Janesville Lacrosse Board Meeting
September 13, 2010
- Call to order– 5:30pm by John Haney (Present: John MacDougall, John Haney, Andrew Beaumont, excused: Margery Tibbetts-Wakefield
- Treasurer update $1303.31
- Incorporation Update – The Janesville Lacrosse Club is 501C3 Incorporated. We needed to pay some additional fees due to the increase in the size of our club but we are now official!
- Elections– Nothing new
- MALA Update – HighsSchool is looking at and upper and lower conference.It was decided to have an upper league that would include Sun Prairie, Waunakee, West Regents, Middleton, Verona and Janesville. This will mean that Janesville will play each of these teams twice. The lower league will be comprised of Stoughton, La Follette, Memorial, LaCrosse, Sauk Prairie and Deforest. Stoughton had an issue with this seeing that most of these teams do not have a JV program. However, they were advised that they could schedule separate games for their JV program. Unless there are major objections, this will be approved.
- WLF Update – The WLF approved a new two division format for the boy’s high school championships. In addition, the WLF approved a WIAA style playoff (“all-in”) format for both boys and girls.
- John Haney was re-elected to the WLF board as Women’s Collegiate Lacrosse representative.
- By-Laws revision discussion – We reviewed the existing bylaws and felt it would be good to have the board terms to be 2 years. The election of officers would be every year. We thought that 7 would be a good number to grow the new board. We would discuss how we were going to go about doing this at the next meeting. We will need to do some recruiting. It was decided that we would review the local Youth Hockey bylaws and the local Youth Football bylaws and match ours close to theirs. John MacDougall would obtain copies of both to be reviewed at the next meeting.
- Committee Updates – Nothing report.
- Teams 2011 – Nothing to report
- Funding/projects – Nothing to report.
- Coaching Information- Nothing to report.
- Fall Lacrosse Opportunities – A number of Janesville kids are participating in the fall programs which will help improve our Janesville program during the upcoming season.
- New Issues – Nothing to report.
- Schedule Next Meeting/Adjourn at 6:41pm.
- Next meeting is scheduled for October 11th.