Madhya Pradesh Rural Road Development Authority

Vindhyachal Bhavan, IInd Floor, Bhopal

No. 9692 /22/D-12/Rural Road/IT/2006 Bhopal, Dated 20/09/2006


General Manager (ALL)

Project Implementation Unit

M P Rural Road Development Authority,

Madhya Pradesh

Sub :Procedure for making changes in OMMAS data.

This is regarding procedure to be followed for making changes in the details for the proposals sanctioned after approval is accorded by this Ministry and after the packages are awarded. As per the current practice, once proposals are cleared by this Ministry and the works are awarded, they are locked and cannot be unsanctioned by this Ministry or NRRDA to enable the DPIUs for making necessary changes.

Keeping in view the requirement if any, GOI have finalized a protocol for changes to be made in OMMAS data after works had been awarded. Please follow this given procedure, as and when necessary.

Encl: Procedure

(Ashok Shah)
Chief Executive Officer
MP Rural Road Development
Authority, Bhopal

Copy to:

No. 9693/22/D-12/Rural Road/IT/2006 Bhopal, Dated 20/09/2006

  1. Chief General Manager III & IV, MP Rural Road Development Authority for information.

(Ashok Shah)
Chief Executive Officer
MP Rural Road Development
Authority, Bhopal

Procedure for making changes in OMMAS data after works have been awarded

I.The steps involved in clearing of proposals and awarding are as follows:

Step 1: DPIUs prepare proposals and enter online

Step 2: STAs scrutinize the proposals technically and clear online

Step 3: NRRDA scrutinizes the proposals and may or may not send back some for corrections

Step 4: Empowered Committee/MoRD clears the proposals

Step 5: MoRD / PSA (NIC) / NRRDA give online clearance

Step 6: Works are awarded

  1. If there are changes to be made in data of the proposals till step 2, DPIUs can make the changes without any hindrance.
  1. If some of the proposals cleared by the STA instep 2 are not approved by MoRD, then necessary changes may made, as follows, before MoRD/PSA(NIC) gives online clearance (i.e. before Step 5):
  1. List of proposals not approved needs to be vetted by MoRD.
  2. This list should be sent to the STA by MoRD/NRRDA.
  3. STA un-clears the proposals online
  4. DPIUs make the changes and report to STA
  5. STA re-clears proposals
  1. IV.If changes are to be made after Step 5 but before Step 6, then the procedure shall be as follows:
  1. MoRD needs to give approval for the change and send details of changes t be made to PSA(NIC) and STA.
  2. PSA (NIC) un-sanctions the proposals online
  3. STA un-sanctions the proposals online
  4. DPIUs make necessary changes
  5. STA clears online
  6. PSA (NIC) clears online
  7. Works are awarded
  1. If changes are to be made after step 6, no intervention can be made by PSA(NIC) or STA because the proposal is frozen and cannot be un-sanctioned by PSA(NIC). In this case the following procedure needs to be followed:
  1. States need to take formal approval from MoRD to make the changes in the website
  2. State needs to send the details of State, District, Block, Package No., Road No., Road name, details of changes to MoRD.
  3. MoRD needs to send the approval for the complete or partial or no changes to be made to the State with a copy to NRRDA and PSA (NIC)

i)In case of complete approval, a copy of the list of details received from State may be forwarded to PSA(NIC).

ii)In case of partial approval, the changes may be made in the list received from State and forwarded to PSA(NIC).

iii)In case of no approval, the copy of letter only may be forwarded to PSA(NIC).

d.PSA (NIC) would forward the whole set of papers to CDAC for making the changes directly in the database.

e. CDAC would acknowledge completion of changes made at the earliest.