Girl Guides NSW & ACT are currently seeking applications from interested Girl Guides to join the Girls’ Advisory Panel. We want you to fill the gap!
The Girls’ Advisory Panel (GAP) is an exciting opportunity for Guides aged 14 to 17 years to represent their peers and have their say about the future of Girl Guides at a State level.
GAP gives girls the opportunity to develop their advocacy and leadership skills in a fun and friendly environment. It allows girls to contribute to decision-making processes in Guiding by empowering them to imagine more and speak out to make a difference for Guides. GAP supports girls to become responsible and confident advocates, ensuring that girls are front and centre of Guiding.
In 2018, the Girls’ Advisory Panel will consist of;
•8-12 Youth Members, aged between 14-17 years old, known as GAP representatives
•The GAP Facilitator, as representative of the State Program Committee
•4 adult GAP mentors
•State Program Manager (ex-officio)
GAP representatives will be supported, coached and mentored throughout their term.
The Girls’ Advisory Panel will report to the GAP Facilitator and will operate in two ways:
- As an advisory panel, GAP will consider questions and ideas put to them by the State Program Committee. GAP will provide youth input and feedback, as required, to inform and direct solutions.
- As a representative group, GAP will consider their own ideas and experiences as well as those of their peers to make recommendations to the State Program Committee about current and future Guiding. This may include consulting with peers to seek their input.
GAP representatives will be encouraged to take on particular positions within the Panel to facilitate and support different areas of work. These positions will be determined by the incoming group in 2018.
Enthusiastic Girl Guides from NSW & ACT who are aged 14-17 years old.
Girl Guide applicants should:
- Be passionate about Guiding
- Be committed to their personal learning and leadership development
- Be willing to learn new skills and use these skills to benefit their Guiding community
- Be willing to engage with others and represent their views
- Be willing to take initiative and work with others
- Live by the spirit of the Promise and Law
The Girls’ Advisory Panel is a 12-month commitment and each GAP representative will sit on GAP for the calendar year from January to December.
There will be two face-to-face GAP weekends and up to four teleconference meetings (As required).
GAP representatives will be required to attend both face-to-face weekend meetings and make every effort to attend additional virtual meetings. It is intended that both GAP weekends will be held in Sydney. Each weekend will have an associated participation cost of approximately $110, not including travel expenses.
In addition to these formal meetings, GAP representatives will be encouraged to connect with their peers, gathering feedback that can be presented at GAP meetings.
GAP representatives will also be encouraged to commit to different roles within the Panel. As an example, these roles may include Chairperson, Secretary, Social Media, or Events. The roles will be established by the incoming representatives at the January meeting and will require some level of responsibility, initiative and commitment.
It is assumed that in applying for GAP 2018, successful applicants will accept their appointment and be available for meeting attendance.
The first GAP weekend will be held on the last weekend of January (27th – 28th) as a full weekend camp (full details will be advised to successful applicants).
We are so excited that you are interested in being a part of the Girls’ Advisory Panel in 2018!
As part of the application form you will need to complete the following sections:
Personal Details
- Please fill out your personal details and contact information, including parental/guardian consent
- The GAP Facilitator may contact your unit leader(s) for their endorsement of your application.
About You
- Answer a few questions about your background and previous experiences and why you would like to be a representative on the Girls’ Advisory Panel.
Please ensure all questions are answered before submitting your application.
Applications are due by 3 November 2017 via email to
All applicants will be advised by late November of their application outcome.
FAMILY NAME / Click here to enter your family name. /GIVEN NAMES: / Click here to enter your given names. /
PREFERRED NAME: / Click here to enter your preferred name/nickname. /
DATE OF BIRTH: / Click here to enter a date. /
MEMBERSHIP NUMBER: / Click here to enter your Membership Number. /
ADDRESS: / Click here to enter text. /
STATE: / Choose an item. / POSTCODE: / Click here to enter text. /
EMAIL(parents): / Click here to enter text. /
EMAIL (applicants): / Click here to enter text. /
TELEPHONE: / HOME: / Click here to enter text. / MOBILE:
(must be parent/guardian contact) / Click here to enter text.
REGION: Choose an item.
PEER UNIT NAME: Click here to enter text.
DISTRICT: Click here to enter text.
Given Name: Click here to enter text. Surname: Click here to enter text.
Given Name Click here to enter text. Surname: Click here to enter text.
Are you a Junior leader? ☐ yes☐ no
Do your parents consent to GAP leaders contacting you via your personal email, as required for Guiding purposes? ☐ yes ☐ no
Do your parents consent to GAP leaders contacting you via social media platforms, as required
(e.g. private facebook page, messaging platforms, etc) ☐ yes ☐ no
Do your parents want to be copied into all correspondence (sent to the parental email address listed above)?
☐ yes ☐ no ☐ only some correspondence (please stipulate)
Comment: Click here to enter text.
Do your parents consent to a contact list containing your name/ your or their email address/ your or their phone number be distributed to the GAP representatives, GAP leaders and relevant Region contact point? ☐ yes ☐ no ☐ other (please stipulate)
Comment: Click here to enter text.
Do you understand that if your application is successful it is assumed that you will accept this position? ☐ yes ☐ no
Do you understand that if your application is successful, you will be required to attend two face-to-face GAP weekends (one in January and another mid year)? ☐ yes ☐ no
Any additional comments:
Click here to enter text. /
Please complete each of the following 3 questions. Your responses should be comprehensive but concise.
A word limit is suggested for each question but you do not need to write to the maximum word limit.
Please don’t feel daunted by the questions we just want to know a bit about you, where you come from and what you are passionate about. This information will help us plan the subcommittee groups for 2018 based on areas that you are both experienced and interested in.
- Guiding and Community Involvement maximum 200 words
Click here to enter text.
- Your Passion maximum 300 words
Click here to enter text.
- Girls’ Advisory Panelmaximum 200 words
Click here to enter text.
Please remember to submit your application via email before applications close
on Friday 3 November!
You can contact the GAP Facilitator, Kate Weatherall, at the following email if you have any questions about GAP or the application.