The School Nursing Service
The service supports and provides confidential advice regarding healthissues for children parents/carers or teachers.
Recognised by the Department of Health 2014 as integral to promoting positive outcomes for children and young people, the service can support physical/emotional and mental health needs, relating to school or home problems.
For example:
Family and relationships
Health advice / Hygiene/head-lice
Puberty and growing up
Offer a confidential listening ear service
Refer onto other agencies as necessary
The School Health Team follows on from the Health Visiting Team and works with children from the time they start school until they finish their education, providing a 0-19 service.
We offer a supportive confidential listening ear service for all children within these schools; please check with your school for days & times:
Primary SchoolsDell / Pakefield
Elm Tree / Red Oak
Grove / St Mary’s RC
Meadow / Westwood
High Schools
East Point / Pakefield
Pupil Referral Unit
Young People not attending school (i.e. being educated at home) are also supported by the School Nursing Service.
Individual appointments can be arranged at all schools in this area.
Please contact the number below if you would like to discuss further.
Telephone:01502 532054 - there is as secure confidential answer-phone, so please leave a message and contact number.
Alternatively we have a safe and secure generic email address:
Please Note:
Response Monday–Friday 9-5
School Health Team
Sonia SouthgateSpecialist Community Public Health School Nurse
Marilyn McLynnStaff Nurse
Belinda BrookerStaff Nurse
Jenny DraperNursery Nurse
Patient Liaison, Complaints and Compliments
If you wish to discuss any aspects of the support you have received from the South Lowestoft School Nursing Team, please contact:
Mrs Kate Ryczanowski
Healthy Child 0-19 Programme Lead/Team Leader
Kirkley Children’s Centre
Kirkley Street
NR33 0LU
Telephone: 01502 532752
Alternatively you can contact our Patient Liaison Team
By Telephone / 01502 718666In Writing / Geraldine Adams, Patient Liaison Manager
East Coast Community Healthcare
Beccles House
1 Common Lane North
Suffolk NR34 9BN
By Email /
If you would like this leaflet in large print, audio cassette, Braille or in a different language please contact Andrea Dawson on 01502 718600 /
South Lowestoft School Nursing Team
School Health
Kirkley Children’s Centre, Kirkley Street,
Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR33 0LU
Confidential Tel No: 01502 532054
Being treated with dignity and respectis the right of every patient
Produced by East Coast Community Healthcare CIC 2015
Reference ECCH/SN/001