Tools for Geometry Classrooms
Please feel free to customize this list for your classroom.

Tool for baskets or bags to share with students

Miras (reflectas or geo reflectors) / Rulers / Protractors
Compasses / Geolegs / Scissors
Colored pencils / Geoboards / Toothpicks
Make or have available: pentominoes, tangrams, square tiles, pattern blocks

Consumable supplies to have available for bags or baskets

Tape – scotch/masking / Toothpicks / Cardstock
Glue/glue sticks / Playdough / Notecards
Patty paper / Graph/grid paper

Tools students have

Personal whiteboards / Dry erase marker / Eraser for their whiteboards (old, clean, cotton socks work well – they can store their marker inside it!)

Have these tools available in the classroom

3-d figures/models / Calculators / Clinometers
Trundle wheels / Carpenter’s ruler / Maps
25’-50’- 100’ tape measures / String/rope / Stakes/rebar
Meter sticks / Yard sticks / Broken plates!