Chemistry 103Survey of BiochemistrySpring 2018

Mrs. Freschl

Prerequisites: A Grade of C or better in Chemistry 101 or an equivalent chemistry course at another institution. There will be NO exceptions.

My own prerequisite: A good attitudewould be very helpfulfor learning chemistry this semester, for making this course fun (learning can be fun) and for ending up with a good grade.

Required materials:

1)Textbook: "General, Organic and Biochemistry” 8th or 9thedition, Denniston, Topping and Caret

Paperback version (approx cost $160)

2) Lab manual: "Catalyst: Prentice Hall Custom Laboratory Program” (approx cost $40)

3) Lab safety goggles ($10)

Lecture attendance: Attendance in lecture is strongly recommended. You will find you will learn a lot in lecture, providing you attend, pay attention and stay awake!!

It is definitely to your benefit to come to lecture.

Effort: This course is time consuming. Plan to put at least 5 hours/week into the course (not counting class time) for rewriting your lecture notes, reading the textbook, studying etc. See attached hand-out called “How to Succeed in Chemistry 103”.

Grading: Lab grade = 15%, Lecture Quizzes = 10%,

Hourly exams = 5%, 15%, 20%, Final exam = 35% (5% is your lowest exam)

OR Hourly exams = 15% each, Final exam = 30%

[However, you cannot pass this course with a “C” without doing at least “C” work on the hourly exams and/or the final, no matter how great you do in lab!!]

Quizzes: There will be a quiz every week, except the week of hourly exams. There are NO make-up quizzes. Two quizzes will be dropped from the average. Do not use them up in the beginning of the semester, since you might need them for illnesses at the end. If you take all the quizzes, your two lowest scores will be dropped. The purpose of quizzes is to help you learn, make sure you keep up with the material and give you practice. They are NOT meant to torture you!! Answers to the quizzes will be posted on D2L.

Problem Sets:These are NOT for a grade and are not required, but they are highly recommended. The answers to these problem sets will be given out in lecture and are on D2L.

Hourly Exams: Tuesday Feb 13, March 13, April 17 and May 8at 5:30 P.M.. These are one hour exams, but I will allow people to remain an extra 20 minutes if you so desire. If you have a job, arrange right now to have time off during those evenings. There are NO make-up exams. 4th exam can replace any missed exam. However, 4th exam is a mini final with material from the beginning of the semester.

FINAL EXAMS: (Exam is Cumulative)

11:00 lecture: Friday May 18th 12:30

3:00 lecture: Monday May 14th 10:00 AM

Office hours: Room 145 (phone # 229-3759)

Mon and Wed10:30 to 11:00, and 12:00 to 2:00 Friday 12 to 2

My E-mail is

Dropping the course: Last day to drop is April 8th!!

Laboratory: Attendance at ALL laboratory meetings is required. Missing several laboratory meetings will result in automaticfailure in the course. An absence from lab will be excused ONLY upon presentation to me of a written request with appropriate documentation. If you know in advance, you can schedule with your TA another time that week to make up the lab. Labs cannot be made up the following week because the equipment and chemicals are not available. Your TA will discuss with you pre-labs, laboratory write-ups and lab reports.

Laboratory Safety: State Laws require that you must wear safety glasses at all times when laboratory work is in progress. You must bring them to the first day of lab. Failure to wear your safety glasses can result in your being banned from the lab, which would result in an 'F' in the course. So please, remember to wear them. Also remember, that although you might know what you are doing, your neighbor might NOT!! You will be working with some dangerous chemicals, and it only takes a small accident to cause loss of an eye.

Sandals and shorts (and mini skirts) are not allowed in the lab. TA’s will not let you in and you will receive a ZERO for the lab.

Discussion class: Attendance in discussion is required. This is when you will get back your lecture quizzes and exams, when the TA will go over the answers to the quizzes, exams and the problem sets, when you will discuss the next lab experiment, when you can ask questions concerning lecture and textbook material, and the questions at the end of the chapter. This can be a very useful time to help you learn Chemistry. Don't waste it.

Web Page: Last year’s hour exams will be on D2L “Desire2Learn”. They will be a very useful study guide to this semester’s exams. I will also post the current quizzes with answers and the current exams with answers.

Fun: I hope to have a good time teaching this course, and I hope you have a good time learning more organic and biochemistry.


Spring 2018

Laboratory textbook: “Catalyst: Prentice Hall Custom Laboratory Program”

Week of:Exp #Experiment description

Jan 22No Labs

Jan 29Page 113exp 19The hydrocarbons

Feb 5Page 123exp 20Alcohols, Phenols and Mercaptans

Feb 12Page 133exp 21Aldehydes and ketones

Feb 19Page 143exp 22Carboxylic acids and esters

Feb 26Page 151exp 15Acid and Alkali Content of Citrus fruits & antacids

March 5Page 159exp 25Preparation of Aspirin

March 12Page 167exp 24Vitamin C in fruit juices

March 19Spring Break

March 29Page 173exp 26Carbohydrates

April 2Page 181exp 28Triglycerides and other lipids

April 9Page 189exp 30Proteins and Amino acids

April 17Page 199exp 31Enzymes and chemical reactions

April 16Page 209exp 33Analysis of the peanut

April 30 Page 217exp 34Milk and its components

Chemistry 103Tentative Course Schedule Spring 2018

Textbook: General, Organic and Biochemistry by Denniston 8thor 9thedition

Week of

Jan 22Review Chapters 10 + 11Hydrocarbons

Chap 10: [Ignore table 10.8 on p342, and sec 10.4 (p349-350) conformations]

Chap 11[Ignore bottom p 384, hydration of alkynes and p 393to 394 benzene rxs]

Start Chapter 12 alcohols

Jan 29Finish Chap 12 Alcohols (Ignore sec 12.8 p 427 to 429, thiols)

Chap 13 Aldehydes & Ketones

(Ignore p 459 to 460, tautomers)

Feb 5Chap 14Carboxylic Acid & Derivatives

(Ignore sec 14.3 p 494 to 499, acid chlorides)

Feb 12Chap 15Amines and amides

Neutrotransmitters and Drugs

FIRST EXAM: Tuesday Feb 13 at 5:30 to 6:45 P.M

Feb 19Finish chap 15Drugs

Start Chap 16Stereochemistry

Feb 26More Chap 16Carbohydrates

March 5Finish Chap 16Carbohydrates

Start Chap 17Lipids

March 12Chap 17Lipids

SECOND EXAM:Tuesday March 13 at 5:30 to 6:45 P.M.


March 26Chap 18Proteins

April 2Chap 18finish proteins

Chap 19Enzymes

April 9Finish Chap 19Enzymes

April 16Chap 21Carbohydrate Metabolism

(Ignore sec 21.5 p 744 to 745 and p 751 to 753)

THIRD EXAM:Tuesday April 17 at 5:30 to 6:45 P.M.

April 23Chap 22Aerobic Respiration

(Ignore sec 22.7,22.8, 22.9 p 778 to 787)

April 30 Finish Chap 22Aerobic respiration

May 7 and 9last leactures

FOURTH EXAM: Tuesday May 8th at5:30 to 6:45 P.M.

Cumulative Final Exam:

11:00 lecture: Friday May 18th 12:30

3:00 lecture: Monday May 14th 10:00 AM

Suggested Problems from GOB by Denniston, 9th edition

(Answers are in the back of the textbook)

Problem sets are handed out in lecture. (Also found on D2L)

Chapter 1033, 35, 39, 41, 59, 61, 69, 71, 73, 79, 81, 87, 89,

Problem Sets Organic P.S. 1

Chapter 1143(omit d), 45, 47, 49, 63, 65, 67, 69, 75, 91,

Organic Problem Set 2

Chapter 12: 13, 17, 19, 23, 25, 31 (no line formulas), 33, 35, 53(ignore minor products), 69,

Chem 103 Problem set 1 (Alcohols)

Chapter 13:35, 39, 41(a + c) 57, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69,

Problem Set 2 (Aldehydes and ketones)

Chapter 14: 13, 15, 17, 37 (IUPAC only), 39, 51, 55(a,b), 65, 73(a,b,c)

Problem Set 3 (Carboxylic acids)

Chapter 15: 17, 19, 33d, 39, 47, 53a, b (IUPAC only), 55 a,c (only structures), 63, 85, 93, 95

Problem Set 4 (Amines and amides)

Chapter 16 29, 31, 39, 43, 45, 49, 59, 71, 75, 87,

Problem Set 5 (stereochemistry)

Problem Set 6 (Carbohydrates)

Chapter 17NONE

Problem Set 7 (Lipids)

Chapter 18 25, 33, 37a, 39, 41, 45, 49, 53, 59, 69, 71, 73, 77, 97

Problem Set 8 (Proteins)

Chapter 1923, 25, 33, 37, 43, 61, 65, 67, 75, 77, 79, 83, 87, 89,

Problem Set 9 (Enzymes)

Chapter 21: 19, 23, 25, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 55, 59, 71, 77, 79, 85, 87, 89, 91,93, 95,

Problem Set 10 (Metabolism Part 1)

Chapter 22: 27, 29, 33, 37(omit b), 43, 45, 53, 61, 63, 69, 71, 73, 75, 79

Problem Set 11 (Metabolism Part 2)