Free RICA Preparation Workshops Offered!

Want to brush up on RICA content? During the Spring 2011 academic year, Dr. Lynn Gordon will offer a free RICA preparation workshop a few weeks prior to each RICA test. Join other test takers for a RICA content review session. You’ll get a free study guide, learn test-taking strategies, and find out tips for writing case study essays.These free RICA workshopsare for the benefit of students enrolled in the Elementary Education Department.

RICA info and registration: If you are working toward your multiple subject teaching credential, you MUST take and pass California’s RICA (Reading Instruction Competence Assessment). Plan to take the RICA exam as soon as possible after completing your required reading methodology course. You can register for the RICA exam online at The written RICA exam costs $130.00.

Cost? There is no cost to take one of Dr. Gordon’s RICA Preparation Workshops. This workshop series is being generously supported by a grant from the Center for Research and Innovation in Elementary Education (CRIEE).

Sign up soon! Each RICA Preparation Workshop is limited to 45 students from the Department of Elementary Education. You must register in advance to secure a seat. Reservations will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis. You will receive an e-mail confirming or denying your reservation for the workshop. If you need to cancel a confirmed reservation, please e-mail .

Materials: Dr. Gordon’s RICA study guide will be provided at no cost. If you wish to purchase a separate RICA content review book, Dr. Gordon recommends James J. Zarillo’s Ready for RICA: A test preparation guide for California’s reading instruction competency assessment, 3rd edition. You can purchase a copy of Ready for RICA at the CSUN Matador bookstore or online at The Ready for RICA book is not required for the workshop.

Location:Workshops will be held in the CSUN Michael D. Eisner College of Education building, room 1127.

All test preparation workshops will be held on Saturday mornings from 9:00 am to 12:30.

Please arrive at 8:45 am to sign-in, get your test preparation workbook, and secure your seat.

RICA Workshop Dates, and RICA Exam Dates
Dr. Gordon’s RICA Preparation
Workshop Dates
Reservations Required* (See below) / RICA Exam Dates
Saturday, January 29, 2011 k / February 5, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011 k / April 9, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011 k / June 11, 2011

*You should sign up for the workshop date that corresponds to the RICA exam for which you are registered.

How to Reserve a Seat for one of Dr. Gordon’s free RICA Preparation Workshops
Email Dr. Gordon the following information.
In the subject line of the email, write “RICA Workshop Reservation Request.”
Please register for a workshop only if you are committed to attending.
Workshop reservations are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
1. Your full name
2. Are you enrolled in the CSUN multiple-subject teaching credential program?
3. Your CSUN ID number
4. Workshop date requested: January 29th or April 2nd or May 21st
5. Your cell phone number and home phone number.