What is required for a complete Wastewater Works Application?
- Application form for Wastewater Works approval to be completed & signed (by both owner and applicant)
- Application fees to be paid at the time of lodgement (see below)
Additional information to be supplied with the following applications:
Septic tank or permanent greywater system – subsurface disposal
- Detailed site layout plan (in duplicate) drawn to a scale of 1:250 showing the septic tank & subsurface disposal system
- Detailed building layout plan (in duplicate) including internal sanitary plumbing and method of connecting to external sanitary drainage system, drawn to a scale of 1:250
- Site and soil report by a qualified wastewater engineer
Aerated wastewater treatment system (AWTS) or aerobic sand filter
- Detailed site layout plan (in duplicate) drawn to a scale of 1:250 showing the septic tank & designated irrigation & recreational areas
- Detailed building layout plan (in duplicate) including internal sanitary plumbing and method of connecting to external sanitary drainage system, drawn to a scale of 1:250
- Site and soil report by a qualified wastewater engineer
Alteration to an existing wastewater system
- Detailed building layout plan (in duplicate) drawn to a scale of 1:250 showing existing and new internal sanitary plumbing and method of connecting to external sanitary drainage system
- Detailed site layout plan (in duplicate) drawn to a scale of 1:250 showing existing and new drains, septic tank and subsurface disposal/irrigation system
- Site and soil report by a qualified wastewater engineer (in certain circumstances)
For further detailed information, including a checklist guide for wastewater works applications, please see wastewater works system information sheet at
On-site Wastewater Works Fees / Unit / 2017/2018 (GST incl.)Administration fee / Each / $106.00
Inspection fee where the relevant Authority is the Council / Each / $117.00
Application to alter waste control system (admin + 1 inspection) / Each / $223.00
Application to install a waste control system to existing building (admin + 2 inspections) / Each / $340.00
Application to install a new waste control system (admin + 3 inspections) / Each / $457.00
Additional fee for installation or alteration of an on-site wastewater system that exceeds 10 equivalent persons (EP) / For each 2 EP over 10 EP / $23.20
Fee for additional inspections / Each / $117.00
Statutory fee subject to change by State Government each financial year
For clarification on fee to be paid please contact the Environmental Health team on 8372 8816
Pursuant to theSAPublicHealth (Wastewater) Regulations 2013,all on-sitewastewatersystems and alterations to on-sitewastewatersystems aresubject toa wastewater works approval.Referto theSouth Australian Department forHealth andAgeingON-SITE WASTEWATER SYSTEMS CODE(theCode) for furtherinformation to assist in thecompletion ofthis application form. TheCodecan beaccessed onlineat
Each application must includetwocopiesof a detailed sanitaryplumbing anddrainagelay-out (referto Section8oftheCode),a siteand soil report(refertoSection 3.6.1oftheCode)and theappropriatefee as determined bytherelevantauthority.Applications wherenecessary,must includeadetailed assessment oftheland capabilityofthesitevia asoil report (i.e. thesuitabilityofthesitefortreatment and disposal/reuseofdomesticwastewater).
Pleasecontact therelevant authorityfordetails regarding thefeeand method ofpayment.Therelevant authorityis:
- Thelocal council fortheinstallation ofon-sitewastewatersystemswith acapacityup to 40EP or connection to a CommunityWastewaterManagement System(CWMS)
- TheSouth Australian Department for Health andAgeingforsystems tobeinstalled with a capacitygreaterthan40EP,CommunityWastewaterManagement Systems(CWMS)and forwastewater systems in areas ofthestatenot underlocal government control
Townshipor Suburb______Postcode______
Owner's address______
Townshipor Suburb______Postcode______
Property No.______Street______
Township or Suburb______
Lot______Section______CT No.______
PREMISESDESCRIPTION: □Dwelling□Units□Commercial□Other
(number ofpersons)
OCCUPANCY(NON-RESIDENTIALPREMISES): Referto APPENDIX Eof theCodeto decideonasuitablepremisescategory tocalculatethecapacity oftheseptictankand theeffluentdisposalrequirements.
PremisesCategory: ______
If not,whatwatersupplyisused:
For an alteration/addition tothesystem or adesign utilisingmorethanoneof theoptionsbelow,pleaseprovidea briefdescriptionof workshereorattach a coveringletterto theapplication:
□ Septictank
□OnsiteDisposal□ CWMSConnection
Tank Capacity ______(litres) Make______
□ Aerobic□ SandFilter□ ReedBed□ CompostingToilet
□ GreyWaterTreatment□ GreyWaterDiversion
Make ______Model______
Other (please specify):______
□ Pump
Make ______Model______
Sump Capacity ______Type & Location of Alarm______
□Tradewaste–Pleasereferto Section7
Please ensurethatall nominatedsystemsand components areontheDepartmentfor Health andAgeing ApprovedProductsList:
Required contactareaforsubsurfacedisposal(in squaremetres)______
□Plastictunnel / □PerforatedpipeLength (m)______/ Width(m) ______/ Depth(mm) ______
Depthbelownaturalground surfacetobaseof trench______
Irrigation arearequired(insquaremetres)______
Irrigation arearequired(insquaremetres)______
Basal area______
Length (m)______Width(m)______Depth(mm)______
□OFF-SITEDISPOSAL –Connection toCWMSor sewer
Holdingtankcapacity (litres)______
□OTHERMETHOD-Pleaseprovidefulldetailswith attachmentsasappropriate
Within 50m ofawell,bore,or damused orlikelytobeused forhumanor domesticpurposes / □Yes / □NoWithin 50m ofawatercourseas identifiedona1:50 000SAGovernmenttopographicmap and usedor likelytobeused forhumanor domesticpurposes / □Yes / □No
Within 100m ofthepoollevelof theRiverMurrayanditslakes / □Yes / □No
Within the1956RiverMurrayand lakesfloodzone / □Yes / □No
Aboveshallowunderground watersuppliesusedforhumanordomesticpurposes / □Yes / □No
Within 100m ofthemeanhigh watermarkalongcoastalforeshoreareas / □Yes / □No
Within 50m ofawatersourceused foragriculture,aquacultureorstockpurposes / □Yes / □No
In an arealikely to besubjecttofloodingor inundation in a 1:10yearrecurrentevent / □Yes / □No
SOILREPORT: Forapplicationsinvolvingtheland applicationof effluent,pleaseprovidea siteandsoilsuitabilityreportfrom a WastewaterEngineerifapplicable
DLR/DIRor EPRnominatedbythewastewaterengineer______
□Newconnection□Alteration toasystemwithanexistingtradewasteconnection
Providedetailsoftheproposed activity and processeswhich producewastewater for dischargetoCWMS.
Providedetailsof pre-treatmentsystem(e.g.greasearrestor,pH correction,solid settling)includingitssizeand capability.
Providedetailsof proposedcrossconnection and backflowprevention devices,whererequired:
(Pleaseattach additional information whererequired)
Theapplicationmustbesigned byboth theownerandapplicant.
I /Weherebydeclarethattheinformation providedin thisapplication,attachmentsandaccompanyingplansaretrueand correct.
Itisacknowledged that:
- PursuanttoRegulation11 of theSAPublicHealth(Wastewater)Regulations,theplumbingcontractor(s)mustprovideaCertificate ofCompliance to therelevantauthoritiesfollowinginstallationof anon-sitewastewatersystem or components.
- Allworkon thewastewatersystem mustbecarriedoutbypersonslicensed pursuantto thePlumbers, GasFittersand ElectriciansAct1995.
- Penaltiesapplyfortheprovisionof falseormisleadinginformationorfailuretoinstallandmaintain thesysteminaccordancewith approvalconditions.
Itistheresponsibility of theapplicantto ensurethatthewastewaterworksareinstalled inaccordancewith theapproved plan and relevantconditions.
Owner’s Signature______Date______
Applicant’s signature______Date______