Dear Parents,
Welcome to STRIDE! STRIDE is fun fitness running program for boys that meets twice a week for 10 weeks after school. STRIDE utilizes games and group activities to teach running, impact health concepts, and help develop excellent charter. The program is delivered by trained volunteer teachers, parents, and people within the community. During the 10 weeks, the curriculum covers topics that are designed to help develop excellent character. Some topics that will be covered:
Character & Why I need it?
Eating Healthy
The Good Friend
Getting Along on the Playground
It's Okay to be Different
Setting Goals
Working with a Team
Conflict Resolution
Our practices will be (practice times and date here). Parents must be able to pick their son up by (time). This program is offered on a first come, first served basis. In other words, the first 20 boys to register onlinewill be allowed to join our program. The cost for the program cost is just $75.00. Children who qualify for free/reduced lunch meet the Y’s guidelines for financial assistance and can participate for the reduced fee of $30. You must register online by (date). Registrations will not be accepted after this date. Please see attached form on how to register online.
What is involved with the registration fee?
- 20 curriculum based 1- 1 ½ hour lessons over the course of 10 weeks delivered by certified volunteer coaches.
- 5k entry fee
- Program t-shirt
- Program water bottle
- Race medal
- Race certificate of completion
- Lesson materials
- Plus 1- 1 ½ hours of FUN with friends and supportive coaches!
We will be running the (race name here) on (date of race and time). Mark your calendar for this date. Your child will need one running buddy for this race. This can be a family member or family friend, but they must be over 16. If there isn’t a family member or family friend that can run with your child please let us know, and we will help find a running buddy for them. All running buddies need to pay a $20.00 race fee which includes a race t-shirt and a personalize race bib. Hurry and register, price will increase the closer it gets to race day. Please see attached form on how to register as a running buddy.
Hope to see you at our first practice on (date and time here) If you have any questions please contact (head coach and contact information here)