplete forms will be returned to the school.

School/ETB______Roll No ______

CC 16-17 PART 1- Application for Curricular Concessions

Subject / Hours per
Week required / Has this concession been sought previously? (Yes/No)
If Yes,please see 1.3
1.2 / For each subject listed at 1.1, please state why this concession is required for 2016-17, having regard to the regulatory guidelines set out in Appendix 2 ofrelevant circular governing the Approved Allocation of Teaching Posts for 2016-17 – 0001/2016 – Community & Comprehensive Schools - 0002/2016 – Education and Training Boards - 0003/2016 - Voluntary Secondary Schools
1.3 / If this curricular concession was sought in previous years, what action has been taken by the school authority to respond to the staffing shortfall?
Please provide details in respect of each subject listed at 1.1 above.
1.4 / As curricular concessions are short-term, what plans are now being put in place by the school authority to enable the school/ETB to operate within its normal allocation in future years i.e. 2017/2018 and onwards.
1.5 / Does any neighbouring school provide the subjects listed at 1.1? If yes, what efforts have been made to facilitate co-operation arrangements with that school?
1.6 / Will all approved staff be fully time tabled for 2016-17? (i.e. timetabled for full hours per week in accordance with their contract except where a reduction is permissible, according to school size, in respect of certain posts of responsibility - ie Programme Co-ordinator , Adult Education posts, Transition Year Co-ordinator and Deputy Principal)
1.7 / Willall approved staff qualified in the subject areas listed at 1.1 abovebe fully timetabled for these subjects in 2016-17?
If full timetabling in the relevant subject areas has not occurred, a full explanation of the reason must be given.
1.8 / For each subject listed at 1.1 above, please provide the 2015/16 school year timetabled hours for each of those teachers.
1.9 / Please list details of all teachers who retired / are due to retire in the 2015/16 school year:
1.10 / Please list details of all subjects to be offered by the school in the 2016-17 school year:
1.11 / LCA - Leaving Cert Applied
Will the school have an LCA class in the 2016-17 school year? (delete as appropriate) Yes/No
If Yes, please state the number of pupils - LCA 1 ______LCA 2 ______

Please note:

Applications for curricular concessions will be considered based on curricular needs and will be filled, where possible, through redeployment.

CC 16-17 PART 2- Projected enrolment for 2016/2017 school year - TO BE COMPLETED BY ALL SCHOOLS

School/ETB______Roll No______

Enrolment Trends / Junior Certificate / Transition Year / Junior Certificate Schools Programme / Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme / Leaving Certificate Applied / Leaving Certificate / Post Leaving Certificate / Total
Recognised Enrolment
Projected Enrolment 2016-17
Recognised Enrolment

2.3 Number of pupils leaving school at end of 2015/2016 school year ______

2.4 Projected number of pupils entering 1st year 2016/2017 ______

2.5 Please indicate if you wish to be considered for additional allocation based on projected increased enrolment in 2016/2017(YES/NO)

(If Yes, please complete Part 2.6)

2.6If answer to 2.5 is “YES”, Please state the basis for projected number of pupils at 2.4

Where enrolments increase to such an extent that a school cannot serve its existing teaching needs from within the approved allocation, the school may apply for an additional allocation. Schools will be notified if any additional allocation is warranted by the projected numbers but additional posts will not be allocated until the actual enrolment is confirmed.

No contracts should be entered into with teachers in respect of concessions given for projected enrolment until such time as theDepartment issatisfied that the increased enrolment has fully materialised.

Enrolment figures will be reviewed in September and where the projected enrolment has not materialised, an additional allocation will not be approved. Applications for hours/posts in respect of projected enrolment numbers will be filled, where possible, through redeployment.

CC 16-17 PART 3A- Confirmation of vacancies


Roll No:- ______School Name & Address:______

ETB Scheme: ______

Please record all vacanciesbelow and list subject/specialist requirements in order of preference.

(Refer to Part 1(b)of therelevant circular governing the Approved Allocation of Teaching Posts for 2016-17 – 0001/2016 – Community & Comprehensive Schools - 0002/2016 – Education and Training Boards - 0003/2016 - Voluntary Secondary Schools

ALL permanent and temporary vacancies in whole or part posts to be included, plus career breaks, job sharers, retirements, resignations, secondmentsetc)

Please note - additional vacancies that the school authority becomes aware of on or before 31st May 2016 must be separately notified to the Director of Redeployment within 5 working days. It will be a condition of the subsequent filling of a vacancy that it was notified to the Director as soon as it arose and as part of this process.

*Reason Vacancy Occurred / Is vacancy Permanent or Temporary? / Total
No. of Hours / State Subject / Specialist Subject
1st Subject / No. of Hours / 2nd Subject / No. of Hours / 3rd Subject / No. of hours

*Reason vacancy occurred, ie Career Break,Jobshare, Retirement, Resignation, Parttime Hours, Special Educational Needs, Secondment etc

NOTE- where teacher is on career break or secondment, state the number of years s/he has been absent, eg“Career Break, Year 3”

CC 16-17 PART 3B- Confirmation of vacancies which cannot be deemed a vacancy by operation of law

If your school has a vacancy recorded in Part 3A which cannot be deemed a vacancy by operation of law, please provide details of this post and state clearly the legal impediment to this post being filled from the redeployment panel.

Roll No. ______School Name & Address ______

Reason Vacancy Occurred* / Is vacancy Permanent or Temporary? / Total
No. of Hours / State Subject / Specialist Subject
1st Subject / No. of Hours / 2nd Subject / No. of Hours / 3rd Subject / No. of Hours
State the reason that this post cannot be deemed a vacancy by operation of law.
State the reason that this post cannot be deemed a vacancy by operation of law.
State the reason that this post cannot be deemed a vacancy by operation of law.
State the reason that this post cannot be deemed a vacancy by operation of law.
State the reason that this post cannot be deemed a vacancy by operation of law.

*Reason vacancy occurred, ie Career Break, Jobshare, Retirement, Resignation, Parttime Hours, Special Educational Needs, Secondment, etc

NOTE- where teacher is on career break or secondment, state the number of years s/he has been absent, eg“Career Break, Year 3”

CC16-17 PART 4A- To be completed where a school will havea teacher(s)in excess of its allocation in the 2016-17 school year

The Redeployment Scheme requires a school/ETBwith teachers in excess of its allocation to make a return to the Director of the Redeployment Scheme, identifying the teacher(s) to be redeployed. The method for determining the teacher(s) to be redeployed is outlined in the Redeployment Scheme for teachers surplus to requirements other than in situations of school closure.

Please list below the names and subjects of the teacher(s)whom you have nominated for redeploymentin order of seniority (1 being the most junior teacher) and also, teachers who have applied for voluntary redeployment.

Please note:

  • A Form RD1 16-17must be completed in respect of each teacher nominated for compulsory redeployment and each voluntary applicant.
  • Nominations for compulsory redeployment are required in addition to applications for voluntary redeployment.
  • All teachers will be redeployed in accordance with the terms of the Redeployment scheme for teachers surplus to requirements other than in situations of school closure

Roll No. ______School Name & Address ______

Teacher Name / PPSN / Subjects / Hours assigned in 2015/16

The ETB/Board of Management confirms its capacity to release the above named teachers without replacement.

Signed ______Date ______School Stamp:

CE/Principal/Secretary to Board of Management

CC 16-17 PART 4B- To be completed where a school is nominating a teacher(s) for redeployment in accordance with Circular 0024/2015

Under the terms of Circular 0024/2015 a school may be required to nominate a teacher for compulsory redeployment:

  • Where a teacher is returning from career break or secondment – see Part A Paragraph 7 of Circular 0024/2015, and/or
  • Where a subject mismatch exists in the school – see Part D of Circular 0024/2015

Please list below the names and subjects of the teacher(s) whom you have nominated for redeployment in order of seniority (1 being the most junior teacher) and also, teachers who have applied for voluntary redeployment.

Please note:

  • A Form RD2 16-17 must be completed in respect of each teacher nominated for redeployment and each voluntary applicant.
  • Nominations for compulsory redeployment are required in addition to applications for voluntary redeployment.
  • All teachers will be redeployed in accordance with the terms of the Redeployment scheme for teachers surplus to requirements other than in situations of school closure

Roll No. ______School Name & Address ______

Reason for nomination – State “Part A” or “Part D” / Teacher Name / PPSN / Subjects / Hours assigned in 2015/16

The ETB/Board of Management confirms its capacity to release the above named teachers without replacement.

Signed ______Date ______School Stamp:

CE/Principal/Secretary to Board of Management

CC 16/17 PART 5

Certification by school authority

I confirm that I have fully completed the sections that relate to my school/ETB and that all of the information provided is accurate.

Signature: ______

(Delete as appropriate) Chief Executive / Principal / Secretary to Board of ManagementDate ______

School Stamp

Completed form is to be returned to: Post Primary Allocations Section, Department of Education and Skills, Athlone, Co. Westmeath by Friday 4 March 2016.

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Appendix 1

List of Forms and Closing Dates – 2016-17

Form / Explanation of purpose of each form / Closing Datefor receipt of completed form in the Department
CP1 / School appointments position at date of initial allocation i.e. listing of teachers currently on Department payroll.
Please state in the comment column where teacher is retiring, resigning, on secondment, availing of career break, job sharing or approved leave other than maternity leave or sick leave.
Where teacher is on career break or secondment, state the number of years, ie “Career Break, Year 3” / Friday
4 March 2016
CC 16-17 / Part 1 - Application for additional teaching support for essential Curriculum Needs (Curricular Concessions)
Part 2 - Projected enrolment for the 2016/2017school year
Part 3 – Confirmation of all vacancies for the 2016/2017school year
Part 4 - Form for completion by schools where a teacher is nominated for compulsory redeployment
Part 5 – Certification of School Authority / Friday
4 March 2016
RD1 16-17 / Application for redeployment to be completed in respect of each teacher in a school with teachers in excess of its approved allocation:
  • nominated for compulsory redeployment
  • applying for voluntary redeployment
/ Friday
4 March 2016
RD2 16-17 / Application for redeployment to be completed, in accordance with Circular 0024/2015, in respect of each teacher
  • nominated for compulsory redeployment
  • applying for voluntary redeployment
/ Friday
4 March 2016
RD3 / Declaration by a school where a teacher is returning from a career break or secondment and another teacher has acquired a CID for the first time under Circular 0024/2015 / Friday
4 March 2016
RD10 / Form to be completed by a teacher nominated for redeployment where s/he considers that the process and procedures set out in the redeployment agreement were not complied with. / Friday
4 March 2016
VOL RD1 16-17 / Application for voluntary redeployment to be completed in respect of each teacher applying for redeployment under the Pilot Voluntary Redeployment Scheme 2016 / Friday
4 March 2016
CID 12A / Application for the award of a Contract of Indefinite Duration (CID) to a teacher for the first time / Friday
4 March 2016
CID 12B / Application for the award to a teacher of a further Contract of Indefinite Duration (CID) / Friday
4 March 2016
H22 / Application for full salary for a teacher with a CID for 18 hours or more / Friday
4 March 2016
AP 16-17 / Form to be completed if a school requires a review of:
  • curricular concessions granted by the Department
  • allocation for language support (EAL) pupils with less than B1 (Level 3) proficiency. Refer to paragraph 2.2.3 of relevant circular governing the Approved Allocation of Teaching Posts 2016-17 School Year – 0001/2016 - Community & Comprehensive Schools
0002/2016 - Education and Training Boards
0003/2016 - Voluntary Secondary Schools / Tuesday
26 April 2016

Completed forms are to be returned to:

Post Primary Allocations Section, Department of Education and Skills, Athlone, Co. Westmeath