Vanderbilt University Department of Anesthesiology

Summer Internship Program Application 2015

Complete applications are due by January 31, 2015.This is a fillable Word document. When field is selected for data entry it will be highlighted. Fill in and save your completed form before sending.

Section I: General Information

Name (last, first): Click here to enter text.

Student Classification (Indicate year of study in space provided, i.e., freshman, 3rd year, etc.)

☐ High School Student

☐ Undergraduate Student

☐Graduate Student- Masters, PhD

☐ Medical Student:

Name, location of institution currently attending:

Major: GPA:

Anticipated Graduation Date:

Graduation date (Post-baccalaureate students only):

My highest educational goal:

☐ Bachelor’s Degree

☐ Master’s Degree

☐Doctorate/Professional Degree (e.g., MD, PhD, DrPH)

My career goal:

I learned about the Vanderbilt University Summer Anesthesiology Program from:

☐ Website

☐ Career Center

☐ Classmate/Friend

☐College Professor/Advisor

Date of Birth (month/date/year):

Gender: Female: ☐Male: ☐

Local Address:

Street Address:

City: State: Zip Code:

Permanent Address:

Street Address:

City: State: Zip Code:

Local Phone: Cell Phone: Home Phone:


Section II: Short Answers

Please respond to each question in 250 words or less.

  1. Describe your past community service, leadership, and/or research experiences.
  1. How does participation in the Vanderbilt University Summer Research Program with the Department of Anesthesiology fit with your short-term and long-term academic goals? Be specific.
  1. List any programming skills and/or experience with statistical software packages (SAS, SPSS, STATA, Matlab, etc.)
  1. List any laboratory or clinical research skills and/or experience.

Section III: Application Checklist

☐ Completed Section I and II

☐Resume or Curriculum Vitae

☐Official University/School Transcript

☐One letter of reference from a professor or advisor at your university or school. Mailed letters must be sealed and have recommenders’ signature across the back of the sealed envelope.


By my signature, I acknowledge that the information contained in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and agree to being contacted in the future.

Signature (type if submitting electronically, sign if submitting paper copy:

Complete applications are due by January 31, 2015. Applications may be submitted by email, fax or mail, but must be received by the deadline.

Mailing Address:

Cindy Cannon

Office of Educational Affairs

Department of Anesthesiology

2301 VUH

1211 Medical Center Drive

Nashville, TN 37232-7237

Email Address:

Fax number:615-936-3412