What is the AHP Careers Fellowship Scheme?
The AHP Careers Fellowship Scheme fundslearning and career development for the AHP workforce in the public sector in Scotland.
What has changed?
From summer 2018 we have introduced a new model of delivery for the AHP Fellowship Scheme. Instead of funding individual learning we will now fund you to;
a)Participate in a learning programme delivered by NES (7 days in total over 10 months covering leadership, improvement, project management, evaluation and action learning), and
b)lead your own work-based project to improve, change or develop AHP services. This can be in your own team, service, locality, organisation or region. We will also consider national projects
You will be part of a cohort of AHP Fellows who are all engaging with the learning programme and leading their own work based projects over a 10-month period (approximately, depending on scope of project).
Why has it changed?
The new model will continue to support your learning and development while improving our ability to demonstrate the positive impact the Scheme has on individuals and the service. In doing this it will help to secure its funding for the future.
Who can apply for an AHP Fellowship?
The Fellowship Scheme is open to AHP staff working in the public sector in Scotland. This encompasses AHPs, AHP healthcare support workers (HCSW) and AHP assistant practitioners employed in NHSScotland or local authorities in Scotland (please see website for AHPs included in the scheme).
We will also consider applications from the AHP workforce within the third sector, further and higher education where they are submitted in partnership with health and social care AHP colleagues/organisations and where there is anticipated benefit to people using/delivering health and social care services.
How are AHP Fellowships awarded?
The AHP Carers Fellowship is a competitive process. All applications are reviewed by a panel who make recommendations to fund or not. The review panel may agree a straight “yes, recommend fund” or “no, funding not recommended”. It may also agree “yes with conditions” or suggest adaptations or adjustments to your Fellowship. If this is the case we will have further discussions with you (and your line manager/AHP Director) to agree if it is possible to progress or not.
Do I need line manager and director support to apply for an AHP Fellowship?
Yes, this is very important. Your application must be supported and approved by:
a)your own line manager and service manager (if this is a different person) and
b)your AHP Director (if you work in the NHS or an integrated health and social care team) or
c)a senior manager within your organisation (if you work in local authority)
Will my grade or employment terms and conditions change if I get an AHP Fellowship?
No. You will remain employed by your current employer and your terms and conditions are not influenced by being awarded a Fellowship.
What’s the timeframe for an AHP Fellowship?
Applications open in July and close in September 2018. You will be notifiedof the outcome of your application by the end of October 2018 and,if you are successful, you will start your Fellowship in January 2019.The learning programme component will run from January 2019 to September 2019(7 days in total). During this time you will also be doing your work based project. The length of your project will vary depending on its scope and your work circumstances but it should start no later than the end of Feb 2019 and be no less than 6 months and no more than 12 months long.Click for timeline
What will the learning component of the AHP Fellowship include?
The learning component is 7 days in total; I day induction and 3 x 2-day workshops.
The induction day will include information about managing work-based projects, what to expect from the rest of the programme, establishing action learning sets and arranging your own network to support your Fellowship.
The 3 x 2-day workshops will be based on aspects of the 4 Pillars of Practice including leadership, evaluation, service improvement and facilitating learning. Each 2 day will also include action learning sessions.
Do I have to attend the full AHP Fellowship programme?
Yes. If you are successful in being awarded a Fellowship you will be expected to attend for all the workshop dates and do your work based project over approximately 9-10 months (the timeframe for your project may vary slightly depending on the scope but it should be no less than 6 months and no more than 12 months).
Do I need to arrange mentorship or support?
Yes, this is a very important aspect of all Fellowships. If you are successful in being awarded a Fellowship you will be asked to enter into an agreement with someone locally who will act as support/mentor for you. Where we agree it is necessary and appropriate we will also identify a person at NES who will offer regular support and guidance. See website for guidance about mentorship.
How long will thework based project component of the AHP Fellowship take?
You will lead a work based project over approximately a 10-month period (this can be flexible but it needs to be at least 6 months long and no more than 12 months).
How big does the work based project have to be?
- The scope and duration of your project will depend on your experience, what you hope to get out of it and what the anticipated impact on the service is.
- Your project can be team, service, organisation or region wide. It can also be national.
- The work based project component must clearly contribute to a local and/or national priority. You will be asked to describe this in the application form.
What kind of work based project can I do?
Your work based project will vary according to your unique circumstances but essentially it should be;
- Something you want to do and feel passionate about
- Something you and others will learn from
- Something that addresses local and/or national priority(ies) for AHP services
- Something that is team, service, organisation or region wide. We will also consider national projects
- Something that can be achieved in a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 12 months
- Something innovative or change focused (not simply a continuation or expansion of existing service delivery)
Please see the website for further information and examples of projects that have previously been funded by the Fellowship Scheme.
Can I co-lead/share a work based project with a colleague?
Yes, we will consider shared/joint work based projects which are led in partnership by 2 people (no more than 2). In this case
- Each person should submit a separate application form (although the intended impact on service of the joint work based project will be the same the learning outcomes for each person may be different, service manager might be a different person etc depending on each person's unique circumstances).
- Cross reference each other's application so that it is clear to the review panel that it is a shared/joint work based project.
- The total time/capacity requested for the work based project should not be more than 2.5 days (for up to 12 months). For example, you could ask for 1.0 day each, or 1.5 for one person and 1.0 for the other. Please do not ask for anything more than 2.5 days in total (this would be beyond the scope of the Fellowship funding)
- The review panel will be particularly interested in work based projects that are shared/jointly led by staff at different grades.
How much funding can I apply for and what can I use it for?
- We will fund your release for up to 2.5 days per week for up to 12 months. This includes the time to do your work based project and attend the workshops.
- If you work part time you can use the Fellowship for additional hours up to 2.5 days per week for up to 12 months (with your current employer and current terms and conditions). You will need to negotiate this with your employer and obtain relevant approvals.
- The amount of release/additional hours that you request (and are awarded) will depend on the nature and scope of your work based project. This may be negotiated and adjusted (in consultation with you, your line manager and your AHP Director) following review by the panel.
- The Fellowship funding is for release/additional time/capacity to lead your work based project. Depending on the nature of your project it may also include a component that supports learning for others e.g. training a group of staff in a particular approach or skill etc if this is required for your work based project.
- The Fellowship funding can support reasonable travel within Scotland where it is clearly required for the delivery of your work based project and/or to attend the workshops.
What will it not fund?
- The Fellowship funding cannot be used for capital funding, equipment or licences.
- The Fellowship is not able to provide funding to support applications related to pre-registration AHP programmes.
- The Fellowship will not support international travel.